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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Adidas has stripes Nike has the swoosh but if you want boring comments look no further than bouche.
  2. I don't think I ever said that they'd fold or move. I'll reread my stuff, but I believe the sport to be dying (or at least, very sick) not the team. I actually wasn't very clear on that. Philly and New Jersey are both highly industrialized city centers that were devastated by the current recession. I believe that to have a lot to do with it....but you just supported my claim by naming them because the wins and horrible management by both of those teams have led to their demise as well. Both teams have done exactly what the Raptors are in the midst of doing; failing on numerous levels. Neither was even close to being in the hunt for a playoff spot, which is what I was trying to say that the Raptors are in danger of next year. Follow those teams as an example of what the Raptors have to look forward to.
  3. I'm no lawyer (feel free to chime in, those who are) but I'm VERY curious how this will work out for the hundreds of folks that were illegally detained and strip searched during the G20 crackdown that has caused all of the controversy. Supreme Court upholds damages claim in charter rights breach case The Supreme Court of Canada says people whose charter rights are breached can win damages, even if there was no misbehaviour on the part of the authorities. The high court unanimously upheld $5,000 in damages given to Alan Cameron Ward, a Vancouver lawyer who was strip-searched in 2002 when he was wrongly suspected of plotting to pie then-prime minister Jean Chretien. The 9-0 decision sets out a framework for when damages should be allowed, and how big the damages should be. “I conclude that damages may be awarded for charter breach . . . where appropriate and just,†Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin wrote in her ruling. “The first step in the inquiry is to establish that a charter right has been breached. The second step is to show why damages are a just and appropriate remedy, having regard to whether they would fulfil one or more of the related functions of compensation, vindication of the right, and or deterrence of future breaches. “At the third step, the state has the opportunity to demonstrate, if it can, that countervailing factors defeat the functional considerations that support a damage award and render damages inappropriate or unjust. The final step is to assess the quantum of the damages.†She said damages have to be proportional to the seriousness of the breach and overturned a $100 judgment given to Mr. Ward to compensate for having his car towed as part of the police investigation. Mr. Ward was also given $5,000 for false imprisonment, but that wasn't at issue in the case. The ruling marks the first time the high court looked at monetary damages for violations of rights. It means that people whose rights have been infringed can seek damages even if they suffered no actual loss and even if the authorities acted in good faith. Mr. Ward was arrested because he partly fit the description of a man suspected of planning the pie attack. Police took him to jail, where he was strip-searched. His car was towed. He was never charged and was released after about four and a half hours. He subsequently sued the city and the province of British Columbia for violations of his rights. The trial judge found that the police had acted in good faith and that there was no abuse of power. But he still ordered the city to pay damages of $5,000 for false imprisonment and $100 for the search of the car. The province was ordered to pay $5,000 for the strip search. All parties appealed the decision, with the city and the province seeking to overturn the awards and Mr. Ward asking for higher damages. The British Columbia Court of Appeal upheld the damages in a 2-1 decision. In their appeal to the Supreme Court, the governments argued that since Mr. Ward suffered no actual loss in the incident and there was no wrongdoing involved, there should be no damages. “An award of damages for an infringement of a charter right in the absence of bad faith, abuse of power or tortious conduct is not fair to an innocent infringer,†the city's lawyers argued in their brief. “Availability of damages for every breach of the charter would create a new kind of liability and would have a chilling effect on public officials.†The case attracted interventions from two provinces and the federal government, two civil liberties associations and a number of community and legal groups. In its brief, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association said judges need the discretion to award damages for breaches of the charter. “An award of damages may be necessary to vindicate a charter right, to deter similar breaches in the future or to express disapproval of unconstitutional conduct and courts must be free to craft remedies that redress the loss of dignity or moral harm associated with charter breaches.â€
  4. ah. Correct'd. So basketball is alive and well in Toronto. The rest of Canada? Could ANY other city in this country support a team? NO. Perhaps the question should be, "Was basketball ever ALIVE in Canada to begin with?" What we seem to have come up with here is that Toronto can financially support an NBA franchise. With it's "International" status it can financially support a team with Corporate Boxes and season tickets and whatnot....but fan base....can a team with such a tiny contingent of "dedicated fans" such as the Basherman survive when they have sooooo many consecutive seasons of losing. Losing upper echelon players and losing games with those players. I say not. Toronto has always been toted for it's Baseball fans, and yet when the chips are down and the future looks bleak, the fans are no where to be seen. Sure they can FINANCIALLY weather the storm, but the "people in the seat" factor I imagine is much much harder to rehabilitate. I'm willing to guess (no basher, I don't have any evidence for this) that next year's attendance is among the worst they've ever had and that, although the financial woes are sustainable, the damage to their ticket sales and reputation as a club are, for lack of a better term, dead.
  5. Not really encouraging when you can't lure any free agents to your team either. BARNES SHUNS RAPTORS, SIGNS 2-YEAR DEAL WITH LAKERS The Toronto Raptors appear to have lost out again as free agent swingman Matt Barnes has agreed to a two-year, $3.6 million deal to join the World Champion Los Angeles Lakers. Barnes, who averaged 8.8 points and 5.5 rebounds last season with the Orlando Magic, started a minor controversy last week when he reveled via social networking site Twitter that he was set to join the Raptors. A reported sign-and-trade deal fell apart as the Raptors were forced for the second time this off-season to look for other options. Barnes reportedly turned down more money from the Cleveland Cavaliers, however he felt that the Lakers gave him a better opportunity to win a title.
  6. Schwa.

    iPhone 4

  7. Sure. I've been meaning to get out to a TiCats game this year.
  8. This is actually the funniest video I watched today. Frisbee Golf Nut Shot - Watch more Funny Videos
  9. It's like I'm back at Burning Man, man.
  10. Let's keep this focused on Rob do we also need to find him a job?
  11. Davey Boy has a room But first you need to be his Groom.
  12. Just across the river, A place where he can giv'er.
  13. This dude is still my favourite of all time
  14. Schwa.

    Jim Rome

    haha. I pretty much dislike any radio show host that cuts off their interviewees and forces their opinion down the listener's throats....so pretty much every radio show host out there. PS-FuckHowardStern.
  15. Schwa.

    Jim Rome

    the latter. not a fan.
  16. Who now? j/k buddy. I'd join ya if I were in the GTA.
  17. but then, if the team does lose money in repeated years and the value drops from 250Mil to something lower than are they not losing money? if the team is forced to fold without a buyer do they not lose? the hypothetical situations abound....but I hear what you're saying.
  18. technically flags are supposed to be burned if they touch the ground too (which i wouldn't bother to do) That being said, I've flown damn near the exact flag at about 20 festivals before I had a chance to give it back to elemeno 5 years later. Looks good, Mr. Wish.
  19. Rejoice in the good times, Kev! Sorry to hear about your pup passing.
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