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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Some guy on CBC just reported that one of the concessions to the Bloc is that they can remove English from all Federal offices and services in Quebec. Would like to find another source for this, but if it's true that's going too far, in my books.
  2. well no shit he's gonna say that. and when they're playing like shit? someone should at least edit his blog for grammar.
  3. Word up. When they don't freeze up, the feeds Jakis speaks of are supremely excellent.
  4. hear hear *raps knuckles on desk to drown out dissenting voices*
  5. AD

    "Economic Update"

    ANYWAYS, to move on....
  6. AD

    "Economic Update"

    you said it's a 'potential coup', and that 'it feels like a coup'. but whatever.....
  7. AD

    "Economic Update"

    When I said 'nothing is getting done', I meant nothing is getting done with exactly the issues you know are so important, Boiler Rat. Instead of talking about the economy, both sides are putting politics first, and once the political game is settled, then they'll deal with public sector employees, families losing jobs, etc.
  8. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Birdy, the coalition talks are to a coup as Pee Wee Herman is to Stephen Hawking.
  9. AD

    "Economic Update"

    It's not going to come to a coalition - Harper will prorogue Parliament before any confidence vote can be held if it were to come to that. What's worse - a 'power grab' (as some have called it), or clinging to power unjustly and undeservedly when you lose confidence of the House? And no, it's definitely not a coup. Tell the Serbs, Argentinians, Ukrainians, Bolivians, Iranians, etc that there's a coup in Canada and you'd get slapped in the face. Whatever it is, it's not good. Harper has to back down and the parties to the coalition talks have to smarten up. Nothing is going to get done with all the bullshit that's happening here.
  10. haven't been able to find the wilco halifax setlist. wondering what they're playing and how long a set they'll be doing. if anyone finds their setlist can you post it? zanks
  11. AD

    "Economic Update"

    The Conservatives backpedaled again today, this time calling off their threat to ban public service strikes.
  12. AD

    "Economic Update"

    A LOT of things have to happen for the coalition to become a reality, and I just don't think it will happen. (you missed the giant IF in my last sentence above I think) 1. The Conservatives are mean and tough and simply won't let it happen. 2. There are still 8 days to come to some sort of arrangement, or for either side to back down and still save face (which is what will happen) 3. The Liberals won't be able to get their shit together.
  13. AD

    "Economic Update"

    If you've been paying attention to all the stories you'd see that there's a strong possibility that it wouldn't be Dion who takes control. Of course, like I've said before, no real action has been taken, but the Star is reporting Ralph Goodale might be the interim leader, or two of Leblanc Rae or Iggy might step aside to let the other be leader, (most reports point to Iggy). As Scott Reid said today, right now Harper's biggest strength is Dion's weakness. If the Liberals get their shit together and appoint an interim leader this week, I don't see how Harper can come out on top.
  14. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Well, as far as the coalition thing come to fruition there have been no motions tabled, no votes cast. The opposition parties haven't decided on who would become leader (Star is reporting possibly Ralph Goodale).
  15. sorry blane, i just have the 2005 sub pop EP after all. oops!
  16. LR: "Go Habs!!" Librarian: "SHHHHH!" Ah, sucks when real life interferes with fun. Sorry you had to miss the game. If it's any consolation, I had to watch the Sens on a prone-to-freezing internet feed. Frustrating.
  17. I tried to come up with something lamer than that but couldn't. You win.
  18. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Gotta remember too that so far it's been all talk, no real action has been taken. Politicians talk and threaten etc etc all the time.
  19. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Well, it's not a "right", but it's within the rules. Plus it likely won't be Dion if this coalition thing ever comes to fruition (which it won't).
  20. How is that gonna work? Skip calling up farmhands and go straight to Drunky Bouchard in section 304 to fill in on D?
  21. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Harper to hold news conference at 5:15 Eastern
  22. I think he's proved that he CAN be worth it, but his consistency or lack thereof does indeed lead directly to your point that perhaps a lower salary with more bonuses would be the best structure for him. Although I have no idea if that is even possible under the CBA / Cap system. uh, Sens forum.
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