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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. rubberdinghy


    This was a good one.... There seemed to be a nuclear attack on the States, kinda like the one on the television show "24". Basically a nuke went off, mushroom cloud the whole nine yards. I was investigating a crime scene with none other than Horatio Caine. You know...CSI: Miami. So anyways, were chatting and he says we should get out of here. I said, "what are you thinking, H?" He says "It starts with an O Scot, an O!" Ummmm, I wasn't quite sure what he was talking about, than he said "THE OZARKS!" Anyways, we started HIKING to the Ozarks, with his kids....the OZarks have now conveniently moved to Alaska, and Alaska was now on the north-east tip of Canada, instead of the north-west. We finally make the trek to Alaska from Miami, which only took about 20 minutes, and decided we were going to tube down some river to a restaurant on some island. We hit the river, get wet and reach the shore of the island..... The phone rings and wakes me up!
  2. Full face masks may become mandatory...
  3. It's definately an interesting situation....
  4. Yer subliminal... IMO....Murray is right about the second goal...Davidson says the whistle hadn't gone, but he's wrong...The whistle had gone, but they shouldn't have blown it, Gerbs clearly hadn't covered it... Anyways, things this past 2 weeks have been blown WAY out of proportion...but Davidson started this latest nonsense.
  5. Is that the politically correct term for paperboy?
  6. Strange hockey game....Blues should have taken it...
  7. You better hurry up and make some cash babe...
  8. Christ Asparagus...we are going to have a busy day! Better load up the walking shoes and Zincofax.
  9. hahhahahaa... I was just about to type that...Bigots we are!
  10. Asparagus mentioned last night he wanted to go to the horseshoe....
  11. back to the Sens...he ranks right up there with SVA... Wish I had seen the game last night....
  12. Kelly Gruber...Greatest 3rd baseman...EVER!
  13. It's not a GTB show in Ottawa without a Street Sleeper! Good times!
  14. thank you! commuting is a different story...If you must talk and drive...hands-free is definately better!
  15. no offence...I hate seeing idiots walking around with them.... the best is when they are wearing one, but are still using their cellphone. WTF!
  16. Sorry AD...you got it!!! that's the place!
  17. my turn...I got 4, you know the drill...
  18. I'm coming for you Oliver...I'm in 20th.... 95-97% of those posts are useless entries...but hey, I try!
  19. Watching that 85 game, man the face-offs! The one right before Penney bobbles the puck! WOW, that was ugly!
  20. Pat 1st, Scot 2nd is all I remember!
  21. "Awesome on snoots!" is the correct phrase!
  22. You think they called the Isles back-up Doobie in highschool... talk about scoring from the secondaries...Neil's wrap around was gold.
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