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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. Oh, you THINK the Arcade Fire is making it out of here alive, don't you AD? :D Like I said, to keep them in the running would be a waste of airtime, as you could spin the dial to any number of other college stations and likely hear them. How about rooting for a band/artist that's a little less 'now'?

    Widespread Panic - 10

    Jack Johnson - 7

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 9

    The Arcade Fire - 7

    The Flaming Lips - 10

    The String Cheese Incident - 5

    Primus - 14

    Ween - 15

    Gov't Mule - 9

    The Shins - 11

    moe. - 13

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 4

    The Decemberists - 12

    Umphrey's McGee - 14

    Spoon - 10

    -1 Arcade Fire

    +1 Primus

  2. what the swastika represents

    the swastika is symbolic (in many religions) of things positive

    ie: from this


    "The Swastika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. It forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life. It has been found in ancient Rome, excavations in Grecian cities, on Buddhist idols, on Chinese coins dated 315 B.C., and our own Southwest Indians use it as an amulet.

    the nazis just hi-jacked it!

    That's true, but the symbol's most recent meaning is still a horrific memory fresh in the minds of a lot of people. It's unfortunate, but I don't think the swastika will ever be cleansed of its terrible connotations.

    p.s. those girls make me sick. Check out this interview, and their official website.

    p.p.s. Holy fuck:


  3. Widespread Panic - 10

    Jack Johnson - 7

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 9

    The Arcade Fire - 7

    The Flaming Lips - 10

    The String Cheese Incident - 6

    Primus - 13

    Ween - 14

    Gov't Mule - 9

    The Shins - 11

    moe. - 13

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 6

    The Decemberists - 11

    Umphrey's McGee - 14

    Spoon - 10

    -1 for Arcasde Fire

    +1 for Primus

  4. Widespread Panic - 11

    Jack Johnson - 9

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 9

    The Arcade Fire - 7

    The Flaming Lips - 10

    The String Cheese Incident - 7

    Primus - 11

    Ween - 12

    Gov't Mule - 10

    The Shins - 10

    moe. - 12

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

    The Decemberists - 11

    Umphrey's McGee - 14

    Spoon - 10

    +1 for McGee

    -1 for the Arcade Fire, again

  5. Ah, but you see, I was once involved in the gathering of wood for a massive bonfire and we came across some old skids that we were joyously about to burn when a wise old fellow hurriedly stopped us and pointed out the stamp "Pressure Treated - Do Not Burn" on the side of each 2x4 that made up the skids. I'm sure that doesn't apply to all skids, but I guess look out for that. Does anybody know what happens to pressure treated wood when burned? I have no idea.

  6. Widespread Panic - 11

    Jack Johnson - 9

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 10

    The Arcade Fire - 8

    The Flaming Lips - 10

    The String Cheese Incident - 8

    Primus - 11

    Ween - 12

    Gov't Mule - 10

    The Shins - 10

    moe. - 12

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

    The Decemberists - 10

    Umphrey's McGee - 12

    Spoon - 10

    +1 for McGee

    -1 for Arcade Fire

  7. I agree with StnMtn that mediation is the way to go, but what I simply cannot believe time and again when I turn on the Parliamentary channels is that when the speaker has given one individual the floor to speak, countless others are hollering jabs back and forth at each other! It's insane, I can't picture anything getting done in that kind of environment; not to mention that it's downright fucking childish not to allow your peers an opportunity to speak.

  8. Burt Neilson Band

    15 April 2005

    Call the Office

    London, Ontario, Canada

    Source: SBD> MD (Sony MZ-R50)> HD> CDR

    Taped by: Keri Kennedy http://db.etree.org/backbacon

    Disc One

    Set 1

    01 Strange Companion*

    02 Lost & Lonely >

    03 Yellow Pants

    04 Yesterday's Gone

    05 Morning Cold

    Disc Two

    Set 2

    01 Distraction

    02 Number 7

    03 Chevron

    04 Let Down

    05 Holes

    06 In The Belly


    07 Shine On You Crazy Diamond

    * fade in due to faulty soundboard connection for first couple minutes


  9. SO don't worry bout him maybe just the rest of the party or maybe not so partyish anymore

    I predict Martin will embark on a mediocre and over-hyped solo career which will spawn one or two mildly successful but terribly annoying singles that we will hear in department stores for the next ten years (see: Edwin [nee I Mother Earth], David Usher [nee Moist], Thornley [nee Big Wreck]). The other two will probably do just fine playing sessions at top Toronto dollar, and can finally escape being stopped by every idiot in the grocery store going "Hey, I recognize you! Don't tell me...don't tell me...Matthew Good!"

    For the record, I think Jeff Burrows is a phenominal drummer, and when I was in junior high I taped a Tea Party Intimate & Interactive on MuchMusic and watched several parts over and over again in order to grasp how he was doing what he was doing. That video was a massive influence on my drumming in what were my formative drumming years. I could never fully appreciate the band on the whole, though. I liked the odd tune, but to be honest, the band turned me off in the same way the Doors turn me off sometimes: I don't want to hear some tortured soul moaning two words every 30 seconds over a droning acoustic guitar playing one chord and a military drumroll in the background.

  10. Oops, we posted at the same time. I'll fix it:

    Widespread Panic - 10

    Jack Johnson - 9

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 10

    The Arcade Fire - 9

    The Flaming Lips - 10

    The String Cheese Incident - 9

    Primus - 10

    Ween - 12

    Gov't Mule - 10

    The Shins - 10

    moe. - 12

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 8

    The Decemberists - 10

    Umphrey's McGee - 10

    Spoon - 10

  11. Widespread Panic - 10

    Jack Johnson - 9

    Beck - 11

    Phil & Friends - 10

    Trey Anastasio - 10

    The Arcade Fire - 9

    The Flaming Lips - 9

    The String Cheese Incident - 9

    Primus - 10

    Ween - 12

    Gov't Mule - 10

    The Shins - 10

    moe. - 12

    Michael Franti & Spearhead - 9

    The Decemberists - 10

    Umphrey's McGee - 10

    Spoon - 10

    The Arcade Fire needs more college radio airplay like I need a goddamn hole in the head.

    Good idea, Tonberry! I was wondering what was up with you and your fancy radio show, glad to see you're still keepin' on. Cheers.

  12. This is gonna be a good one. I only saw the Golden Dogs once, at the Horseshoe during NxNE, probably two years ago or so? I remember they rocked it hard. I brought their disc home from the show but I think it was given to me. Just pulled it out last night, there are tracks with definite Attic potential.

    And those Spades...my, my, they rock it and roll it.

  13. Did you get a receipt for the donut, Kev?

    One was a woman who is a real estate agent at the office I worked at last year. She was with a woman who I didn't recognize, who she said was her cousin....none other than BradM (or again, some caricature thereof) reading the paper at the kitchen table.

    I just find it funny that Brad was about to spend a week in a townhouse with two middle-aged women (cousins, no less!). He wasn't too excited about it, though; couldn't take his eyes off that paper. This is all in my dream, of course.

  14. So, BradM, we've never met in person, but that didn't stop you - or a caricature of you, at least - from making an appearance in a dream I had last night.

    I had rented some sort of townhouse, like a ski chalet or somewhere hot or something, I don't know. When my week or whatever was up, three people came to the door (presumably the new tenants). One was a woman who is a real estate agent at the office I worked at last year. She was with a woman who I didn't recognize, who she said was her cousin. They went off to unpack. I was packing up my stuff and I heard the door open and shut. As I was on my way out, I see none other than BradM (or again, some caricature thereof) reading the paper at the kitchen table. "Hey man!" I say. "Enjoy the place!". "Have fun on Friday," you said, without looking up from your paper. So I left.

    In the dream I had no idea what you were talking about; I couldn't think of what was going on on Friday. Now, though, I remember that the Spades and the Golden Dogs will be playing at the Pepper Jack, so maybe that's what you were telling me to enjoy. In any event, I suppose it's to your credit that your personality comes through your posts to such a degree that my brain thinks that I know you.

    And now, I will go write a Sociology midterm.

  15. The OC on strike? [color:purple]But however will I secure my fix of tasteless, bland, shallow, whitewashed, American rich kid pseudo soap opera?


    Seriously though, transit strike is bad news. Here's to a swift and amicable resolution.

    {{{{{{{no strike, eh}}}}}}

  16. Buffalo Bill

    You mean The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill

    For the record, not one of my choices

    The children asked him if to kill was not a sin.

    Not when he looked so fierce, his mother butted in.

    If looks could kill it would have been us

    Instead of him.

    I'm not particularly a fan of:

    Anna (Go To Him) from Please Please Me

    Run For Your Life from Rubber Soul

    Don't Pass Me By and Julia from the White Album

    I also hold particular disdain for You Won't See Me (Rubber Soul), but I think that's because it makes me remember the Anne Murray version, which is balls; the original is a good tune. Also not a big fan of Blackbird (White Album), but that's more because it seems to be the song that a lot of novice guitar players pull out as if to say "Ha! Look what I can do!". I tire of hearing it, but in its own right, it's a great tune.

  17. Ack! I would love to Tim, but I better do my work. I have a midterm tomorrow and, considering last week I walked into a midterm that I didn't know was happening until I arrived, I should probably at least look at the material. Bummer, I bet they'll be good, and probably won't be back for a while. Enjoy the show man, and thanks much anyway.

  18. I really dig Son Volt but can't go to the show... too much school and too little money. I'd love a review and will damn sure read it.

    I second that emotion. I've been getting into the Wide Swing Tremelo album and have been spinning tracks from it the last couple weeks on the radio show. If a ride magically materialized I would consider paying the ticket price, but again, so much school work. Blast me and my lust for hire education.

  19. nah i missed that Buffaloshow. it was free too wasn't it? bollocks.

    Actually I totally forgot about that free one in the summer, I missed that too like an idiot. I was talking about Buffalo Centre for Performing Arts, and it looks like they're coming back. That's exciting.

    And you weren't dreaming about that album. Read MuleMomma's post just above your last one. Thanks for the info, MM!

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