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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. The week previously Yokuzuna a giant Sumo wrestler had kicked the crap out of Hacksaw Jim Dugan. He kept body slamming him and according to the reports Hacksaw had sustained serious internal injuries.

    On the episode we were watching they brought out Hacksaws wife or pretend wife, who knows. She was crying and going on about the internal injuries.

    Dude, I REMEMBER all that shit happening! Yokozuna took a bucket of salt and threw it in Hacksaw's eyes. I remember it being a ridiculously long and drawn out match, ending with Hacksaw practically unconscious on the canvas and Yokozuna climbing the buckle, screaming "Bonzaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii", jumping off and just fuckin flattening the guy. And I vividly remember Hacksaw's wife the next week. Wasn't she pregnant or something? Maybe had a young kid?

    Keep in mind that I was approximately 10 years old at the time. I don't remember exactly when I figured out that wrestling was fake, but it's been a loooooooong time.

  2. Now that it's been raised, can't something be done about a hybrid, hard-core porno-Attic, to keep everybody happy?


    I don't know about that DEM.

    So, er, I did that thing this morning where I sleep right through my radio show. Sorry to anybody who happened to tune in and hear pops and squeaks and other CFMU overnight stuff.

  3. Bumpin it back from July y'all...

    The Spin45 is down indefinitely. If you're going to visit http://www.spin45.net , might I suggest you only do so if you're interested in seeing hardcore Quebec porn.

    EDIT: How about that, the porn site is down now too. Sons of bitches stole the domain from us the very minute it expired, and their site only lasted 3 months. Morons.

    I, in the meantime, will be on at 7am this morning, provided I can drag my ass out of bed in 3 1/2 hours. Tune in!

    93.3 FM in Hamilton and surrounding area

    http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca on the web

    webcast link at left

    Winamp required

  4. That's crazy, but why would Letterman's people put so much time and effort into quashing a restraining order that he'll likely never violate?

    A relative of a friend of mine has been diagnosed with multiple psychological disorders, and for years has claimed to receive messages through albums and television that a particular popular musician - whose professional name was for a time represented by a symbol - wishes to marry her and is coming to sweep her off her feet. On the one hand, it's so absurd and ludicrous that I'll admit I've laughed at the scenario many times, but this woman is simply quite ill.

  5. Man dates gal on internet for six months, turns out she's his mother

    MARSEILLES, France -- Skirt-chasing playboy Daniel Anceneaux spent weeks talking with a sensual woman on the Internet before arranging a romantic rendezvous at a remote beach -- and discovering that his on-line sweetie of six months was his own mother!

    "I walked out on that dark beach thinking I was going to hook up with the girl of my dreams," the rattled bachelor later admitted. "And there she was, wearing white shorts and a pink tank top, just like she'd said she would.

    "But when I got close, she turned around -- and we both got the shock of our lives. I mean, I didn't know what to say. All I could think was, 'Oh my God! it's Mama!' "

  6. I think she means "First World"

    And I agree that it's wrong, as I've said. I was surprised when I read the statistics that Polkaroo posted that to execute somebody actually costs a great deal more than to imprison them for life, because most execution cases go through so, so many different appeals that the court costs skyrocket. I'm not saying we should take the cheapest option, but I always thought that there was a prevailing argument in favour of capital punishment that decried the draining of public funds to feed, clothe and house convicted killers for the remaining years of their lives. Interesting to now find out how much cheaper that option is compared to multiple appeals.

  7. He apologized for forming the Crips, and wrote a couple of children's books. That doesn't make him innocent, though.

    I'm not trying to say that he's definitively guilty, because I obviously don't know. And I'm certainly aware that there have been mistakes made, people put on death row who don't belong there. But take a quick look at the PDF that Polkaroo posted, with the last meals and last statements of the inmates put to death in the US in 2004. I did a quick tally: there are 59 names, my total number is only 58 so I must have missed one, but no big deal. Sixteen of the inmates made last statements that could be considered apologies and/or admissions of guilt. Eleven proclaimed their innocence, while a further thirteen made no statement. The remaining eighteen said something altogether different, not mentioning their crimes.

    I think a good number of these death row inmates are under the impression that emphatically proclaiming their innocence, even if they are not innocent, is ok if they have "made peace with God," once God has "forgiven them for their sins". Again, no idea whether this particular guy was guilty or innocent, but I have a hard time believing that eleven of the 59 people executed in 2004 were, in fact, innocent. These are people who, at one point in their lives, decided that killing somebody else was worth their own happiness or betterment or whatever. Perhaps many of them are no longer in that frame of mind, but don't think I would put lying in such a bold fashion past them at any point in their lives.

  8. May I remind you of Godwin's Law

    :D. [Homer]Boy' date=' is my face red![/Homer']. I think it's almost been a whole day for me :blush: .

    I wouldn't worry about it, DEM. I think the point is that comparing the party on one side of an issue to Hitler or the Nazis is illogical and almost always unfounded. Bringing up Hitler or the Nazis in some other manner, though, is not necessarily unfounded.

  9. Well, if the same crime happened in Canada he wouldn't have been executed. So you can't accept it, but it's reality. My argument there wasn't based on geography, rather it was based on the circumstances of the case. It may not be right, I don't support the death penalty, but it's what happened because of the laws, checks and balances that the people of California are bound by.



  10. The only thing I'm getting from your posts is a cramped stomach.

    I am not a supporter of Hitler, how could one be. But how is the debate different other than on a mass scale. I understand Anachronism to be events repeating themselves through time. What have I perpetuated? Debate?

    "The death penalty is murder in your eyes, but not to the criminal justice system in California, that's all that's relevant here. The punishment that was deemed appropriate for the crime he was guilty of was carried out. I have it straight." - As always there straight shooter.

    I can accept that were not Californian or even American, but I cannot accept that murder/putting to death is out of our range of discussion because of geography. Or that what they've done is right because of where they are.

    And yes. Killing in any fashion is ugly. Way more ugly than typing.

    With all due respect though, dude, you've changed your tune a little bit. We're all reacting to your earlier posts, ones like these:

    "In addition, he was asked multiple times while in prison to aid law enforcement by providing insight into gang behaviour/communication, and never would." - Hartamaphone

    Can you link me to the place where you found this info so that I can send it to nobel and they can revoke his nomination. Clearly they fuÇk up all the time in these kinds of situations. I mean Christ!!!!! They gave the thing to Oppenheimer and he created the A-bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idiots, eh?

    The word redemption seems to be very misunderstood.

    Turning in your old homies is different from telling police they ways in which gangs operate.

    I think David Milgaard should be put to death for his crimes, too. I mean he never admitted his guilt either. There is no such thing a a mistake in jurisprudence... EVER.


    Kill Mumia too. That oughta stop those blacks from thinking they can get away with all those bad things they do.

    I hope I don't need a font to have people get it.

    AD... you're right. Snoop is where I get my political advice for sure. You must get yours from Jimmy Swaggart.


    Manson is still alive if I'm not mistaken and if he is dead the gov't didn't give him a death sentence and he's "just another gang-banger" as tube so eloquently put it...

    No wait... he's not just another gang-banger!!!!!!!! He's white!! Our mistake.

    BTW, before becoming a mass murderer, Hitler reinvigorated an economy that had been demolished and held down for a generation and brought prosperity to a poeple who had been ghetto-ized by the rest of Europe. I don't think he weas nominated posthumously for the nobel.

    As far as I can tell, nobody here is in favour of the death penalty, or at the very least, nobody is trying to argue your opposition to it. But a bunch of your earlier posts hinted that you were arguing for the guy's innocence, and that he was being punished because of his race. I don't deny that racism still exists in the justice system, but this guy was very likely guilty (of course none of us will ever know 100%).

    Further, there is no comparison to Hitler or the Holocaust. May I remind you of Godwin's Law:

    Godwin's Law (also Godwin's Rule of Nazi analogies) is an adage in Internet culture that was originated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states that:

    As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

    Although the law does not specifically mention it, there is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made, the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress.

  11. No wait... he's not just another gang-banger!!!!!!!! He's white!! Our mistake.

    Buddy! The guy co-founded a massive violent gang! 'Gang-banger' is a term that refers to people who are in gangs! This isn't racial issue!

    BTW, before becoming a mass murderer, Hitler reinvigorated an economy that had been demolished and held down for a generation and brought prosperity to a poeple who had been ghetto-ized by the rest of Europe.

    Yeah, he really took that ghetto-ization to heart, it became one of his favourite tools. I can't believe you're going to try and point out good things about Hitler. I don't give a goddamn what he did to an economy. When you are Adolf Fucking Hitler, it doesn't matter if give cunnilingus to God herself, you are no fucking angel.

  12. Why not plead to a lesser charge and avoid the death penalty if there was invovlement? I don't think that there is an unbiased report to be found.

    "can someone forward me a link, or a unbiased news story, about what the heck ya'll are talking about.

    Tookie?" leads to "oh, just another gang banger...."

    Why ask for an unbiased report when you've already decided on him based on affiliation?

    PS. everyone on this board is a criminal by association. Keep talking tough on crime.


    I think Stube made that comment AFTER reading the article, and while he used a term that I suppose could be considered derogatory towards gang-members (is this a faction we're really worried about offending?), he nevertheless used it in reference to a guy who co-founded one of the most violent and widespread gangs in the United States.

    I am personally opposed to the death penalty, but just because this guy was put to death doesn't make him innocent. Like everybody already said, he wouldn't admit guilt, nor could he prove innocence, after all those years. Check out the article on Wikipedia detailing what he did. He didn't deserve to die by the hand of the state, but he sure as hell wasn't innocent.

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