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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. Ever made grilled cheese on the BBQ on rye bread and a couple of slices of Blackforest? that's my fave
  2. mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooooooooooooooo this is fun!
  3. If you read my first post....It reads I am not implying that this is the greatest movie ever.... Because the greatest movie ever is "Rudy"
  4. better than 2 and 3 IMO.... but you probably liked three the best.... you do have a hard on for Sam Jackson
  5. AGREED! or make it the Ween forum
  6. OMG! This has to be one of the best, shoot 'em up, explosive, no plot line movies EVER...plus the fact there was no love interest AT ALL, made it a bonus. And the Apple dude was pretty damn good. John McClane would eat Jack Bauer for breakfast... Waiting for the "Yippee Ki Yay Mother Fucker" was the most intriguing part of the movie CMON BRUCE, SAY IT!!! Then of course, shoots himself through his OWN bullet wound to kill the bad guy!!! AWESOME. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME
  7. Christ...I hope Paddock gives Gerbs another chance against the Isles....Everyone has an off night, plus, it's not like the Sens are playing defence right now, 10 goals against in 2 games....UGLY
  8. The Sadies kicked some serious ass as usual!!! It's unfortunate some folks didn't get in. Next time...buy advance tickets!
  9. Actually, I didn't listen to it either....
  10. rubberdinghy


    Alton destroys Michael Smith.
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