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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. Knock'em dead Aaron.

    Absolutely! I've heard some of his guitar work and all i can say is if the rest of the band plays at the same level he does' date=' then you're in for a hell of a musical treat. The Good Rev for a good cause. Hope some folks can show some support![/quote']

    Oh, you're all too kind. Thank you Paan, Dr. J. According to the Tranzac website, Dinner is Ruined have a Wednesday night residency there. You may remember them as the band who was slated to play the El Mocombo the night of the Toronto Oysterhead show; they stepped in to open for Oysterhead at Massey Hall because the Cancer Conspiracy didn't make it over the border, and the El Mocombo had recently been closed and sold.

    Anyway, looking forward to this, especially from the standpoint of my guitar playing. Doing a solid six nights with the same band, especially after all the rehearsal, will amount to each of us pushing the others to be better and better. We already sound great after only a handful of rehearsals (not to toot my own horn)(you can take that and run with it, Lazlo). Should be a good time.

  2. Friday morning again, bumpin it up

    Wish I had posted earlier, I've been rockin a great chilled setlist. Tune in: http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca

    p.s. I'm in the middle of a 'Tribute to the Trio' segment that I came up with on the spot after spinning a cut from Hendrix/Band of Gypsies. The set has included Mule, Oysterhead, Rose Hill Drive, C'mon, SRV/Double Trouble, and I'm about to finish up with a massive 401 > Lemondust > 401 SBD from the Scherzo, March 2003. It's gonna be good...:)

  3. How come if the trumpet player gets to be electryc the bass player has to be just electric?

    I guess I'll find out in November.

    Velvet, if you're not yet familiar with the ridiculous trumpet stylings of the Brownman, well, I predict you'll be impressed, to say the least.

    I don't know about this show, I'm playing that night, but not too far away. If I get done in time and still have some semblence of sobriety, I'll try and get down there as I'd like to see Soulive.

  4. Hey y'all

    I'll be playing guitar for a crazy rock n' roll/cabaret/improv theatre show in Toronto, next Thurs-Sat Nov 10-12, and the following Thurs-Sat Nov 17-19. Tons of show info below, read on, and please come out!

    The Show


    Will the teenagers survive the night?

    Will they make it to breakfast time? Everyone’s favorite retro-eighties 'Brat Pack' teen sensation THE BREAKFAST CLUB is back to serve their detention in the ‘Most Haunted House in Toronto’.

    Hosted by Elvira, the youth must fend off the advances of the Count and his band of has-been monsters. Perverting the proverbial classics like Bram Stoker’s DRACULA and Michael J. Fox's TEENWOLF - The Queen's Players Toronto Presents...COUNT CHOCULA'S BREAKFAST CLUB.

    The Charity

    The show is a benefit for the Stephen Lewis Foundation, "a Canadian-based, foreign aid foundation dedicated to easing the pain of HIV/AIDS victims in Africa."

    Some Background

    In Kingston there exists a small theatre company comprised mainly of Queen's drama students (but other students as well) who call themselves the Queen's Players. Every year they put on a show that runs about a week, and it's a big deal for the student population out there, apparently the shows are really popular. The show is a musical that is anchored by a number of popular rock tunes from the past and present, with a very loose and cheeky plot tying it all together. The venue is always a pub, and it's a longstanding tradition for the audience to send drinks to the stage for the performers - who must stop mid-performance to consume said drinks - so the whole thing gets funnier as the performers get drunker.

    Anyway, they've formed a counterpart Toronto company - Queen's Players Toronto, appropriately enough - who will be putting on Count Chocula's Breakfast Club.

    The Band

    Dave Finkelstein - Guitars, Keys

    Aaron Goldstein - Guitar

    Matt Heywood - Bass

    Connor Thompson - Drums

    Aaron Duncan - Sax

    Graeme Drinkwalter - Trumpet

    The Setlist

    Guns & Roses - November Rain

    Lauryn Hill - Everything is Everything

    Blondie - One Way or Another

    Pink Floyd - Money

    Van Halen - You Really Got Me

    Heart - Barracuda

    Franz Ferdinand - Take me Out

    Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

    [acapella]The Beatles - Help

    Backstreet Boys - Backstreet's Back

    Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know

    Duran Duran - Hungry like the Wolf

    Michael Jackson - Thriller

    You can hold your guffaws, I didn't pick em. And to be honest, even the most weinerly tunes are sounding pretty rockin.


    Dates: November 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 19 (showtime 9:00pm each night) [the 12th is apparently sold out]

    Venue: The Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave at Bloor, Toronto

    Tickets: $15 each, available at http://www.queensplayerstoronto.com

    Now listen here, folks. I realize that to some of you, this looks like 15 bucks to see a coverband and a bunch of drunk idiots acting out a ridiculous story on stage. We're not, however, making a dime here; again, it's all going to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Also, I've never played a Players show before, but I'm told they'll all sell out anyway (Tranzac only holds 200 or so). So I'm not pimping for a crowd here, just for some Skanks to be in the crowd that we already expect. I just got back from rehearsing in Toronto, the cast sounds unreal (lots of great multi-part harmony), and the rest of the band are top-notch. They also told us that we'll be playing for between 20 and 40 minutes before each show starts, so we were busy getting a few riffs and song skeletons together. All told, it promises to be six craaazy nights. Hope to see a few of you out! Again, hit the website for tickets.


  5. as far as I know the Cause of Death is correct.

    what is lacking?

    Not being argumentative, just wondering what you mean?

    Davey Boy knows where I'm coming from. I don't want to start a big fuss here either, but I was always under the impression that - while there were certainly other factors involved - it was Jerry's continued excessive drug use that really allowed those factors to bring about such an untimely death.

  6. So' date=' how was it?[/quote']


    Chop em Down & King Without His Crown were definite high energy, highlights :)

    he sang a bunch of new tunes off the upcoming cd (January release) which all sounded good to me.

    The beat box stuff was killer! He is the bomb

    worth the $20 for sure

    Sounds like a blast, wish I could have made it, but semi-familial commitments [long-time girlfriend's grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party] had to take precedence.

    I have to say, having been brought up Jewish and attending Jewish day school from kindergarten through grade 12, I became aware of a large number of religious - most often hassidic - Jewish artists. I have to say that, while some of them exhibited talent and/or soul to varying degrees, I could never really commit as a fan to any of these groups because I saw them pulling a large percentage of their audience from Jewish kids whose only interest was the religious content - the component I was least interested in, if at all.

    (sidenote: on a youth trip to Israel when I was 18, our group of 300 kids or so was treated one night to a private concert by an Israeli Hassidic band called Reva LeSheva, and they were an extremely impressive Dead-influenced loose jam/psych/folk band; it was mostly old dudes and they've apparently been around for years, sort of Israel's Dead for lack of a better moniker)

    Matisyahu is different for me, though. I've come to appreciate a good deal of vintage dub and reggae over the past few years, and this guy has talent and skill without a doubt. Top it off with a great band, and I think it's a great package, hassidic or not. Hope to catch him next time he's though.

  7. So, would I have won the Ratdog tix if I was in Ontario??? ;)

    Totally man, you were first and foremost!

    One more pair up for grabs, haven't gotten an e-mail yet... aaron@thegoodrev.ca if you want them and can pick them up in Hamilton this weekend.

    Thanks for listening everybody! peipunk I would have loved to play Fearless for ya but we don't have a copy of Meddle here and I didn't bring mine. I'm going to give you something from Obscured by Clouds if I can fit'er in, and I'll try to remember Fearless for next week.

  8. I agree with everything you say... Except don't try to differentiate yourself from the jamkids by saying you're addicted to the Band. Kinda like say 'I hate guitar, I only listen to Clapton.'

    I didn't mean to imply that people who primarily identify with the jam scene don't listen to The Band. When I think of The Band (and Neil Young, too), I think of a band or artist that has successfully made outstanding music solely on the strength of their songwriting/melody/indefinite human element, because that element was so strong that adding a whole bunch of wankery would pollute the whole thing.

    All I meant by it was, essentially, that my indifference to the Arcade Fire is not due to an indifference to artistically viable but technically unimpressive music, because I love that kind of music - sometimes more than the technical shit. But I can never make up my mind.

  9. Oh' date=' you THINK the Arcade Fire is making it out of here alive, don't you AD? :D Like I said, to keep them in the running would be a waste of airtime, as you could spin the dial to any number of other college stations and likely hear them. How about rooting for a band/artist that's a little less 'now'?[/quote']

    Can't get any less 'now' than Phil & Friends, Trey, Panic etc... When was the last time Phil wrote a song? When was the last time Trey wrote a good song? I just don't like Panic, or many of the bands on that list. Flaming Lips, Ween, Arcade Fire, Umphrey's, Beck, moe., I can vote for these people, but everyone else gets a big fat MEH from me.

    For the record, playing a good song on the air is never a waste of airtime, and I think the Arcade Fire have written a whole albums worth of great tunes, so why shouldn't I root for them? Everyone else on the list (with the exception of Spoon, Umphreys, Shins and Decemberists) are all pretty-much established superstars, why would they need the airplay?

    And, to make an argument similar to yours, Arcade Fire are Canadian and I'd hate to see Tonberry miss his CanCon quota :)

    (Plus I have a feeling from past discussions on here that not many people on this board have even heard the Arcade Fire, maybe it's about time...)

    So yeah, I'm hoping they make it through :) We'll see what happens.


    I was just trying to get into the trash-talking spirit is all. I was under the impression that the recent wave of Canadian indie-rock arts collectives a la BSS, AofH, Arcade Fire, etc was receiving rave reviews from many on this board. Maybe I'm wrong (or maybe I'm wrong to lump those three together) but I feel like I've seen those names around alot.

    And re: a good song not being a waste of airtime; point taken, to a certain extent. A good song is never a waste of airtime in my living room. Not to say that there is some sort of unwritten rule of college radio programming, nor do I wish to claim some sort of expertise on the subject just because I host my own show, too. But when it comes to structuring my own playlist, I try to balance the 'push' with restraint. Play the same tune every week, and you're overplaying it. Play a great tune once and never touch it again, and you run the risk of hooking a listener but letting them go.

    While I enjoy Phil & Friends in concert, I too fail to see how they are at all relevant to a college radio audience (or any radio audience, for that matter; their gig is the live show, they do it well [mostly], and I don't think they expect radio play).

    I feel Umphrey's, for example, is relevant, but with the needle of relevance weighing heavily on the 'technical skill' side of the gauge, leaving something to be desired on the other side of the gauge, which I'll call the "songwriting/melody/indefinite human element" side. I feel like I haven't heard a better traditional prog-rock band emerge in a long time. Yes, they have jammy tendencies, and are certainly jam-influenced in some ways; but they are, at their core, a progressive rock band - much more than the Dead or even Phish ever were - and I stand by that assertion.

    If the Arcade Fire have an arguement for relevance, it would depend heavily on the degree to which their needle of relevance weighs on the latter side (goddamn if I didn't start the lame needle analogy, and goddamn if I ain't gonna finish it). I grant that I have taken in what can be considered to be a very small percentage of their catalogue and, while not completely without merit, I'm not convinced. It all sounds pretty homogenous, stagnant, and generally uninteresting to me. And don't pass me off as your average neo-jamkid over here; I'm on The Band's Brown Album like fuckin junk right now, and have been for months. Can't shake the fucker. What I mean is I feel I have equal appreciation for technical skill and songwriting/melodic prowess, or both sides of my sorry, mythical gauge, as it were.

    Anyway, contest over, pleasure sawing on about the intricacies of of musical appreciation and whatnot. I need my bed.

  10. I'll miss the naughty website. Only made it there once or twice and didn't think it was a great live room, though I understand its place in the hearts of Montreal...ians. Is that what they call themselves?

    Always a bummer when a live room closes, in any event. What other rooms are there in town, Boochawan?

  11. Attention all Hamiltonians and assorted Hamilton hangers-on and livers-close!

    This Friday and Saturday you will have two chances to win tickets to see Bob Weir & Ratdog at the Docks this Monday night, October 31st, courtesy of the Docks Nightclub & Concert Theatre, The Reverend's Attic and 93.3 CFMU in Hamilton, and the Pepper Jack Cafe.

    Chance #1: Listen to the Reverend's Attic this Friday morning from 6 to 9am, where I will be posing some sort of trivia and/or fast-dialing contest for pairs of tickets. The show is heard on CFMU 93.3fm in Hamilton, or online at http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca [note: Winamp is required for streaming audio].

    Chance #2: Come out to see the Fat Cats and Diesel Dog tear up the PJC for one crazy mother of a Halloween party on Saturday night, where even more tickets will be available for your winning pleasure. The Pepper Jack is at 38 King William St (corner of Hughson) in Hamilton.

    Please note: All tickets won on the show will be available for pickup ONLY at the Pepper Jack between 11:30am on Friday and 3pm on Monday, during their regular business hours of course. We reserve the right to redistribute any unclaimed tickets.

    So tune in, show up, party down, chill out on Sunday, then hit the Ratdog show on us...should you be lucky enough to win tickets, that is.


  12. There is also the discussion of the lack of "Prussian Blue" coloring (Zyklon B residue) in the so-called gas chambers in the concentration camps. We think it might make people question some of the inaccuracies of the "Holocaust" myth.

    That is FUCKED. Not to say that denial of the Holocaust deserves a forum as a valid argument, but to then teach it to your children and have them sing POP SONGS about it?! The brainwashing parent(s) of these children deserve to be imprisoned.

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