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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. If you need a quick fix of fresh Derek Trucks, he plays on Susan Tedeschi's new album.

    Susan's no slouch on the geetar either.

    Aw, they's may-reed


    I've been giving generous listening time to Joyful Noise, and I love it. Maki-Madni and Ka-Ma-Lay were the two that I was most recently digging on, but the whole thing is great, from the title track to Every Good Boy, Lookout 31, the two with Solomon Burke, the one with Susan...good disc. Would love to hear more, myself; would love to SEE them finally. Did you see them in Buffalo a year or two back, djed? Last time I can recall that they were in the area, but I didn't go.

  2. My pleasure, man.

    The whole Matt Mays & El Torpedo record is chock full of catchy, hard rockin tunes...on its way to being a modern Canadian masterpiece, in my opinion. I know they're riding a little bit of the fickle indie fanbase at the moment, but whatever their pop culture appeal, I feel they've put together a fantastic record. They're also a great live act to catch, though not in Toronto if you prefer to avoid crowds of people who arrive to be seen.

    Another guy who I think is putting out incredible rock and roll records despite his status as somewhat of an indie darling is Joel Plaskett. The women swoon, it's true, but when I look back on the big rock records of this era, I'm going to be thinking of his last record with Thrush Hermit, Clayton Park, and his two electric albums with the Emergency, Down at the Khyber and Truthfully, Truthfully. The MM&ET has potential to find its way to that list too, I think.

    I'm going to spin a track from the Thrush Hermit record before 9. I'm thinking either something slow and ragged, with a Neil Young vibe, or something harder and more riff-based, channelling the first Sabbath record. peipunk or anybody else, have a preference?

  3. Good work, Polkaroo, keep at it.

    This whole thing smacks of those e-mail forwards: "For every person you send this message to, the American Cancer Society will receive 7 cents towards cancer research."

    You mean I can make a difference with just a few clicks of the mouse?!

    Makes people feel reeeaal warm and fuzzy inside, the idiots they are. Then when it's really time to buck up and chip in, instead of "I gave at the office" it's "oh I forwarded a cancer e-mail" or "I bought a Rwandan Cup of Hope".

  4. I've wanted tenant's insurance for as long as I've lived away from home, but I have never been eligible because 'I live with more than one person who is not related to me.'

    I have always had this EXACT problem, and we had a break-in last year...

    But now I'm down to just the singular roomate and we're looking into insurance too. The company that insures my parents' house and cars didn't want too much for $25K coverage (something in the neighbourhood of $250/yr) but they wanted the deductible to be $1000. We're shopping for a lower deductible but because neither of us has ever been a primary insurance policy holder, the thousand bucks seems to be the standard.

    Thanks for the tips re: insurance value. Just thinking about all that shit and then adding the basement full of musical instruments...we might have to double the coverage!

  5. i can't name all the beatles albums, let alone in alphabetical order.

    A Hard Days Night

    Abbey Road

    Beatles for Sale


    Let It Be

    Magical Mystery Tour

    Please Please Me


    Rubber Soul

    Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

    The Beatles

    With the Beatles

    Yellow Submarine

    UK releases only, of course :P

    Alexis my dear, you've been so darned inviting since you moved here and I haven't yet been to your place once. I'm going to make the effort Friday night. See you all there!

  6. I believe I will! Probably after 8 though. Thanks for listening meggo :)

    p.s. this Band tune I'm playing now, Rockin Chair, is my fucking favourite Band song ever recorded in the history of the world, and it's pretty high on the list of favourite all-time songs. It is very good. I'm going to do another one from this album right afterwards.

  7. ...well, really this morning, I suppose. Tune in for plenty of tunes and ample discussion about my newest student house woe. Remember the rat fiasco a year ago? That was fucking nothing. I'll be taking calls and talking about shitty living conditions, all the while spinning tons of good shite. Tune in! That's tomorrow morning (Friday) from 6 [roughly] to 9am. 93.3 FM in Hamilton, http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca anywhere else. Please note that the webcast requires Winamp to operate; Windows Media Player won't do it.

  8. It's not really a controversy. Rosh Hashanah is the 1st day of Tishrei, beginning the year 5766.

    What TheGoodRev is suggesting is much more academic. Tishrei is the first month of the Jewish Calendar. The only question is whether that was always the case or not.

    Indeed. In shul today I remember reading the part about "...and the first day of the seventh month shall be festive, a day of the sounding of the ram's horn shall it be for you..."

    Happy 5766 y'all. Where's kookycanooky at? Is this all the Jews we got around here?

    p.s. Ithaca '77 translates to the 20th day of Iyar (also, coincidentally, the 35th day of the counting of the Omer).

  9. Just about to leave Hamilton to enjoy a fine holiday meal with the ganseh mishpocha, before heading off to shul tomorrow where I've been comissioned to sound the Shofar at one of the smaller downstairs services. A freilecheh chag to all the Yiddin, and remember, b'Rosh Hashanah yicateivun, u'b'Yom Tzom Kippur yechatemun.

    p.s. gesindteh hei

    p.p.s. I find the most common pronounciation to be "bah-gel", which also annoys me to some degree, but not as much as the fact that it is strictly Jewish guilt that is making me leave Hamilton in the middle of a busy week to partake in some ol-time religion. Feh.

  10. I love Trower.

    I might get some guff for this, but I've always been a huge George Harrison fan in the guitar playing realm. I mean, I admit that love the wank, sometimes a little too much. But we could sit around all day naming guitar players who put a hundred notes together that moved us, but how many have put two together that moved us? George knew what he was doing, man.

    Also partial to Beck. I agree, screw the Zep. I can listen to some Zep (I loves me some riffage), but I've never drooled over a Page solo in my life, not like I've drooled over, say, a Duane Allman solo. Now there was a fucking guitar player, British or not.

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