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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Roger "don't drop the soap" Clemens.
  2. Schwa.


    that vid of the kid getting backpack'd is hilarious.
  3. I'd keep that shit off the internets, man. No one needs to see that.
  4. Schwa.


    I'd delete it if i could.
  5. Roger "don't call me asterisk" Clemens.
  6. Schwa.


    HA! taper ftw
  7. i deleted it. point wasn't proven after i read it. .....and of course the person that starts a thread is going to have the bulk of the participation. that's why they start threads about things. And yeah, only in RC would i dream of dropping that one.
  8. Just name calling in general. what would you expect me to do? accept your barb without retort?
  9. I accept your apology. AND challenge you to ANY game of wits. I'm smarter than you anyfucking day of the week.
  10. Step 1: I say the story is being forced down the media's throat. by that i meant the broadcasters that tell us the stories on the tv. Step 2: you say that these guys are being forced to tell the stories (which supports me) by the producers. Step 3: mental midget this, asswipe.
  11. The looks on the faces of the broadcasters whilst they speak of this story tells me otherwise.....and maybe you can clear this up for me but... no one except the bosses of the people that are forced to speak of this are making anyone talk about this? seems logical and also seems to back me up. thanks brah!
  12. Schwa.

    NFL 2010

    Hahaha. at least you're honest.
  13. From an article at BlueJays.com "There was a panhandler there asking for change," Anthopoulos said during a recent phone interview. "She had a sign up asking for a donation, and at the bottom of her sign, she wrote, 'Go, Jays, Go!' I haven't seen that before. "It makes you think, 'Wow, people are really getting excited about this team.'" ~Alex Anthopoulos
  14. Schwa.

    NFL 2010

    Here is who I have (and remember I suck at this) for winning each division this year. AFC East: So very sad to say the Jets. Miami just isn't there yet. AFC West: SD Chargers for lack of anyone else to choose. AFC North: Toughest call of them all but I think Cinci is gonna pull this one out finally. AFC South: Indy. Duh. NFC East: Another toughy but gotta go with the Giants this year.....Romo is overrated and the others seem to be semi-rebuilding. NFC West: Looooooooong shot but gonna go with Coach Singletary and the 49'ers. Call it a soft spot. NFC North: Da Pack. NFC South: No one is gonna beat NO this year. No one. You heard it here. I'm sure to be wrong on more than 50% but it's a slow day here at the office. This is what Chris Schultz (TSN) has to say about the NFC North....just found it after typing original post. The new champions of the NFC North will be the Green Bay Packers, moving ahead of the Minnesota Vikings to win the division. Their key will be the durability of four key players who play great one-on-one football throughout a game. Mark Tauscher and Chad Clifton are closer to 35 than 30 and when you're playing a physical position like offensive tackle, that's more of a detriment than an asset. The Packers finished second in the league in total defence and like the offence, the key question will be the durability of Charles Woodson and Al Harris. If these four players can play all 16 games for Green Bay, they will take the North. Brett Favre may be back in Minnesota, but Aaron Rodgers is still the best quarterback in the division. Everything was magical last season for the Vikings, with Favre throwing 33 touchdowns and just seven interceptions. Take away that too many men penalty and the Vikings would have been taking on the Colts in the Super Bowl. The Bears will be better, if for no other reason, the amount of money they spent in free agency. A lot will depend on the working relationship between Mike Martz and Jay Cutler. Martz is a great offensive coordinator but his quarterbacks tend to get hit a lot and he relies heavily on getting the ball deep to the receivers. The goal for the Lions this season is more about respectability than a possible playoff appearance. The last two drafts have been good to the Lions but an 8-8 season is unrealistic. They just have to improve with each and every game - and a win on the road would obviously be a good start
  15. true on both accounts Mr. Sloth. Rodgers and GB are taking the NFC North this year. Bet on it. See NFL 2010 for Divisional Predictions
  16. totally. my point being that no one will remember his legendary year last year because of all of this bullshit he forces upon the media and in turn, us.
  17. I always thought it was tv shows, and events and 'things' that could do it, but I now believe that Brett "don't call me drama queen" Favre has jumped the shark. I'm fuckingg sick of this idiot as are every sportscaster out there. Legends like him that behave like this in their latter years end up making their legendary years forgettable.
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