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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. I'm not a real good pledge collector. i did register yesterday though Hope the 30$ helps in some way.
  2. Schwa.


    All i can think of these days, now that i have 5 years engineering experience under my belt, is quitting my crappy ass job here and finding a new one where there are mountains so i can snowboard my life away.
  3. Schwa.


    Freedom 35!! Where'r Julian and Ricky when ya need'em?!
  4. not sure if cully will approve. stole it from him
  5. question not answered. what has Harper done for us?
  6. Mr. Burns, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway train.....
  7. are you saying he doesn't have one? breaking his own laws and election promises? think we can trust him to bring troops home in 2011 when he can't even hold to his own set election date rule? instead of this, let's try a different approach. tell me what Harper has done that is good for Canada and the common family.
  8. I'd love to make it. Have a great show Giggles and if you're ever in KW give me a heads up and we can do some pickin' ~jeff
  9. Schwa.

    Disc Golf

    absolutely. i like the layout but when we went last year the fairways were shin height and the god damned bugs in the rough were unbearable. that being said, it's the closest one we have here in KW.
  10. I have 2 of the 3 shows (19th and 20th) but would love to get these in the same sort of format as the Hampton Box to have on the shelf.
  11. will that big fucker sell out? i figured i missed the 16th so i'd just pay and register and whatnot when i got there.
  12. if it did indeed happen. when i saw the brown basher, i took a picture.
  13. i might do something i rarely do and listen to someone from this board
  14. Fake Bobby doesn't call in sick....sick calls in Fake Bobby.
  15. all out of sick days here I miss Fake Bobby!!!
  16. we got round trip, no stops for 230$ this year. Not bad.
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