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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. What's this True Blood all about...also, cannot wait for friggin Dexter to start
  2. Cosmic, I told Stephie to bring Brit back over here...isn't Ollie at the show though?
  3. Is that the one that takes place in Philly, in the hood, or something?
  4. no I'll try one more...just waiting on Rescue Me and Entourage...I seemed to be throttled all of a sudden.
  5. Check it...Britney live from inside Scotiabank Place Ottawa 15 mins ago...during If You Seek Amy. Pic taken by voodoo's cell phone!
  6. Does the TV show "Mad Men" get any less boring after the second episode.
  7. I was talking about the Starbucks... GOSH!
  8. BTW...made it to the LC, and ate a Big Crunch! TAKE THAT PETA!
  9. Christ...I better go to the liquor store before it closes.
  10. Pics please...I'll be the judge of that. Is 35 buck too much for Amy Millan, Mr. Something Something and Steven Page.... I think so.
  11. You don't have a girlfriend. My beer is almost done.
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