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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. My point is that I am able to walk down there anytime ticket or not, friend or no friend.
  2. FACK....I can't stop watching Matty's avatar...It's AWESOME
  3. I've got a friend who serves in the 100's, she and the usher she works with keep an eye on empty seats. If they've got some in we go. I think I've only been turned down once. I treated Cyril to a game about 10 rows from the ice a couple of weeks ago.
  4. After the first starts you can just wander down there.
  5. I didn't have the guts to write on his blog...someone else made a comment though....so that's good....
  6. okay....I read it...this is 100% incorrect.... I have watched many games from the 100 level after buying only a standing room ticket...this guy is obviously a dummy...I'm going to his blog to tell him so...
  7. im really hammered right now and couldn't read that.... but...CHRIST...did we somehow forget how to throw a body check...CMON! that was friggin brutal.... Also...Gerber is our #1....Say what you will about Emery but, man, he let in 2 weak ones.....I really don't know about this situation right now....... please help' wasted in Ottawa... $22 for a pitcher at Marshy's....you gotta be kidding me..... Scot....aka rubberbooche.
  8. hmmmmm, this is a little interesting....hopefully this doesn't become a distraction.
  9. Awesome.....the guy I ride with to work in the morning is a Leafs fan...First thing he said to me..."There's always next year" I nearly shit myself.
  10. Seconded. but I cannot quit watching hockey.
  11. Yes...I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!! No more turbo walks for me!
  12. man...I didn't learn that kind of stuff in school
  13. Assistant Regional Manager at a mid-sized paper company.....
  14. I wish I could be a domestic engineer...I hear the pay ain't so good though.
  15. you didn't just use the words "McCabe" and "top calibre" in the same post, did you Dave-O
  16. Apparently Redden's willing to take a pay cut to stay with the Sens....I guess we'll see a bit more of this to stay with a contender. http://www.ottawasun.com/Sports/Senators/2007/11/06/4634006-sun.html
  17. Someones had tooooo much Bailey's in their coffee this morning... or smoking toooo much crack...
  18. Gerber. He would have won it straight if it wasn't for that ugly goal anyways...Definately redeemed himself in the shootout.
  19. Emery seems to need to face alot of shots to be on his game...Until the 3rd he'd only faced 6 shots.... First goal...weak 5 hole.
  20. 1. Kovalchuk 2. Emery 3. Redden (because we like to blame him for everything)
  21. their "Roll Over Beethoven" is bomb... wait a sec
  22. Like Joey would say... Whoa! that was close...Emery was a bit like a sieve. How bout Robitaille on the top line with Spezza out...Me Likey.
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