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Northern Wish

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Posts posted by Northern Wish

  1. I just got an NFL and NHL jersey and my bro got himself 2 NFL jerseys. All look absolutely perfect. Even the stitching, which is where you can usually tell a fake from from a real one, is great.

    We bought one first to test them out because a few looked shitty on the site, but we had a solid recommendation. They turned out beautifully! The site is generally a disaster, I wouldn't trust that for your QC.

  2. Maybe someone panicked and posted before they realized what was going on? Lol.....

    ~* On Thursday afternoon out at the temple, I suddenly heard police sirens and then saw scores of police vehicles with lights flashing heading down the promenade towards the temple. It looked like at that moment every LEO on the playa was descending on the temple. Many of us stood stunned, not knowing what was happening, as these law enforcement vehicles slowly arrived and fanned out around the temple, as officers got out of each car. It looked like some kind of planned raid, perhaps a drug enforcement spot check. As they all got out of their cars and lined up on either side of the entrance to the temple, they took off their hats. Soon, a woman was being escorted down the path towards the temple, accompanied by someone holding a plaque. It became apparent that a fallen officer was being honored here at the temple, and that his family members were being escorted inside for a ceremony and placing of the plaque. As the officers went inside, crowds of burners followed, and everyone stood in respectful silence as the eulogy was read, and the plaque placed on the alter. Gongs quietly rang in the background, as desert dust gently blew through the temple. The capacity crowd stood in rapt silence. Afterwards, the crowd erupted in applause as the speaker finished up, and the assembled officers and family members filed out of the temple. It was an emotional and unifying scene, and though different people have had varying experiences with police on and off the playa, in that moment we were all part of the same shared experience. *~


  3. This is so Neil Young.....


    "Young drives the electric vehicle across the country promoting clean energy and sustainability. According to the South Lake Tahoe Police Watch, the Grammy winning artist was on his way to a greening festival up in his home country of Canada when his unique car broke down in the middle of the Sierra Desert. Thankfully, some some officers from the Truckee branch of the California Highway Patrol happened by, and helped Young get his car off the highway."

  4. The superjam was weak sauce and left me scratching my head. For a "super" jam I'd have expected at least one or two of the names on the bill that you'd heard of at some point ever to have come out, instead of another 15 minutes of Trixie caterwauling and some of the other names I didn't recognize or care to hear play with Dan Lanois. To have gone nearly 45 minutes past the intended finish time for that, capped the day in a weird way. By the time we got our booth packed up it was very cool and very very wet.

    The best music I heard all day was the first 2 hours- Harlan Pepper at noon was great!, and the last 2 before said superjam.

    Emmylou doing Every Grain of Sand was definitely my highlight. The Lanois set was dirty, jammy and Horse like at times, as though he was doing his best to make us forget who had cancelled.

    Dans set and sit ins with several artists really helped my overall enjoyment; that and making bank in our vendor booth. The people that came were ready to spend on local goods and spend they did! Unfortunately they also littered with the same gusto. When the crowd cleared the number of abandoned chairs, blankets, inflatables etc was pretty disgusting.

    All in all it was a good day of music, weather and friends, but after a really good day of sales and a cooler full of my own icy cold beer it didn't really cost me to be there so my opinion is totally biased.

    Sorry to you folks who got screwed by the ticket situation. Judging from the number of Neil Young shirts around people wanted to remind everyone who they really wanted to see for their $$.

    Oh yeah and as if I almost forgot: buffalo chicken, blue cheese, bacon and arugula on warm waffles was about the best festival sandwich ever.

  5. Pegi Young and The Survivors sounded fantastic this afternoon. I wasn't sure what to expect but this will do just fine. I recognized the bass and piano players from somewhere- maybe some of Neils 'other' bands or side projects? Pegi pulled up in a very recent model Prevost bus- perhaps she borrowed Neils for the weekend? I don't think he is using it :blush:

    The site looks fantastic. The second stage is what is commonly referred to as a tweener stage which will host performances while the main stage is being changed over. It sits behind the sound tent/ FOH, which is a setup style I've yet to see and looks quite cool. It will also give the smaller artists a more intimate performance space than up on the big stage with the large security barrier.

    Not much else to say, except that if the organizers really want to make up for the whole debacle, a nice thing to do might be to waive the $10 parking fee.

  6. I'm heading to the site to set up later this afternoon- can't wait to see the new configuration. I'm hopeful that this event will be more satisfying than the lead up. Come see the Gestalt booth in the vendor area along the fence, stage left- we will have a Harvest Picnic special deal.



  7. I'm totally caught up which is good because I can read all of the links online without worrying about spoilers, but sucks when I have to wait a full week for each new episode.

    Breaking Bad is easily my favorite TV show from the past few years.


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