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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. This is pretty cool. Shows the running population of the world and some other neat stuff. World Clock
  2. Blurry, from the live shows that Alabama Man has provided me (to download) they are great! nice and dirty.
  3. "are you just jelous that one of my car is worth more then your life?" putz.
  4. the california girls are going....simone and marie are their names. just walk around yelling their names, they're super fun
  5. i have a new favourite every 3 or 4 months or so. crazy stories folks, wish we had something that was such a big deal in KW.....well... we did have Del.
  6. Just saw this when i was looking at HPB and reminded me that i have this tape. Trey's joke: one day a kid got a new bass and went to get lessons. when he arrived home his dad asked how the lessons went and the boy told his dad that he learned how to play the E string (E strum) the next week the same happens and this time the boy replies that he learned how to play the A string (A strum) The next week the dad asks the same thing "how did the lessons go son?" and the boy replies, "can't talk dad, i've got a gig" Mike's joke: Q:How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 1 to change the bulb and 10 to say "oh, i can do that" Another Trey Joke: Q: What do you call a guy that hangs out with a bunch of musicians? A: The drummer. 07-10-98 Zeleste, Barcelona, Spain 1: Down with Disease, Dogs Stole Things#, The Divided Sky#*, Mike's Song#** (0:27) 2: Halley's Comet > Jam > Roggae, Sparkle#***, Mike's Song > Simple > Jam > Weekapaug Groove, Sample in a Jar, Good Times Bad Times E: Brian and Robert, Taste #Loud PA problems in each of these songs. *Trey forgets some of the guitar parts; aborted after a particularly bad PA glitch. **Aborted due to PA problems. Set 1 ends early so the crew can work on the PA. Trey promises a long second set, right up to the curfew. ***Aborted due to PA problems. Trey asks the road crew to turn the monitors around to face the audience and just use them as a PA. While they work, Trey, Mike, and Fish each tell a joke. Trey asks Fish to tell the Prison Joke (see 04-11-91 and 03-24-93), but the sound system is finally ready to go. Trey says, "Let's try this one again," and they begin "Mike's Song." During "Mike's Song", the road crew fixes the monitors [parts of the PA were still working].
  7. I need some more '98. Anyone have any specific recommendations....preferably with a nice moma dance or gotta jiboo.
  8. I listen to Phish all the time. I go in waves like others mentioned but when it does go on i find myself shaking my head at how fuckin awesome they were. NOTHING in the world has or will sound like that band. Debating big, little, best and worst doesn't hold too much concern for me. they are still my favourite band ever and that's all that matters in my little corner of the world.
  9. Thanks for the input everyone. I've had a pretty good Phish jones going these past few weeks and will be putting together a bunch of cdr's composed of these very song's live versions (of course) i have every one of these suggestions on show recordings so it should go nicely. PM me if you'd like some copies. PHISH RULES!
  10. I just hope Phish reunites. Period. The talent and "genre" are saturated with bands that play awesome music so the fans are more spread out....shrinking the touring population. Phish was all about synergy too. They were truly greater than the sum of their parts, a true band. PHISH COME BACK!
  11. cover. CRAP! who does it originally?
  12. BAM! They're jumpin' now.... McGrupp and the Hoseheads
  13. One of my favourite Phish songs ever and i didn't think of it until now... TIMBER HO!
  14. "eh, batta batta batta saaaawinggggg batta!"
  15. dog log and jennifer dances were said. My fave albums are Story and Rift. oh, and Mockingbird.
  16. in honour of popo: i go internet birthdy' happy one for yo!
  17. BC has some good surfing (so i hear)....and you get to support Canadian tourism.
  18. were they done in a studio or on a stage bradm?
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