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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. And that's where it saved my life. Yes that is gravy, yes I've eaten it sober, and yes I find it deee-fucking-lish.
  2. I'm familiar with Franco. He's way better than that. He seemed so stiff' date=' like he couldn't loosen up at all. [/quote'] How familiar are you?
  3. You have to try it first. You have NO idea how good it is.
  4. Oh...sorry back on topic... Pizza Nova once saved my life...truthfully....If you buy me a slice I'll tell the story. There was also this whole in the wall pizza joint near Skydome that used to sell deeeelish slices....
  5. Ding ding ding ding...we have a winner for Ottawa pizza. Bella Vista comes a close second to Sorento's/Georgie's. Chicago deep dish does not exist in Ottawa. Not that I've found... Not a fan of thin crust...it's too messy and you can't get enough toppings on it. I just love pizza.
  6. http://www.newflyer.com/index/fleet-sale Here's the bus for Sammy Tour!
  7. they are soooo spensive....I think I'll just keep using the ones I got now and keep them oiled if that'll do the trick... Yeah...wire brush'd.... I made a horrible mistake one night and left the damn thing on high for about two hours. I'm pretty sure that's what caused the problems.
  8. Not when it was only 3 bones for a chick parm sammy. That ain't over-rated. Can't beleive there hasn't been any talk of Parma Rav's sammy's... best in the city by far. PS. Next time you are at City Centre...have a look for a black and white Gelaskinned Blackberry. Mine is there...somewhere....
  9. Curtis + Craig = Stanley Cup Next year. I used first names cuz I dunno how to spell Curtis' last name. It's simple math.
  10. That's Franco's schtick Ollie...it didn't go over very well. They did want to make it "young and hip" with Franco and Hathaway but I still miss the days of Billy Crystal.
  11. A couple of years ago, my wonderful wife, and some great friends, pitched a pile of money together to buy me a beautiful BBQ. I decided to make some ribs last night, and noticed some of the grills were a bit rusty. They "were" porcelain coated cast iron grills but I think after many uses the porcelain coating is coming off. Should I shell out tons of money for new grills or is ok to keep using these ones, but keep them oiled really well? What do you think.
  12. Saddened True Grit didn't win anything. Loved that flick. Zero amazing moments....Anne Hathaway was great to look at in HD.
  13. Go go go go... I can't, working bright and early. Someone please pass along apologies for me to our very own kookycanooky, and of course TheGoodRev, (even though I don't know him)! Thanks
  14. I was responding to Rollers post Boochard. Kovalev was magic. I'm gonna miss the Russian.
  15. I have a feeling they will try and re-sign him.
  16. Yeah...I'm going to miss those too...especially the stubby bottles...
  17. I must say, youse guys blowed my shirt off in Guelph and London. The shirt off thing was also helped by the fact it was 3.50 pint night. Hear that Deckuf?
  18. Call me an arsehole but this stuff didn't call out to me at the Elmdale that night. Maybe I'll have to give it another shot.
  19. Loved being in Southern Ontario watch the Sens take care of the Leaves... Funny thing was...nobody else in the bar cared.
  20. Didn't the Asian guy get that Livestrong was sooo 2006?
  21. I've been there a couple of times and thouroughly enjoyed the breaky. However, I did find the fried chicken bland and very dry. Thank god for the multiple dipping sauces. I also did find it rather slow and expensive. I know other people that love it but I'd rather just make my own.
  22. From the Church Key in London, Ont. 10oz striploin served on top of gorgonzola, bacon, stuffed portobellos, and garnished with a poached egg, and an artichoke. My egg was a little over-done but with this meal I can deal. Oh yeah...this was breakfast.
  23. I'm worried whomever fills Regin's spot may actually score some goals, and therefore moving us up in the rankings. His projected 5 goals was looking purdy good.
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