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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. My car doesn't have an ashtray though...Neither does the bus
  2. Yup...that pic is direct from Facebook
  3. I think you are right...you can always transfer the photos to imageshack.us
  4. So I'm taking the public transportation in our city...I'm listening to tunes and I hear the bus driver mumble something...I ignore him, but he's adamant to talk to me...I take off my headphones and tell him to REEEELAAAAAX! He tells me to get off the bus. Fucking bus drivers
  5. FIFA 09 at lunch only eh? Rogers called me last night...When I picked up it said "Please hold for an important call from Rogers" Wait...."please hold for an important call regarding your Rogers Cellphone" I don't have a cell phone with rogers... Julia...can you give me 6 months free cable please?
  6. Damn...smoke another bowl Andre so you forget about that dough.
  7. I'm thinking, Metro, Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, and the ever popular Hartman's Independent.
  8. the Sens have dealt with plenty different attitudes the last few years. What's another bad apple gonna do?
  9. That's what Heatley's there this year for.
  10. Can I put on a cheerleaders outfit?
  11. Press Conference at Noon today: "Raiders to move to Toronto." You'd watch that one.
  12. You won't get one. I only go ballz deep.
  13. We look alot better than "les glorieux." It's nearly impossible to beat our worst season ever of 24 points back in 92-93... So, it won't obviously be our worst.
  14. Mud Lake is adjacent to Brittania Park. There's quite a few walking trails in there... from www.canadascapital.gc.ca Mud Lake / Britannia Conservation Area A patch of wilderness in the middle of an urban setting, Mud Lake is an amazing area of forest and wetlands. Located in Ottawa’s west end, Mud Lake is home to hundreds of species of wildlife, with raccoons, frogs, turtles and foxes, to name but a few. This ecologically significant urban natural landscape is also prime birding territory, with thousands of birdwatchers coming each year to observe hundreds of different species. A walk through this easy-to-access urban jungle provides an exciting escape from city life. Location At the end of Cassels Street, along the Ottawa River Services Recreational pathway. You can find all the info you want on that website re: Mud Lake and Walking Trails.
  15. Explain to me it's brilliance. You think it's cool cuz they are drinking and smoking in the office? People just eat it up because the ladie think Jon Hamm is hot, and Joan's got big ole titties. I made it to episode 4, and still think it is "meh."
  16. Sounds like it! I did the Six Feet Under thing. Loved that show. I tried to get into The Wire but failed...Maybe give it another shot.
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