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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. great question....( this is written from VIXEN, not Schwaa)

    * waking up in teh wee hours anywhere in algonquin ( or muskoka)

    * laughing with good friends ( there was a lot of that this weekend)

    * some great penny candy from a corner store

    * dancing to funky music ( especially at a show)

    * reading a good book and sipping a tea when you wake up and not having to do anything else

    * roadtrips on summer days to the beach or anywhere (especially with the perfect amount of mushrooms!)

    * feeling as if you've made a positive difference in someone's life

    * the feeling when all of your senses and feelings are in tune with each other and the universe so that your words flow onto the paper as if its something that's already created


    beep beep mmm beep beep mmm yeah!

  2. hey everybody- this is vixen again ( i know, i know, just get my ass in gear and get another password...!)

    That was a magical night indeed - had a blast boogying (sp?) to teh bands! Mark looked as if he had a blast...glad to know everybody enjoyed the mark tonin parafinalia ( we sure enjoyed making it! our day was dedicated to it!) Willy- that pic of Mark is priceless! good times..great to see eveybody and meet some new faces...i'm falling in love with all of you! i would definately move into the commune in Hamilton if there were bass guitar candy there...even better, if there was a whole penny candy section permanently in our house! ( Mmmm... candy)

    Vixen ::

  3. Hey Mark! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! this is from Simone, not Jeff (don't worry, he's not obsessed with you!)...i forget my password! anyhoosy, i don't know you very well, but from what i've seen you seem like the most energetic, fun and uplifting guy around! thanks for putting together such great shows - I owe my love of diesel dog to you!

    ....and as marie mentioned, we do have some special surprises in store for Friday night...so get excited! it should be a great night!

    i'm sorry to hear about your cat....but it sounds like she lived a good, long life with you guys!

    luv vixen

  4. Mark,

    Since moving to KW last year i have been surrounded by such kind souls. Knowing you and getting to know you better and better over the past 12 months has been an honour. Here's to a lifetime worth of laughs and a lifetimes more to come.

    See you on Friday brother, HUGE hugs


  5. absolutly.

    For posterity sake as well, Simone was very concerned about you throwing up outside Thorgs tent. she mentioned it several times the next day and wanted to find you to make sure you were ok after she had helped you that night.

    People care brah, just not all people.

    stay solid.

  6. it's Simone (Vixen ) and Marie ( sweetmarie ) here. It is now Monday night, one day after the big partay...and both of us are in withdrawal from you guys.

    both of us are shaking profusely ( i can hardly type), Marie is currently banging her head off of the wall in Schwaa's room. i think she's yelling something like 'Giver...." and then mumblig softly. i can't seem to stop sweating and my mind keeps saying thing's like, 'why am i still living??'...is this normal???

    simone and Marie

    i've gotta go puke.

  7. ok, now that i've let the vixen have her turn let me try and type this shyte with a screwed up finger.

    i can't even begin to describe this weekend. For those of you who have been to a number of these like myself, the rant almost sounds like a repeat over and over, but thats the point isn't it? 'I had such a great time, i met sooo many great people...' i myself don't get tired of it and never will. so kudos to all, you know who you are and i love you all.

    memories of this years CTMF:

    - this is out of chronological order but it was the highlight of my weekend for sure. Becky, Simone, Meagan, Marie and Missy, my birthday dance was so AWESOME!!!!!!! i was dancing my but off in the front of the stage to nero when out of nowhere comes the Vixen and drags me right out of there. i first thought something was wrong because of the urgency but then she just says 'ok, just stand there, this is your birthday present' they proceeded to pull of this number that made me melt. So much thought and effort for little ole me. I was so touched ladies, thank you.....and the giant hug after you were done made me look like the coolest pimp at CTMF ;)

    - bnb, playing down with the sound ( i f'n love that song )

    - the Stephen F and Mike F performance back at our site, one of the highlights of my whole weekend

    - as mentioned above, one of the most romantic nights i've ever had, sleeping on the point and watching one of the most beatiful "moon-sets" i've ever witnessed with one incredibly special person xoxo

    - going to the rope swing and coming back with one very gruesome finger. MISSY!!! In case anyone didn't know, this kind soul drove me into town (i was too drunk to drive at 3pm) and then waited for no less than 5 hours while i waited in the worst hospital i've ever seen. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 5 feet of fury, i won't ever forget your kindness!!!!

    - the best neighbours anyone could ask for, keep on rockin St. Catherines!

    - coming back to the campground and getting 'speed primed' for the Fatties who were, in my opinion the hit of the weekend. Great job fellas, you stole the show for me, best fatties set EVER!

    - being able to give everyone the finger when i got back, even if i did like them.

    - THE LOOK ON NEW RIDER'S FACE WHEN HE SAW THE SHIRT WITH HIS PIC ON IT. that sucker was a hit and there will definitly be more in the future (5 bucks a pop people)

    - The toast to one of the most missed figures of the weekend, mr. backbacon. We had a huge toast to you brother, you were very missed.

    - my surprise at how much i like Raisinhill

    - Earthfreak firing up a nice big PR for me while i was panting in pain from the whole finger thing. THANK YOU!!

    - Zeddy trying to pull my finger back into place and then actuall thinking that i was mad at him. I could never be mad at you bro, and it made for a story that i'm sure neither of us will forget for some time to come

    - Mudd's pics of the finger. i know i'm beating this horse here but man that is one fugged up pic!

    - nero. you guys fuckin rock. I mentioned to the PEI Punk while we were boogie'n that it was wicked to actually party with him, Jay and Dave in the audience for once. Kudos boys. Gentle monkey, fatty hugs all around!

    wow, that's a lot of stuff.

    And last and certainly not least...the Giver Gang/Chatham crew. You've probably heard me say this before but i have been blessed with two groups of friends to die for. you guys are amazing souls and i am certain i will die still knowing all of you. Here's to Blair and Christie's wedding in two weeks, HOORAY! I have had the pleasure of sitting back and watching these two amazing groups of people become incredible friends and it fills my heart with joy to be smack dab in the middle of it all. i am truly blessed.

  8. hey everybody!...it's vixen not schwaaa- i can't remember my freakin password!!

    anyhoosy, this weekend rocked, of course! i am very new to this seen and i'm loving every bit of it, especially the people- i love you all! o.k., enough with this cheesiness and on to the top 10 hits: ( no numbering as it is too logical for me)

    *i know it is redundant, but the people are one of a kind- met so many new faces and caught up with so many old ones! being with you guys makes me want to be more like myself!

    *that i can be my crazy self and no one even glances

    *falling asleep on the point on thurs night with a certain someone with a big-ass afro and the o.k. tree

    *bare foot dancing to wicked music - highlights: fat cats, raisin hill, bnb and acoustic jams around the campfire

    *cheesy boy band moves with the dance troup- girls, i thought we'd split up by the end of sat, but we pulled together and found our inner strength adn put on one great show ( at least i'd like to think so!)

    *lady chatting while speed walking while high on mushrooms and posing as a crazy-workout mama ( at least we got one hour on the hike and then one hour swimming and another four hours on teh dance floor- a little shy of my normal routine, but not bad for a party weekend i guess! approx. 38 569 987 kilocals)

    * hanging out at the emerge room all day on sat adn having a threesome with one of the nurses and schwaa and then meeting up with wasabi and partying with them in simco

    * the fu©king wicked drumming session that sucked you in so you had to stay until it was done( kenny- you rock!)

    * rope swinging

    *deep orange moons set in crimson rippling on the black expanse of water

    *mmmmm...yummy cacktails

    *my beep beep mmm beep beep mmm birthday celebration present ( especially the giver gang sluts- guys, you really have to lighten up a little)

    * and last of all ....ROBOXY #2!

    thanks for the great weekend- it was the first party weekend i let myself have since graduating and it was great. can't wait to get to know everybody better!

    hopefully see some of you crazy folk at 'The Lancaster Tavern' on Lancaster road!

    luv vixen

    beep beep mmm beep beep mmm yeah!!!

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