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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Bah, I was very Monday Night Football drunk last night and was hoping to stir the pot more than that with my post ...... I tried. I was thinking of you when Old Balls almost threw that TD Sunday night. Sooooooo close.
  2. Damn was super busy at work today and couldnt get it going today but.......... I've got to disagree entirely with that. The Skins got picked off twice and fumbled six times (yes they gobbled most of them back up), the Bears got picked four times and fumbled twice. Both teams threw pick six's. Don't tell me the Bears LOST that game and the Skins didn't win, both teams were a disaster and did their best to shit the silk sheets but you've got that Bears' fanboy buddy of yours' dick too far up your ass if you can't acknowledge that some of those picks by Me'Angelo were fucking ridiculous, one of them was one handed (the pick six I think). Redskins won that ShitBowl straight up and deservedly. McNabb was vet enough to throw it out of bounds when it counted as opposed to Cutler (sadly that's all he really had going after the first quarter) and Torain ran for 125 yards (6.0avg) to the Bears total 66 yards on the ground. Brutal game but the Skins grinded it out and burned clock, give them some credit. Uuuuh yeah, I was stunned by the lose, sorry about that. Yikes, that's pretty bad. edit: Manningham just embarassed that Cowboy, great juke.
  3. Me'Angelo Hall with 4 picks in the 2nd half, one for a TD.....after sucking for about 3 games in a row, great stuff. Sure they all came off Cutler but still. 4-3, I'm surprised. edit: Jesus Christ, the Bills managed to find yet another heart breaking way to lose. You've got to feel a bit of sympathy for those fans.
  4. That Auburn vs Arkansas game was fun to watch but 108 points....wow. Not sure Auburn's defence is good enough to go all the way. The upcoming Auburn vs LSU is shaping up to be a great game. Sorry POG, no championship for you.
  5. In like Flynn riding a Schwinn while drinking gin on his way to Berlin.
  6. TheSloth

    COD MW2

    I dont (though I love vids, just haven't gotten around to it) but I think it's great/funny that most of us have abandonded the other forums and just post here. I heard nothing but good things about MW2.
  7. Too late for Calvin Johnson and the Lions but........
  8. They should be allowed to write-in vote Halak.
  9. I still love you Buote. Us Redskins fans have to stick together (Im assuming you jumped ship after that humiliating defeat).
  10. SEC is my favorite conference to watch. Don't even have a team I actually like that much, usually it's just how a program is playing at the moment or a particular group of players, but there's always good matchups and the defence in the SEC is nuts. I've got to admit the Steve Spurrier story in SC is pretty great though. There's talk that they'll still be ranked 1st after the official BCS rankings come out next week but then they'll commence their slide down the rankings as the other teams start making their way through ranked opponents. Boise has already gone through the hard part of their schedule. WAC just isnt good enought to keep them afloat but I'd love to see them get their chance. Huge game. I think they'll gut it out and get it done and start making their climb to number 1 in the BCS.
  11. Which SEC team would you prefer to see destroy your Buckeyes in the Bowl? Jokes aside, glad to see Alabama's dreams crumble but Oregon jumped Boise which sucks. Yeah, yeah, PAC10 is better than WAC and Oregon beat Stanford but Boise already beat VT and Oregon State who were both ranked at the time. Crappy. With Auburn, Nebraska, Oklahoma and LSU (though LSU is not going to get it done IMO) all coming on strong, I don't think Boise State will get their chance even if they blow every opponent out for the remainder of the schedule. Texas just lost back to back games to UCLA and Oklahoma. Not sure if that makes them shit or dangerous.
  12. Suck on that you lobster eating, bandwagoneering, rummie Buote. I wont judge you if you buy a McNabb jersey. (though I'd get Landry or Orakpo). Redskins can't run and they're not that great but they've dumped the Cowboys, Eagles and Packers already. Not bad. Beating the Cowboys in the season opener was more than enough for me after the shit storm they've been in recent years, the rest is gravy.
  13. Ryan Howard is hitting for the cycle.
  14. The Garth Brooks mask was bad but that rodeo one is hilariously awful. Carey, is without a doubt, my favourite Hab.
  15. Well, I'm a bit crushed I missed it but at least Doc pretty much paved his way into the hall of fame with the year he's having.
  16. Fuck, I missed the whole thing
  17. Well at least your team was part of history.
  18. God, just to put that Patriots game in perspective I went over the box scores just to be sure and they....... Threw a TD Ran for a TD Returned a pick for a TD Returned an opening 3rd quarter kick off for a TD Blocked a field goal for a TD ......and the win was Brady's 100th win, doing it the fastest in NFL history (131 games, Montana did it 139). Wow.
  19. The only way that game could have been more enjoyable was if Brady had completed that "Marino to Ingram fake spike" play to Moss in the Dolphins' own stadium with Marino present.
  20. I guess I should have said Vick was getting stretcher'd out. That was some surprisingly good smashmouth football from the Skins at times. McNabb was atrocious in the second half but they got their shit together enough in the 4th quarter for a decent clock eating drive (though McNabb should have stayed inbounds on that scramble, what the fuck was he thinking). Good stuff. That Jax field goal was awesome.
  21. That OSU game ended up being closer than I thought it'd be. When Illinois got within 4 in the 4th I was praying but oh well. Good win for the Bucks.
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