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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. Don't usually like Earl but... Here
  2. Now if Kiefer had been there.... BTW, what's with Brodeur shit talking.
  3. Thanks for the texts booche...I got a real feel for the game.... BTW...there is no such thing as an AM radio anymore...you can get FM ones at the dollar store, but the cheapest AM/FM one I could find was 30 bones. WTF!
  4. fack...she can sit on my lap if she wants...
  5. shouldn't stuff be $1 at the dollar store and not 5...I'll check at the rideau centre b4 I work...I wish I could somehow get a video feed on the bus' GPS machine.
  6. who can get me an AM radio delivered to me prior to game time tonight? It seems that I cannot get AM on my mp3 player, and can't seem to get star96 FM either, friggin pembroke.... HELP! Booche...update me via cell text...613-796-8585 or anyone for that matter!
  7. I think my walking speed would be represented as a point 'way out at the high end of the distribution...even with a backpack full of taping gear' date=' a mic stand in one hand, and a coffee in the other... Aloha, Brad[/quote'] No shit...I remember trying to follow you through the Rideau Centre that night....MAN IT WAS TOUGH! Got a good workout though!
  8. rubberdinghy


    In the same league as leaf fans...
  9. rubberdinghy


    Labbatt's Blue "The Good Stuff"
  10. I fucking hate how Cole always refers to them as the "Ottawa Sens". Damn good hockey game last night...After the game, did anyone see Cherry saying he never saw Fisher touch Brodeur, only to be proved wrong. AWESOME!
  11. Anyone else hate that damn Lexus ad that makes the slot machine sound? Scares the shit outta me every time.
  12. yer on! and it's true...Ottawa was not using the body last night at all!
  13. I cannot wait for tonight....should be some boring hockey...
  14. I'm with Primus and love thier service...my interweb is always super fast!
  15. The day after I quit....I changed all my services to Primus.
  16. Whhooooooooooooooooooooooops...that was the crack pipe speaking...
  17. meh....sub par if you ask me...I don't think I'll be going this year...too many fuggin lawn chairs...
  18. Hey...who's buying Steph tix for her birthday? If you do...get me one too...
  19. I think someone owes me a disc Uncle Bopper (as my nephew calls me) has been dealing with painting an unforgiving apartment and has been unable to partake in the playoff banter this week. Things will change round 2......... BTW Gary Roberts can go fuck himself. I thinks he made the list. He wasn't no Sens Killer this go around. Seems like Ottawa has thier shit together, the D's been great, scoring has come from everywhere (Volchenkov) and Booche was right, Comrie was the best deadlineish pickup Muckler has made... Oh and where did Corvo come from? PS...Think Redden's gone in the offseason?
  20. Like guigsy said...I'd go, if it were in my backyard...
  21. Did you watch the same game I did.... The Sens dominated...If it wasn't for Fleury, it would have been a much different game.
  22. Highlight of the Night... Draft night... Matty chooses Cheechoo. Flip to San Jose game...Cheechoo goes down. Poor Matty!
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