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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. one time, paisley had posted something very complex about space, or the cosmos or something to that effect, and popoweenie responded with "are you an astronaut?" and then paisley replied "er, something like that."

    i think it,s very nice how the two of them are such good friends,,,really a nice way to treat your friend]]

    (p.s. I remember that, Birdy, and it WAS fucking hilarious)

  2. Hey Ontario, come see my good friends in Charlemagne as they release their disc Deadlines. The official release is this Monday at Casbah, cheap Steamwhistle night too! They already have discs in hand, though, and I'm sure they'll be selling them in Windsor tomorrow. They were on the cover of View this week. Here are all the dates:

    Jan 13 - The Phog Lounge, Windsor

    Jan 15 - The Casbah, Hamilton (CD release)

    Jan 26 - Tiger Bar, Toronto

    Jan 27 - The Phoenix at MAC, Hamilton

    Feb 1 - The Grad House, Waterloo

    Feb 4 - The Casbah, Hamilton (w Tokyo Police Club)

    Feb 8 - Clark Hall Pub at Queen's, Kingston

    Feb 9 - The Spill, Peterborough



    Music at http://www.myspace.com/wearecharlemagne

  3. When I last lived in Toronto, it was in an apartment above a restaurant a block from the Gypsy. I was 19 and my roommate was a busboy there. I washed dishes and bussed a couple nights myself.

    One night when my roomie had just started his job there, there was a big cast party for some movie that sounded dumb and later turned out to be wildly successful I guess, "Mean Girls".

    My roommate came home especially late that night, carry a giant white burlap sack full of peanuts over his shoulder, Santa Claus-style. He tells me I won't believe it, there was this party with Lindsey Lohan and Tina Fey, and they gave away all kinds of crazy door-prizes like spa days and trips to places, and the bum prize at the end of the night was a sack of peanuts - still in shells, some kind of cast inside joke. At the end of the night, he's the last guy bussing tables and whoever won the sack has ditched it in the Gypsy, so the manager says, "Hey Dave, you want this sack of nuts?" so Dave brings it on home.

    We ate peanuts for a couple days. We had an old dresser in our kitchen, acting as a microwave stand, and secretly Dave decide to fill one of the drawers with peanuts. I find out a couple days later and I was too lazy to do anything about it.

    We had a lot of mic that year and got to be good at killing them. The peanut drawer lasted months, I tell you.

    Thanks, Gypsy Co-op.

  4. I have a new band. I play guitar and pedal steel and do a bunch of singing and writing. I guess we're kind of a Canadian roots-rock meets Southern-rock band. Lots of over-indulgent guitar playing on my part. Also in the band are Joan Smith (myspace.com/joansmith) on guitar and vocals; Isaac Klein of Red Zeppelin on drums; and Adam Melnick on bass, better known to you all as kookycanooky.

    We don't have pictures or recordings yet, our first gig is Thursday at Casbah with the Famous Framus band. Come out and see us, people of Hamilton! Cover and set times tba.

  5. No slag against Shelby. I'd recommend Tiiu Milistver. Deeps from What The Thunder Said and Brooks are working with her on her solo stuff lately. Prolific songwriter. Seems like with the right push she could do something on an almost Jenny Whitely scale.



    Tiiu is great, I've just signed on to play drums with her. Deeps is playing bass and Brooks is playing guitar and pedal steel. We're playing her EP Release at E-bar in Guelph on January 16.

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