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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. They are up to episode four, (if you are downloading) Mike, please pack your knives and go. In episode 3, there is a shot of Padma getting out of a hummer. If that's not what dreams are made of.
  2. I'm sure you are right...At least his cap hit is only 4 million this year... Cheechoo and Michalek is a combined 7 mill... Heater is 8
  3. Interesting....I'll have to go
  4. Weekend of poutines for me... Friday night, I went with meggo's fave...see above.. Went to Murray St. Charcuterie on Sunday, and this is what I had... Crispy hand-cut herb spatzle, shredded mariposa duck confit, roast duck gravy, 5th town Goat cheese curds. GOODNESS ME!
  5. I'm thinking the "A" train...should sport the other A.
  6. Who gets the other "A", Spezza?
  7. It's obvious this was Murray's only choice to get a deal done prior to camp opening.... My question is what do the lines look like? Spezz-Alfie-Michalek Fisher-Kovalev-Foligno Kelly-Cheechoo-Ruutu Winchester-Neil-Bass??Shannon??Donovan?? Kuba-Phillips Campoli-Volchenkov Picard-Lee Schubert?? Does Karlsson make the Big Club? Hennessy, Zubov, Regin, Zack Smith? Murray should have made a move for a big name D man...I guess Heatley was the only player on his mind. I dunno...still so many questions.
  8. Marleau doesn't want to go anywhere anyways.
  9. He'll be a 50 goal scorer in O-town this year
  10. Schwa...put me in for everything opposite Booche picks... We'll see who the real winner is
  11. rubberdinghy


    You said annals. huh huh huh
  12. Pshaw...After my injury I was still asked to play for the Habs. The only problem is I enjoy driving the bus much more...so I turned down thier offer.
  13. You plowed through half...but my eyes were closed
  14. It started this week on Food...but the first three are downloadable...(that's where I caught them) Hell's and Top Chef...you can't compare. They both have special elements.
  15. Oh yeah...Forget Mike took a "big ass blue shit" in the bar...it was phenomenal.
  16. I heard something about two people "crossing streams!"
  17. I witnessed meggo plow through one of those at 630 am this past weekend. I think I'm in love.
  18. Berithan Berio...officially not the bands name... They were entertaining ideas for something new. Great show....First time seeing Plants and Animals, and I think Mercy is my new fave song. Fuck! Steph look, there is a dog on the bar. Can never get enough of the Blacksheep.
  19. Thinking I'll be there with a couple of folks in tow.
  20. No talk about 64 million dollar man! 12 years! Jesus...he should have been a Senator
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