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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. But who will I attack on the Sens now for bible thumping?
  2. I think Alife has been dinged up and toughing it out for a while.
  3. Dinghy and I saw that and laughed our asses off. If Lehner managed to kill the subsequent 5 on 3 it would have been one of the season's high points.
  4. I can see a little Davey Boy in him.
  5. Too many drops, a handful of penalties on both sides and key people getting hurt/dinged held the game back.
  6. Good Super Bowl. Far from one of my favorites but it was a good game.
  7. I was just logging on to post "Jesus Christ Arsenal". Jesus Christ Arsenal.
  8. That money is destined for Vince.
  9. I think we may be tied Sean so I'll take Pitt just to settle it and besides 25 players with Super Bowl experience should amount to something. (I will however be cheering for GB).
  10. Has he officially been cut yet? I wonder if this is true and along with that recent huge speeding ticket it will all fall under personal conduct policy and the Skins will get some money back.
  11. B-b-b-b-bu-but Patty Lalime's numbers where pretty good in Ottawa. Yeah, what Booche said (Toronto had pretty good goaltending for a decent stretch not so long ago).
  12. Spezza is back on Saturday (supposedly). I'm torn.
  13. Phew, close one but thanks to a plucky five goal effort by Franzen the Sens managed to stay the course. Well done. Also.. ... well done.
  14. Wow, I turn on the game, it's 1-0 Sens and of course the Wings score instantly. I go outside in disgust, have a puff and come back and it's 3-2 Sens, crazy.
  15. B-b-b-b-bu-but Kovie scored! If they had won it would have been more of a nightmare. I want these guys to go down every game. I don't care if it's a weak draft, finish last and try and get the best pick possible. Lehner playing like a young Bucky Leclaire warms my heart though.
  16. I read that online yesterday as well. Jesus Christ. Murray still gets a job in the organization next year also.
  17. Maybe Mike's got bills to pay and Murray is tossing him some ducats every now and then.
  18. Dryden was a hell of a security guard. Let's see if Price can handle the Mall like ole Ken did.
  19. I fucking loved Moon. I hope the sequel is a quirky romantic comedy between Rockwell and his daughter.
  20. French? What the hell are we paying you to do around here? Booche is a Bouchard in name only. Don't worry I'm on it and with the use of modern tech I've got the first 5 translated. Makes perfect sense to me. Mmmmm, Goldens Delicious Seals! You can thank me later guys..... Exchanges are rare in LNH since the end of lock-out, but active DG of the Canadian, Pierre Gauthier, residence. It acquired hope Michael Bournival, choice of second round dance of the Avalanche in 2010, in return for the defender Ryan O Byrne, acquired the defender james Wiesniewski des Islanders of New York against a choice of second round dance and envoy Maxim Lapierre to the Ducks d' Anaheim against a choice of the fifth round dance and a defender of the persons under 18. Without forgetting his the most important transaction, which sent the security guard Jaroslav Halak to St Louis against the young person Lars Eller... It would be amazing that the exchange of Wiesniewski passes to history, even if, in the short term, it will return precious services probably to the team. But what will they say in 10 years of the departure of Jaroslav Halak to the advantage of Carey Price? Let us have a good time to redrawing the five better exchanges of the history of the Canadian and worse five! 1) 1970 Ernie Hicke and the first choice of CH in Goldens Delicious Seals of Oakland counters their first choice (Guy Lafleur) and François Lacombe. (DG Sam Pollock) Shrewd managing director of the Tricolour used the naivety of his counterpart to give them Hicke, which seemed filled with promises but that was not worth the first choice in total - certain Guy Lafleur. Pollock even exchanged Ralph Backstrom in Kings of Los angeles in the course of the winter to make sure as these arrive after Goldens Delicious Seals in the tail of the classification. 2) 1964 Guy Allen and Paul Reid in Bruins of Boston for Alex Campbell and Ken Dryden (DG Sam Pollock) Bruins did not like that the young security guard Ken Dryden says to them that he liked to follow his studies in Cornell immediately having been recovered. Sam Pollock quickly grabbed the godsend. Dryden became one of the big security guards of history, earning six Cups Stanley, of whom the first one in 1971 having eliminated Bruins, however broadly favourite. 3) 1971 Mickey Redmond, Guy cartwright and Bill Collins in Red Wings of Strait for Frank Mahovlich (DG Sam Pollock) The Canadian has just missed series for the first time in 22 years and turns in a circle next winter. They even discharged the coach Claude Ruel to replace it with AL MCNEIL. The arrival of Mahovlich transforms the team, which qualifies itself for series thanks to a chip of 23-10-5 in second half out of place finally. It acquires 27 points in matchs 20 during the eliminatory and the Canadian, at general surprise, carries off the Cup Stanley. Redmond will give 2 seasons of 50 purposes however in Wings. 4) 1969 Garry Monahan and Doug Piper to the Red Wings de Détroit against Pete Mahovlich and Bart Crashley (DG Sam Pollock) Peter Mahovlich, in 22 years, struggles to pierce the training of Red Wings. Monahan either does not succeed in hanging on to LNH. The first was recovered second in total in 1963, second in the first rank the same year. They are exchanged two young persons. Monahan will remain barely one year in Strait. Mahovlich nine years. It will carry off there 4 times the Cup and accumulate 100 points more in 2 opportunities. 5) 1992 Shayne Corson, Brent Gilchrist and Vladimir Vujtek to the Oilers d' Edmonton for Vincent Damphousse (DG Serge Savard) Damphousse played during 7 years for the Canadian, acquired 3 seasons of more than 90 points and accumulated 23 points in matchs 20 when CH carried off the Cup in 1993. The acquisition of Bobby Smith against Mark Napier and Keith Acton in 1983 remains one of the others big blows of Savard.
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