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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Hux

    favorite cheese

    Chaumes - one of my favourites, it's impossible to pick one favourite as there are too many good ones! Chaumes - a cow's milk cheese from Périgord (South West of France)is a soft pale cheese with a rich full-bodied flavour and smooth creamy and quite rubbery texture. Its aroma is generated by the cheese's bright tangerine-orange soft rind.
  2. ...not bad, a little too much "below the neck" for me...
  3. Hux

    Canada and Kyoto

    Requiring developing nations to sign on to Kyoto to reduce global warming/greenhouse gases would be like handing out condoms in a daycare to reduce STDs. Developing nations are not the problem when it comes to greenhouse gases. Sure plenty of companies move where goods can be assembled more cheaply, that's nothing new - but that's not the case with the big gg polluters, and that's what Kyoto is about. The big global polluters are you and me. Our way of life as the richest whatever percent of the world, gorging ourselves on energy and all the rest of it. If/when developing nations become fat cats polluting the planet to the degree we do, then they would be expected to join Kyoto or whatever it is then.
  4. Hux

    Canada and Kyoto

    .....there's your answer!
  5. Hux

    Canada and Kyoto

    That's a little simplistic. Most greenhouse gasses are produced by the trappings of developed nations, ie. massive energy consumption per capita (home consumption, SUV's and stuff). Of course industry is a big offender, but the very worst offenders (ie. in Canada the oil sands in Alberta) are not factories you can just pick up and move to Bali. Sure, some may do that, but it's not black and white. Personally, I see the glass as half full, it's not perfect but it's better to try where there is a global consenus (160 countries for - Dubya and John Howard in Australia, and now Steve - against) and come up a little short than do nothing. Developing nations will NEVER sign on to anything like Kyoto anytime soon, and frankly they shouldn't - they are not the main offenders and produce a fraction of GG. Oh, and FWIW your position is a carbon copy of this guys:
  6. I can hear him now.... "You're gonna win Ontario, Newfoundland, PEI, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, the territories, BC, Manitoba, Nova Scotia - Alberta YEEEEEOOOWWW"
  7. cool! Dean to deliver keynote speech CAMPBELL CLARK and ALAN FREEMAN Globe and Mail OTTAWA -- Former Vermont governor Howard Dean, fresh from leading Democrats to victory in both Houses of Congress, has been recruited to inspire Canada's Liberals in their own efforts to find their way back from the political wilderness. Dr. Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, will deliver the keynote speech at the Liberal Party's leadership convention this month, just as the Liberals are trying to emulate the Democrats' efforts to rebuild their shaken party organization. A Washington source confirmed yesterday that Dr. Dean will speak at the Liberal convention.
  8. Hux

    SCI - Done

    ...couldn't agree more.
  9. THIS IS INSANE!!! (looking for more details) Tories still lead nationally but trail Grits everywhere outside Alberta: poll OTTAWA (CP) - A new poll suggests Alberta is the only remaining bastion of federal Conservative party support, with the leaderless Liberals leading in every other region of the country. The survey of more than 1,000 Canadians was taken by Decima Research after the Conservative government's controversial decision last week to tax income trusts. While Conservative support in Alberta remains sky high around 65 per cent, the Liberals lead by an average of three percentage points in the rest of Canada. That's a big reversal for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's party, which enjoyed a 10-point lead over the Liberals outside Alberta at the time of the Jan. 23 election. Nationally, the Conservatives polled 31 per cent of decided and leaning voters, compared to 28 per cent for the Liberals and 18 per cent for the NDP; the Bloc Quebecois and the Green party were tied nationally at nine per cent support. The poll is considered accurate within 3.1 per cent, 19 times in 20.
  10. I lit up my cuban cigar when Santorum lost. Sweet. You should swing over to the politics forum.
  11. WHOA!! A random google image search brought up this RARE photo taken at one of the epic Grateful Dead shows Booche caught in the '94-'95 "primal" era....I think it was The Palace, Auburn Hills, MI 6/27/95!!! Duuuuuude!!!
  12. What songs did Pigpen do at those sick '95 shows you caught?
  13. You sound like a member of the Factanista - swing by the politics forum, we need more of your kind over there.
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