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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. who knows what really happened behind closed doors... Maybe Lowe was sleeping with his wife... or it's all an elaborate plan...and the Oilers re-sign him this summer.
  2. I was choked up watching Smyth's goodbye...nearly shed a tear... anyone else manly enough to open up?
  3. Sometimes...I eat them cold...dipped straight into my tahini sauce.
  4. somerset and percy...right next to a place called Shiraz
  5. hahahhahahahha! Symptoms on the Dr's note... Players have special characteristics while in ghost form: Players appear in a black & white world while dead. Players are ethereal in appearance. In ghost form, players are unable to interact with most things in the world. Ghosts will neither be seen by nor see living players and most creatures, other than those creatures that are in the immediate area surrounding their corpses. Ghosts can see other ghosts. Ghosts can run faster, which makes it easier to return to where they died. They can also levitate over water. A few special creatures may be able to see ghosts (these will be apparent to players), and they can attack players in ghost form. If players do die in ghost form, they will be transported back to the most recent graveyard that they were at (not the graveyard nearest to where their ghosts just died, if different). "Public chat" is not available to ghosts, but "private chat" such as /tells, /guild, and /party chat are still allowed. Players can't use ghost form as a means to travel to far off locations. Having a spirit healer resurrect you in a graveyard other than the one you appeared at when you died will always teleport you back to that initial graveyard. Spirit healers are ghosts and can only be seen by players in ghost form. Player corpses turn into race-specific skeletons as they decay. When a player dies in an instance and then uses the spirit healer, the body in the instance now turns to bones. When a ghost player is resurrected into an instance that has become full, they no longer come to life wherever their ghost happens to be standing. Instead, they get ported to the closest graveyard.
  6. sorry Trev...just some good-natured WoW ribbing.
  7. As a ghost, you have three options: 1. You can return to your corpse and recover it. 2. You can have a fellow player (Paladin, Shaman, Priest, Druid) resurrect you, or use a Warlock's Soulstone, which will bring you back to life next to that player. There are also items in the game that allow players of any class to resurrect you. You will not lose any experience when resurrected by another player. Also, you can be resurrected by other players even after you have released your spirit back to the graveyard. 3. You can talk to a spirit healer NPC (currently located at graveyards) to immediately resurrect yourself at the spirit healer's location. If you choose this option all items (equipped and inventory) will take 25% durability loss and the character will gain resurrection sickness for a duration that scale according to level. The length of resurrection sickness suffered from using the Spirit Healer is set to a maximum of 10 minutes.
  8. Call in sick...reason: Resurrection Sickness
  9. I like chipotle mayo... Toss em together...slather on a burg!
  10. BTW Gerbs played a great game last night...
  11. BTW, I just threw that in there for you...I'm surly today...I'm not as disgusted as many fans are out thier today...we added a bit of depth to a team that "should" go far.
  12. I know...I'm starting to think The Sun doesn't like the Sens...
  13. Wow, I didn't see this till now... Sounds delicious...didn't think i'd see sugar in that batter...
  14. sorry, my little internet time has been spent in Rich Stadium.
  15. Here we go...I remember back in 93/94 maybe I was at a game at the Civic Centre...Ottawa was getting destroyed, as was usual back then, and the crowd started chanting "Randy's got to go" It was awesome!
  16. Why didn't Muckler call Edmonton instead of waiting for a call......
  17. hahahhahahhahahaa Someone hit it on the nose... Your Level 60 whatever is gonna suffer! The warlocks and flying ponies will have to wait
  18. I won't even bother today...
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