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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. See you there, my good man.

    p.s. anybody want to carpool from the west end of Hamilton? I'm driving a big ol mini van so I have room. Not coming back tonight though, staying at my parents' and leaving the van there tomorrow, bussing back...but if you're stuck for a way there, PM me before noon, I'll be out of here about 12:30.

  2. I'm officially in.

    Re: two stages. I can't say for certain, but if they're both inside, I bet the purpose is for set-up/tear down. I've been to the Docks a couple times and can't think of where they would put a second stage that would be unaffected by the sound from the first. Either way, it'll be a good time...can't wait!

  3. HA! I don't even remember posting that picture.

    Seriously, though, bump. There will be some good shit tomorrow (as there is every week; shit, I choose the music). Just finished a quick comb through the vinyl, planning to spin cuts from Tull's Aqualung, CCR's Cosmo's Factory, Sabbath's Paranoid, can't decide on a Beatles record yet so I'll bring 5, thinking about Childhood's End from Floyd's Obscured by Clouds, and a whack of new music too. Tomorrow morning, seven to nine.

    Listen Live

  4. This thing is silly, but would be a hilarious housewarming gift for friends that just bought a new place.

    edit: wait, I'm not actually going to bid. The idea charmed me into it.

  5. Gonna provide a healthy bump for this one, I caught this lineup in Hamilton and they were excellent. I had seen Pete solo about three times or so opening for Joel Plaskett, I knew to expect his voice and his tunes, but I was impressed that the band was really together...would love to see you come through again, do a late show this time.

    But don't let the next Burt gig be far behind... :D

  6. personally, I'm trying to move away from 'wanting'.......But I know it's hard not to get caught up in the consumer whirl. I have always really enjoyed giving, though. Unfortunately, the only feller I can help out is the one who wants whirled peas (though I have no idea what those actually are, it seems feasible I could create a reasonable facsimile). Oh -- and also I get to give Bradm's head an umbrella hat. You folks can't imagine my joy. (that is not sarcasm.

    Werd to the Deb. Roomie Sean has a theory about gifts and shit that I've pretty much adopted...birthday gifts are bullshit, everybody was born, so why be rewarded for it? Instead, if you are out and see something a friend might like, just buy it for them, that makes a lot more sense. Browsing Drygoods the other day, I saw they've got SOTG on vinyl; that being my ladyfriend's favourite Phish record, it's on its way here. Thems is some serious brownie points right there.

    What do I want now? A good night's sleep, and a Saturday off work.

  7. Olympic Island is rocking a new website with a picture of the Cheese taboot. Check out the venue info:

    What NOT to bring

    Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, scooters or motorized vehicles of any kind

    Pets (except for service animals)

    Weapons or firearms of any kind

    Fireworks or incendiary devices

    Illegal substances

    Alcoholic beverages

    Glass or plastic bottles of any kind


    Food or drinks

    Video / Audio Recording or Playback Devices

    SLR (single lens reflex) cameras

    Large format digital cameras

    Focused-light devices (laser pens)

    Lawn furniture



    What to bring

    One (1) sealed plastic bottle of water.

    Small personal backpacks or fanny packs (subject to inspection at entrance to Concert Field)

    Clothing for changing weather conditions (it will likely be cool at night!)


    Bug spray



    Ear plugs

    Digital Cameras (under 5 megapixels)

    Disposable Cameras

    Point-and-Shoot Cameras


    If you bring disallowed items, please be advised that the security company, promoters and performers will not be responsible for any items confiscated during search procedures.

  8. Joel Plaskett

    I'm wearing out my vocal chords

    Because I am alone and bored

    Can you take me up to 24,000 feet


    And we all die alone

    At war or on the phone

    Or both at the same time

    Sending volleys through the lines

    And who among us doesn't know what he's talking about here...

    And we all go out, and we all come home

    I fall asleep with the TV on

    At 3am they play Oh Canada

    True patriot love...

  9. it leans so much towards Ottawa, infact, that the Dr & I are tumbling towards the city.

    we plan to finally move outta TO and are looking to call Ottawa/Hull home by late August!!!

    BOOOOO! Wrong direction entirely! Hamilton is the place to be!

    Aw, maybe I'm just disappointed that I won't see you folks as often, which is already almost never...well, a certain Jewish Reverend will miss the two of you dearly in this neck of the woods.

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