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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. I have another story, it comes from my Grade 11 Biology teacher. He was a great teacher, a little odd, but a good guy. Very stern though.

    Anyway the topic of Woodstock somehow comes up in class one day.

    "Yeah, Woodstock," he says. "It wasn't all it was cracked up to be, you know."

    And we're all like, "What do you mean?"

    He says, "I only have one memory of Woodstock. I woke up in a porta-john. There was this loud wailing going on, but I couldn't tell what it was. Once I could muster the energy to move, I opened the door and was blinded by the sun...and about a mile away I could barely make out the figure of Jimi Hendrix onstage playing the Star Spangled Banner."

  2. Songs that have induced the old throat lump from time to time...

    The Band - It Makes No Difference

    The Band - Tears of Rage

    James Taylor - Carolina in my Mind [don't know why, don't even know if the subject matter is particularly sad...something about the chord changes maybe]

    That's all I got. Gonna go have a good cry now.

  3. also in just about every alley in between Bathurst and Spadina along queen st.(mostly along the north side)
    There is an alley that runs parallel to Queen W St in Toronto just south of it from about Spadina over to Bathurst that has dozens of incredible tags. I havn't been by in some time so they may be gone by now, but holy cow are there some incredible, detailed and beautiful tags in that alley.

    I was going to post about that alley too...I worked in an office on Richmond all last year, the building backed onto that alley. We'd all be out smoking and I'd check out some of the awesome tags. There's a lot of shit back there too, wannabes and such, but worth looking at for sure. I remember lots of detailed caricature drawings of people behind my office.

  4. Like I said. I've never seen them stretch out like that, it was great to see. I'm all about a band that sounds great on disc and brings their game when they play; the structure of their record is there but they take it a step further live. larry_llama taped it, will try to get a sample up.

    Also quite enjoyed Pete Elkas earlier. I knew he had the songwriting, having seen him a few times over the past two years or so, each time opening solo for Plaskett. His band situation still showcases his songwriting, but he's definately committed to extended instrumental breaks. They were great, it's a band I would definately see again if they were back in town. Jeff and Gavin from Burt played with him.

    All in all, a fine night of music in the Hammer! Where was everybody else?

  5. hey Weirdness, would it be tough to get a torrent going for that show? I'll leech away and promise to keep seeding for a couple of days.

    I'd happily do the same. Short on disk space over here, haven't downloaded torrents actively in over a year, but would gladly make some room for that show.

    Also, I used to use Furthurnet a lot and, while I hadn't used it in a long time, I found a whole stash of temp folders, some shows with 2 and a half completed songs, other random shit. Wiped that off and it freed up almost 5GB :D

    So yeah, bring on the torrent! Please :D

  6. We have a piano/keyboard player who will be making his home in Hamilton as of September, haven't mentioned anything to him yet...

    Hey...are we talking about the same keyboard player that's expressed interest in playing for Rose Garland when he gets to Hamilton this September? Don't make me arm wrestle... ;)

    Indeed we are dude. His name's Adam, he's a good friend of mine, we'll be roomies in Sept. By all means, if things work out for you guys, I'd love nothing better than to see him join the band. I personally love what you do and I think it would be awesome. I'm sure he'll juggle as many musical commitments as he can.

    You're not looking to add a second drummer are you? I'd love to do it, and if forced to toot my own horn, I'll say I've definately got the chops. PM me if you're interested.

  7. guitar

    and per larry_llama, drum stool #2

    EDIT: Has anybody expressed concrete interest in playing bass? I was under the impression somebody had. If that's not the case, I'll gladly play bass. Otherwise I'm sure there's room for me as another guitar player.

  8. oysterclay.jpg

    Man I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier...I fucking LOVED the Oysterhead album. I only have a copy of one show on the tour, it's pretty good but the sound quality isn't the greatest. Do you know Jaimoe where I could get a copy of the Massey Hall show? I say this with absolutely no shame, that show is easily in my top five shows that I've ever seen. BRING BACK OYSTERHEAD, I say! The playing styles of all three guys (though granted Trey has exhibited a great many different playing styles throughout his career) was so well suited to the trio format...as you said in another thread Jaimoe, definately the coolest and most interesting thing to happen in progressive rock in many years.


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