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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. 5 goals....was it that ugly....wha happen?
  2. Jesus Christ....by the sounds of it, I should have ordered the PPV tonight!
  3. YES....I was looking for that pylon pic.
  4. Throw Ovechkin in there....Christ...they'd make a great stand-up team.
  5. Ricky looks funny without sideburns
  6. I dunno what to think...Christ, Buffalo is outplaying us but come on.....I don't think someone has been practicing enough.
  8. Do you collect points for these things? Here's a blog that has all the codewords to collect the points! Click Here
  9. rubberdinghy


    I like to go half lean half medium for my beef. that's what she said.
  10. rubberdinghy


    Ooooh...the cold meat loaf sandwich (almost as good as the cold sausage sandwich). My Mom's trick with meat loaf was to make a glaze out of (IIRC) just ketchup and dry mustard; it gave it a kind of sweet/hot feel to it. (I can't remember if the glaze was on during the whole baking cycle' date=' though.) Aloha, Brad[/quote'] That's my fave part...My mom used to bake it like that the entire time.
  11. I just realized that I went to school with Randy Robitaille, grades 3-8. Good ole facebook... Is it rude to call out of the blue and ask for tickets?
  12. "So you like the number 19 kid?" "Why yes sir, I do." "Well, tell #25 there to quit staring and licking his lips at me, or I'll tear the 19 right off your back" "Yes Mr. Robinson"
  13. Tuna Sandwich yesterday...my banana was still too green though.... May go egg salad today...still to early to decide.
  14. wierd, nevermind.... nice goal...scary first 10 minutes though...I saw a Ottawa/Toronto replay....
  15. oh ok...why aren't they showing the ceremony?
  16. is this game on in English anywhere? Sportsnet has it blacked out....idears? what channel, roger's digital, anyone???
  17. Do you just redeem your points at the box office?
  18. Sounds good...where did this come from?
  19. oh, I should have talked about the game...A 10-3 blow-out by the 67's...fights, the whole nine...Couture is awesome.
  20. Hell yeah you can drink, and snoots is the way to go...The usher told me to shut-up at one point... fucking 22.... esti jacqu-wheeeeeeeeeez
  21. I have been waiting a loooooooooooooooooooong time for this one....Saw them play "Everyone Poops" in Potsdam and it was great!
  22. Alfie's 800th...2 goals....Gerbs another SOLID performance!
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