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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. i call bullshit on Facebook. Here's why. I went to Crow's wedding in Chatham last weekend and I don't get down there too much these days but a girl from my childhood (very annoying girl at that) that dated one of my friends in grade 9 or 10 or 8 i can't remember (on purpose) recognized me and upon me recognizing her i say "oh hi (girl's name) haven't seen you in quite a long time. How are you?" She doesn't say 'hi' or 'yeah, how are you' or 'hey you got fat'.... the first words out of her mouth are....Jeff English, YOU'RE NOT ON FACEBOOK. I tried to look you up to get a hold of you but you were one of the only people from our public school that wasn't on there?!?!?! I - rest - my - case.
  2. if it was Hagar i might have maybe perhaps tentatively thought about considering seeing them. No Hagar and no Anthony makes Homer something something... NOT go crazy? Don't mind if i don't.
  3. I was there. We had VIP passes and coasted past all the super pissed off people and went right on in....then we got a camping spot on some high ground at the end of the runway and everything stayed nice and dry. Had a great time
  4. Working at The Beer Store in lovely downtown Kitchener. Started calling folks to tell them i had the hook up and we ended up having one of the best house parties i've been to here at MamaPink's pad. i think there were like 20 or so people all drinkin and havin a ball to candle light. KW blackout party INDEED!
  5. I can live without anything if you can make me forget i ever had it.
  6. ugh. i can't handle any more lawnchair talk for another year at least.
  7. I thought this thread might be about this: Crazy Skateboarder Congrats!
  8. Check out Mountain Heart, Giggles. Saw'em at Tottenham BG Fest and they tore it up!! http://www.mountainheart.com/
  9. Captain Hollywood and the Get Off the Cracks
  10. The horror. The horror. Apocalypse Now and i Googled this one. Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath, we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to which ever god you wish. And Shepherds we shall be For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand So feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. We will flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri. Et Fili. Spiritus Sancti Boondock Saints
  11. I don't know, that fall into the raging huge fire at Frontier Ghost Town in '03 was one for the ages.....ROLL AROUND!
  12. I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye. The Silence of the Lambs that's all i can remember for now.
  13. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, he's gone. The Usual Suspects
  14. Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead. Not the 'last' line in Pulp Fiction, but chronologically it is. Gotta love Tarantino's direction style back then.
  15. give me a shout if you're in town tonight. THIS JUST IN!!! Not only do we get the first Lunar Eclipse in Burning Man history, but now, 5 days later we get a meteor shower! Best time ever to be in the pitch black desert!!!! STOKED (avec muey muey exclamations!!!!) by Chris Durden The Perseid Meteor Shower is underway. However, it's only the coming attraction for a much bigger show a few weeks away. The best time to see the Perseids will be this weekend and early next week. You can see them on a clear night in the northeast sky. The two-week shower gets its name from the constellation Perseus, because the meteors appear to emanate from a point within Perseus. Watchers can see dozens of meteors per hour between midnight and dawn if you are away from city lights. If you want a more in-depth experience, you can head out to the Lake Afton Observatory. You can watch the shower there Monday morning from two o'clock to five o'clock. That's not all. NASA says another meteor shower could be on the horizon. The Aurigid Meteor Shower could take place on September 1st. So why the uncertainty? NASA says it all depends on how debris comes off the Comet Kiess. The comet has only come close to earth twice in the past two-thousand years. "We have so little experience with ancient debris from long-period comets," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Almost anything could happen-from a fizzle to a beautiful meteor shower." But if it does happen, not everyone will see it. Only those in the western United States, Canada and Hawaii will see the shower. But there's a chance, parts of Kansas will get at least a partial show as well.
  16. i have to go to Crow's wedding tomorrow dude....you can still use the yard...i can do jimmy's though I have to leave KW at about 12 so i can help get it started after Jimmy's for sure.
  17. SHOCK PAPER SLEDGE! Go Margaret
  18. So I was coming home from rehearsal last night (after 12am) and I heard some screaming and when I went inside my apartment from outside the window I could see police crusiers, police tape and general rukus. The police had closed down Queen right by Trinity Bellwoods. Turn out that 2 men where stabbed in a confrontation involving a black person. Apparently a black person approached a man and a scuffle ensued and the black person stabbed two people. One of the vicitms is now on life support. My question is what should Toronto do about black people? It is a problem and getting worse. They are everywhere downtown and getting more agressive. I am torn by the whole thing. One the one hand I feel for people down and out that truly need some help and whatfer they can get to get by. On the other hand it is an instrusive practice that is often abused and creates saftey issues and makes the city look bad in general. In my Travels (in developed countries) Toronto has the worst homeless and black person problem I have seen. What should be done? .......your view? Peace Lizard, i hope the above makes you re-think your statement. Being black or Jewish is NOT a problem. Begging on street corners and in front of buildings IS.
  19. handouts go to booze. working at the beer store downtown Scumville (Kitchener) for 2 years, i can attest to the millions of pennies and nickles i've counted.
  20. thanks for the thread cully, i'm also in the market fer one of those.
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