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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Just retiring? I was hoping he died.
  2. I think Florida ranking 7th might be a little too high. I also don't think McElroy will be throwing uncharacteristic picks at home like he did in Arkansas but fingers crossed, I hope Bama loses. Then again seeing Urban Meyer cry on the sidelines wouldn't be all that bad either. Illinois should be terrified at this point. They'll get destroyed.
  3. Good away win for the Gunners. Fabianski in the line up against the Blues?
  4. Hoping this team...... and this team ....... meet for the World Series.
  5. Take that you lobster eating rummie Buote! Who would have thought Jay Cutler's Bears would be 3-0? Not me. Urlacher will get hurt soon enough.
  6. Bah it's Monday, the hate has to build up over a week of office life.
  7. Losing at home to West Bromwich Albion is nothing to chirp about so I'll remain silent.....ish. Nasri is scoring in bunches though.
  8. You should get "Bandwagon" stitched on the back.
  9. Check the shit Eastern Washington is rocking...... My eeeeeeeeeeyes! Soooooo brutal. Ban it.
  10. I have no love for Ohio State but that was one hell of a day for Terrelle Pryor. Throws four TDs, runs for one and catches one while going 20 for 26 with 224 yards. Nuts. Arkansas game was a heartbreaker. I really want Bama or OSU to drop a game so Boise State gets their chance. (but I've got to admit I hate that blue field, hard on the eyes).
  11. Tell me about it, that place is going to be fucking crazy. McNabb is getting stretcher'd out.
  12. The indiginity of losing , soundly no less, to a team the Raiders beat the weekend before is a tough one to deal with. At least the Raiders, Bills and Phins all lost but jesus christ the Redskins really had to beat the Rams after giving one away to Houston. Same old, same old.
  13. Damn it, I searched every where for that photo of you in that Heater jersey.......anways, done! (with it being at a public event, not at the office because really what's the big deal if I have to wear a Habs jersey in front of four or five people) Just having fun and cmon Price giving up 4 in 30 minutes is pretty funny even if it is preseason. (yes, he played the full 30 minutes)
  14. Sorry there Booche, do you really expect me to follow any of Jacques Martin's announcements for the Habs? In preseason? Or even follow the Habs that closely? I'll pay just enough attention in the regular season to talk a bit of crap, nothing more. Christ Roller doesn't even the watch games and he posts all the time,it's early, we're all just tuning up, cut me a little slack. Quick question though because I wasn't watching, did he "rotate" in Curtis right after Carey's 4th or did he wait a bit (honest question) PS You sound Angre. PPS Same bet as least year?
  15. I hope he succumbs to the pressure by game 1 of the regular season, has a complete breakdown and is arrested unceremoniously as he stumbles up St. Catherine waving a gun and the Habs are forced to trade for Huet. (yes, I know Halak wasn't shit hot in his first preseason game either but at least he didn't get yanked)
  16. Yikes. Well the first line is a legit third/fourth line, they've got that going for them.
  17. Sweet, which one of our current four goalies is addicted to yak and molests underage girls? I'm hoping it's Bucky.
  18. Meh, it should have been 1-0 all the way, Keane was offside. I mean......I'll be surprised if Nasri isn't in traction after the mugging he received.
  19. It's going to be a game day decision in regard to who I hate more, the Fish or the Jets. My gut is telling me I'll be cheering for the Fish.
  20. Maybe the prosecutor will drop the charges like Braylon drops passes.
  21. That 49ers loss made me feel a whole better about the way the Redskins tanked it. Tough break, 4 turnovers, brutal.
  22. This guy is worth the price of admission alone..... Yeah baby, Hope!
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