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Posts posted by TimmyB

  1. TimmyB - this thread started before the Good-bye thread.

    Hey Sunshine,

    Yes this thread started before the "Goodnight, Goodbye" thread, but zero had made posts in this thread after the "Goodnight, Goodbye" thread.

    Hey zero,

    Understood, and thanks for the prompt reply. I will miss much of the great musical related things that you write on this message board, as I'm sure many others will as well.

    It's the generalizing that I won't miss. I don't do drugs or drink for that matter (ask anybody who knows me). I also don't judge all those who make a choice to partake in recreational drug use. And when you make broad statements about all of the people on here abusing and/or using drugs, it obviously isn't true, as I'm proof.

    I hope you decide to only take a hiatus (the favrite word of the jamband scene in recent years) from us and come back and write more great things about music.


  2. Come on Marc your answering maching actually says that you are me and my girlfriend! You don't only know me you want to be me!

    So this is how it will work. Tonight I'll give you a call when "The Newlyweds" is on (either 7PM or 11PM) and you and Rachael and I can watch it together. Won't that be fun?

  3. I used to think that this was a supportive community of friends and family. Now I realize that for the most part it is a crowd of craven drug and alcohol abusers who cannot spend time with one another with out substances. If the music is that good how come we all need to get so fu©ked up?

    It will take a long time for me to recover from this. I spent a good amount of time at the hospital tonight. I will never forget those of you who so heinously showed what low values and poor upbringings you have. Anything I have achieved by this day and anything I achieve in the future is by my own sweat and tears. I will not support any of you in your life's work, dreams and aspirations as you have not supported me. This pains me greatly.

    Goodnight, Goodbye.

    Above quote by zero.

    I thought you said "Goodnight, Goodbye?" Did you only mean "Goodbye" until the next day? As that above statement seems more significant than just "Goodbye," until tomorrow, I thought you meant "Goodbye" you won't hear (or read) from me again on this board.

    I'm just curious. Actually I enjoy much of the things that you write on this board, so it's not like I want you gone. I just want to know what you meant about the above statement, and if it meant that you were leaving us here at the Sanctuary then why are you still here?

  4. from www.rollingstone.com on October 25, 2004

    DMB Pay for Bus Dumping

    Band fronts Chicago money while investigation continues

    Dave Matthews Band is donating $50,000 each to the Friends of the Chicago River and the Chicago Park District as investigations continue into allegations that the group's tour bus dumped human waste into the river and onto a passing tour boat.

    "We have been working with Chicago authorities to resolve our questions about the bus incident," reads a statement from the band. "Those authorities have graciously cooperated. Unfortunately we still do not have a definitive understanding of what happened and are continuing to investigate the matter. However, we are not comfortable with the time it is taking us, and we have decided to take action now even though it may turn out the incident was not caused by one of our buses. We simply want to begin the healing process."

    The city filed suit against the band and its driver in August, charging them with violating water pollution and public nuisance laws, and seeking $70,000 in damages.

    "This incident may be unique," Attorney General Lisa Madigan said at the time, "but that does not lessen the environmental or public health risks posed by the release of at least 800 pounds of liquid human waste into a busy waterway and onto a crowded tour boat."

    Dave Matthews Band maintains that the driver, who has since been suspended by the group, was the only person on the bus during the time in question, and he maintains that he did not dump the waste. "This incident has been especially troubling for the Dave Matthews Band family and we appreciate your patience as we work through it," the statement continues. "What happened to the people on the boat is awful and it goes against so many principles we hold dear: environmentalism, accountability, and, mostly, principles of humanity. We will continue to fight for these principles, and seek to live up to the values they represent."


    (Posted Oct 25, 2004)

  5. My favorite parts of the book are when Mike Gordon meets Steven Wright in a mens washroom.

    And when Trey talks about how the lyrics for "The Wedge" written by Tom Marshall were inspired by Neil Young's "Thrasher." Though Trey didn't know this until after listening to Young's "Rust Never Sleeps" after Phish had already recorded "Rift," Trey then called Marshall to rave about "Thrasher," then Marshall told him how the lyrics to the "Wedge" could be performed over top of the music of "Thrasher."

  6. from www.billboard.com Billboard Bits on October 25, 2004

    1991 - Rock promoter Bill Graham dies in a helicopter crash after a Huey Lewis concert in Concord, Calif. He was 60. Among the events produced by Graham were the Live Aid concert, Amnesty International tour and US Festival. At times he managed the careers of the Grateful Dead, Van Morrison and Santana.

    I revolutionary in his field.

  7. Hey Shain,

    I'm glad to read that you're enjoying yourself out there the good ol' UK. The hammer isn't the same without you.

    You forgot to mention that you also saw Bruce Hornsby there too.

    Also the Medeski, Martin & Wood show in Toronto is on Saturday December 4, not December 3. I would hate to think that somebody could possibly go to the Kool Haus on the Friday night because of the wrong date posted here. I don't blame you, you shouldn't be expected to keep up with what's going on in Southern Ontario right now.

    Love ya buddy, Tim

  8. I have no idea what happened to this band, but I did enjoy God Street Wine as an opener to the Black Crowes back in 1996. After seeing them I picked up their album "red" which was released the same year on Mercury. It's a pretty decent record with huge diversity in style and sound.

  9. This past Monday I went to Club 279 in Toronto to see a screening of the upcoming DVD called "The Guess Who: Running Back Thru Canada," that had a question and answer period and autograph session with Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings.

    It was for Club Q winners and I can't believe how packed the bar was. Note to all if you ever win anything similar to this as a Club Q member come early as they often give out more passes than they have space, to make sure it's full. I saw Marky there handing out flyers for Little Feat, moe. and Medeski, Martin & Wood. Marky had a promotion pass and could have bumped people like me in line but he told me that he would let a fan go in instead. That was good form Marky!

    As for the DVD it was fun to relive the tour that I caught at the Molson Amphitheatre in 2001. This performance was from a homecoming show in Winnipeg that had to deal with a brutal thunderstorm that delayed the show for a while.

    At the autograph session I asked Randy Bachman how the Clean Air Concert went in Duncan, BC on September 17. His reply was "Amazing, Neil Young." I had wondered if Randy was going to bring up Neil at the concert without me mentioning him and he did. And it's great that all he had to say "Amazing" and then "Neil Young." I then told Randy that he should now go and perform at Neil Young's Bridge School Concert in the future. And Randy said "Ya I'll have to pay him back." I love Randy Bachman and I hope he does play the Bridge School Concerts one day.

  10. Why do you hate the Yankees? just curious - I'm not a big baseball fan.

    I hate the New York Yankees because they are bad for the sport of baseball. Since there is no cap on payroll in Major League Baseball the Yankees have a payroll of over $185 million dollars. Most teams in MLB payroll are a third of that.

    Therefore real competition between big market and small market teams is a joke. It is a miracle that the Minnesota Twins have made the playoffs over the past two years, though they got knocked out by the Yankees both years.

    That being said the Yankees are not the only team that does buys their teams. The Boston Red Sox have the second largest payroll, and other teams in big markets spend a lot.

  11. One of the greatest series I've ever seen in any team sport that is has the best of seven game format.

    I've grown up a Toronto Blue Jays fan and have hated these two teams my whole life . The only thing is I've hated the New York Yankees more than any other team in baseball or any other sport for that matter.

    That hatrred for the New York Yankees has developed an attitude, that I love to hate the Yankees and see them lose. To see the Boston Red Sox be the first team in Major League Baseball history to come back from a 3-0 deficit and win the series, was only sweater because it was against the Yankees.

    Just to say though the curse is still on the Red Sox until they win the World Series, so they still have to beat, the Houston Astros or St. Lous Cardinals. I can't believe that series either. What a year for baseball playoffs!

  12. from www.billboard.com

    Edited By Jonathan Cohen. October 18, 2004, 11:00 AM ET

    McCartney, Young Sing At L.A. Fundraiser

    Admitting to being intimidated in the presence of a former Beatle, Neil Young joined forces with Paul McCartney on Thursday to perform at a $500-per-seat fundraiser to raise awareness of land mines.

    Surrounded by a half-dozen guitars and a banjo, Young played an acoustic set featuring such nuggets as "Pocahontas," "Heart of Gold," "Harvest Moon" and "Four Strong Winds" with occasional help from wife Pegi on backing vocals.

    McCartney, with a full band, followed with a diverse set of Beatles classics such as "Drive My Car ," "Blackbird," "Michelle" and "Get Back," as well as more obscure material like the pre-Beatles tune "In Spite of All the Danger" and the John Lennon tribute "Here Today."

    Young joined him twice on stage at Los Angeles' Century Plaza Hotel, first for a duet on the former's "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" and later to play along as McCartney closed the evening after midnight with "Hey Jude."

    "We have a bit of fun but, as you can see, we do a lot of good along the way," McCartney told the crowd. "That's one of the magic things ... When you've worked hard and you've had a lot of luck, you get to a position, where Neil and I are at, you can do a little bit more. It's a magic thing."

    The event benefited Adopt-A-Minefield, for which McCartney and his wife Heather Mills are goodwill ambassadors and patrons. The group helps clear minefields in such countries as Vietnam, Croatia and Iraq, and assists survivors of land mine accidents. An auction hosted by Jay Leno raised about $125,000, including $6,000 for one of Young's saliva-laced harmonicas. "You can clone your own Neil Young," Leno said.

    McCartney and Young will reunite this weekend (Oct. 23-24) during Young's 18th annual Bridge School benefit concert at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, Calif.

    Damn, I need to make more money.

  13. Neil Young came in 14th place! The second highest musician on the list, next to Stompin' Tom Connors coming in at 13th place. Come on are you serious? Neil Young came in second to Stompin' "F#%king" Tom Connors, that's insane!

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