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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Harper needs a 5-car motorcade to drive across the street? Asshole
  2. so if you made more money than the transit workers you'd be ok with the strike?
  3. when i was a kid i tripped started going head over heels in the top deck at the Aud in Buffalo. A dude down the stairs from me jumped in front of me and caught me. Don't know if I would have gone over as I was pretty small, but still scared me silly. Still go very slowly and carefully down the upper deck stairs.
  4. Everest is the other opener. Set times in Ottawa were 7, 7:45 and 9:15, it will be pretty similar in Toronto I bet. Someone said you can call ACC and they'll tell you if nobody posts here.
  5. AD

    "Economic Update"

    the disembodied voice on The Current this morning had a good one too. (slightly paraphrased) "Stephen Harper says the Coalition wants to take power without your say, without your consent, and without your vote. So he is asking the Governor General to suspend Parliament without your say, without your consent, and without your vote."
  6. AD

    Private Jets!

    yup, and they drive fine. i just don't think they're put together all that well and they don't hold their value at all. and, although what bradm posted may be true, i don't believe that a car factory can be retooled in hours. a parts plant maybe, switch the molds and they can produce a different bumper, but an assembly plant? i don't think so at all.
  7. AD

    Jim Bryson

    you should listen to me when i hype people, you won't find yourself 5 years down the road discovering artists for the first time.... for you ottawa folk, his 9th annual Black Sheep holiday shows are this weekend, Saturday night and Sunday matinee. $15 in advance. The shows will sell out if they haven't already. I doubt he'll get out to play much for the next little while as he and his lovely wife Lisa just had a baby, Bea.
  8. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Strombo just stole my line!!!
  9. the sens were scary good tonight, shades of the beginning of last year. i hope they string a few together.
  10. AD

    "Economic Update"

    it looked like the Liberals got Al-Qaeda to film dion's message.
  11. AD

    Private Jets!

    i'd never buy a hyundai, for what that's worth.
  12. AD

    "Economic Update"

    no, Dion is stepping down in may after the Liberals choose a new leader, whether he's PM or not. this is old news, but he needed to clarify so good on him
  13. AD

    "Economic Update"

    i assume layton will be gloating and duceppe will be pleading for his career from the hardcore separatists.
  14. AD

    "Economic Update"

    holy Fuck is dion a terrible speaker tonight / this afternoon, whenever this was taped. also, you'd think they'd you know, get a do-over when he stumbles over words or repeats them 3 times.
  15. AD

    "Economic Update"

    what do you mean 'why'?
  16. AD

    "Economic Update"

    uh, vote split much? and how could you campaign against a so-called partner?
  17. AD

    "Economic Update"

    well, pre-October 14 means nothing to me because things are so vastly different to me now. I don't think a Coalition can run in an election as a coalition, for the reasons I stated above. How could a local Liberal Riding Association nominate a Liberal to run against a NDP when they are in cahoots? Conversely, how could the NDP and Liberal Riding Associations come to an agreement (nevermind it probably being against Riding / party constitutions) as to who would run? What about the rank and file of the party who don't agree with this? This is all off the top of my head while on a conference call for work, so apologies if it's not all fleshed out, but it's the tip of the iceberg I believe........ Can-o-phish, I know you follow your local scene in Guelph fairly closely (or maybe i am confusing you with someone else, apologies if that is the case), are people at the local level having any of the concerns that I just wrote about, or is it too soon?
  18. AD

    "Economic Update"

    i am not satisfied.
  19. it's only been gone for 337 days
  20. AD

    "Economic Update"

    not really answering my question. in my riding, there would be the Cons and a) both a NDP and Liberal candidate, or One 'Coalition' candidate ? Forget the ridiculousness of nominating candidates, funding, Election Law for a moment and just address the top question please...
  21. AD

    "Economic Update"

    soooooooooooo how would that work? we vote in a two party system (cons vs coalition)? vote for any of the 4 main parties, split the vote anyways?
  22. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Or it indicates that he wants to explain why he's pushing for prorogation. Or why he doesn't want to deal with the economy. Or why he's a douche. Or why the other three leaders are douches. Or why........... And why would the three opposition parties 'most certainly stay together if an election is called?' they're not going to run against each other????? that seems waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there in the deep end.
  23. AD

    "Economic Update"

    In related news, I'll be addressing the leaders of all the political parties right now, below.
  24. you gotta learn the backroads and shortcuts!! i used rubberdinghy's route (Carling -> Moodie -> Timm -> Katimavik) and got from westboro to the show and parked in 30 minutes, got out of the lot and home to centretown in 35. maybe i shouldn't have posted that. hmmm
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