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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I should be getting off the bus shortly after 7:30 at Holland and Wellington, I may just wander in as well.
  2. shit....must tell mom how to change security settings.
  3. Two girls got on the bus tonight and asked me if I could tell them when to get off for the Bronson Centre...I said in a louder than normal tone..."ARE YOU GOING TO SEE HANSON TONIGHT?" They were embarrased.
  4. they can come ride the bus with me for the day...I can make them official bus hall monitors.
  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-bop-tis-itis is what it's called.
  6. Where's Roller...this thread is pretty quiet
  7. back in black baby!!! wonder if they have the new black practice jerseys for sale?
  8. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BOP! Is that Lauzon on the left?
  9. YAYAYAYA...Happy Birthday scottie!
  10. HAHAHHAHHAHAHAA!!! Go get em Sean!!! See if you can get Andre a "How bout that Phil Lesh" autograph.
  11. I'm going to start cheering the losing streak!!! 7...but an interesting one...
  12. Wheel of Brie, wrapped in parchment, tossed on the BBQ, wait a good 15-20 mins...take off...dunk your favourite bread into the middle... ENJOY!
  13. light boozing? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Warmed up with a Bailey's and coffee the other night...Tis the season!
  14. Like Don Cherry would say... "LET'S GO!" thumbs up!
  15. I think I have every reason to get excited about the situation.
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