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Everything posted by Hux

  1. You guys do realize this thread echos the current controversy over John Kerry's comments on soldiers and staying in school??
  2. haha...I've never watched more than 5 minutes of FOX, I like some of the "neutral" pundits on CNN, like Bill Schneider: I think televised showdowns (ala Crossfire) with reps from Party A on a panel with a rep from Party B is just a waste of time.
  3. Competing ideas is one thing. I get excited when someone throws out views that are based on bad information, ie. someone who thinks they've got it all figured out when in reality FACTS prove otherwise. That's you a lot of the time, and I could link all the occasions I've clearly proven you wrong in this forum. Most of the people I spar with (card carrying Conservatives, etc.) don't get me half as excited as it may appear I am in here, because at least they know their shit. You're often bullish AND wrong - wicked combo!
  4. ...and the study I posted disproved that. The Canadian media gave Harper the best coverage during the election. If you are truly ignorant enough to think that one case of anti-Harper media makes you right, well....
  5. So I put up a study that encompassed ALL media coverage during the election, ie. all the articles and media coverage to disprove your assertion that Harper got the worst media coverage. You pluck one anti-Harper article out and think that disproves the entire study?
  6. Sure, quotes may be in the eye of the beholder, but actions are not, and that is what Harper will be judged on so most of that post is irrelevant. I don't have time to point out the many factual errors, etc. in the rest of your post, such as the CPP going broke, again, your time machine is still stuck in the early 90's, perhaps you should wiki your shit before you post.
  7. And in political terms, Bush is THE liability for Republican candidates in these midterm elections, many are telling him to stay away from making appearances in their districts/states. Hard to imagine them then turning around and pushing for Mr. 37% approval to stick around even longer.
  8. It'll be nice to campaign next time around not on the scary things Harper has said in the past (which are plenty), but on the scary things he has done since taking power.
  9. Sounds like a sweet dinner. Ms.Hux have you had sushi in Vancouver yet? It's just ridculously fresh/good/cheap. I ate it every other day during the election, and have only had it once since as I just couldn't bring myself to shell out here in O-town. I'm going out to BC in 2 weeks and am looking forward to some serious sushi feastin'.
  10. Sweeeet! Glad you guys got a great show Sat. I heard friday was a bit hit/miss.
  11. Yeah, there was a big mess totally because of the shitshow upstairs, slavetothegroove I tried to get you guys back in, but there was nothing anyone could say to the bouncers or mgmt. I guess whoever walked outside around that time got screwed, I had no idea people going out for a smoke couldn't get back in. Ridiculous.
  12. Wow - crazy night! Who knew you could get $2.75 shots of JD in Ottawa. Enough said. Had a blast last night, heard Inglewood Jack from the door, great set guys.... (them during soundcheck) Happy Birthday Sharon - killer Thriller! Elgin was packed with people last night, most dressed pretty crazy.... At one point we had the fire marshall and bylaw peeps at the door counting heads, craziest door I've ever worked. I think in the end around 130 people came in. The Tad Hackish Band was a tad hackish then tightened 'er up and started "TKB", it didn't help that Tad missed his flight in Aspen and couldn't make the gig. I think everyone had a good time, including Magnum. And of course I rocked out my Bob Weir circa fall '81 costume. (Good times, I'm having fun with my new cam as you can see)
  13. Show up whenever, we still get your money. THB is TKB.
  14. Me! If I can get in without a costume.....
  15. I don't get it to be honest...there must be an explanation somewhere....
  16. It's our generations Sgt. Pepper. And I haven't even heard it.
  17. Nice work. We should have a jambands.ca carving contest, we could post pics of our work here then everybody could vote, then bouche could give the winner $1000 or something?
  18. hmmmm....I dunno - you're a Republican Democrat Senator who manages the Yankees, was jailed in South Africa, is Japan's head of state and former U.S. Secretary of State who produced classic Motown records with a licence to kill, won a Nobel Prize and an Oscar and starred in Casino? (He'll beat it! go Phil!)
  19. Clearly Munter is providing high school kids with drugs.
  20. Unless Rita has abandoned our international environmental commitments and sat silent around the Cabinet table while the Harper religious right strips away funding for women's equality - I'm just not seeing the resemblance! Weird QOTD.
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