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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I'm going to try...It is 90210 night though
  2. Christ...I was super dissappointed...the line-ups were RIDICULOUS! I had a big crunch at KFC instead...got a free spring roll from the Spring Roll House.
  3. Can we have a Baby Sens thread too? Actually...no one cares. Nevermind
  4. Also, according to google maps it's a 15 minute walk.
  5. Bad incident that I won't reveal since everyone hear loves the clocktower. The have kick ass pierogies there too
  6. I hear Sir John A Pub is decent. It's on Elgin. I don't like wings anymore though.
  7. Maybe if you do the next 25 I'll be able to give you an answer
  8. I've never been on a bus in another city to think of it.
  9. Another good one from the other day... I was jam packed on my 86, no one else could fit on...I go to pass another bus and this woman, jumps in front of the other bus, yelling, (apparently I can read lips now) "You better fucking stop, if you don't stop...blah blah blah..." She flags down the bus behind to play the "catch up to me" game, obviously to give me a piece of her mind. Finally catches up to me and runs up to my door. Looks in, I wave, nothing else I can do, no room. She sulks off back to the bus behind me. Light turns green, we both take off, with her still standing on the platform. It's rush hour lady, there'll be another bus shortly!
  10. I wanted to, but, I controlled myself, I'm getting better you know...I just laugh it off now. I was coming into Lincoln Fields....called it out 3 times.... Next stop...Lincoln Fields....no bell This is Lincoln Fields....no bell LAST CALL...LINCOLN FIELDS...no bell Blow past the 95 that's sitting there loading and unloading...DING! "What your not going to stop? I have and appointment to go to" "Ma'am, I called it out 3 times, there is a reason we have stop request bells on the bus." "oh go to hell!" she says, I chuckled, "Next Stop Dominion..." DING! Also, found a great link for any of you who wonder why the bus may not stop for you... http://www.octranspo1.com/about-octranspo/Service_Delivery
  11. Is what she said to me after I drove past her stop without stopping. Sorry maam, but that's what the yellow cords are for. Just another bus story for youse all on this rainy day.
  12. Yes it is. You should definately go in...if it frightens you they also have a location Holland near the GCTC that is much cleaner... The original holds alot of memories though...It used to be a donut shop where we used to spend alot of time during highschool.
  13. Dissappointed Ollie... Aren't you worried about Annie at all?
  14. That's the messiest Big Mac I have ever seen
  15. Oh the interwebs... What a tangled web you weave.
  16. Oh yeah...btw, it is still on but I've got a PVR now!
  17. I think the dot needs to move a little to the right, and be a little bigger....
  18. funny-ish...maybe.... Andy jumping into the refrigerator box...priceless
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