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Posts posted by TomFoolery

  1. This one's the best

    8. Queensryche. Some reasons why, according to David Russell in Fishkill, N.Y.: "They've endured 25 years of the changing rock scene. They still tour all the time, selling out all the time and putting on an unbeatable live show. Their music has evolved with the times and has never failed to succeed. Their lyrics are constantly full of thought-provoking material and deep meaning. They are the best all around band ... period!"

    I doubt I need to go into the humour in this one...

  2. Yeah, that rots.

    What I'd always try to do when dealing with assholes was to do a version of the laugh therapy thing. You know - if you smile the muscle movement tricks your brain into thinking you're happy so you actually become happy.

    Smile and for every inch they cross the asshole line, you go an extra inch down the drippy/happy/sappy/courteous line. The key is NOT to give into everything, but to deliver your message in an extra happy way.

    You have to make it into a competition with them - without their knowing it.

    There's always an appeal to telling people to shove their complaints up their ungrateful-stench-ridden-asses, but you get way farther like this.

  3. Heyo SS - I play in Corduroy Road :-)

    Its a bluegrass band. We do suck, but we're way more fun than OLP. And, people get way more wasted at our shows - they have to!

    P'roo - I once saw OLP play at the campus bar at UW. They played three songs, told the whole crowd that they sucked then played another 45 minutes of mediocre music. I have had a hard time giving them credit since. I thought this would be a fun game :-) I don't hate them, I just have zero respect for them as people and little as musicians.

    Anyhow, I think I'd take anyone (with the exception of the Culture Club) off of Jaimoe's list over OLP.

    My new addition to the list is:


    I'd rather see a reunited Wham than OLP.

  4. C'mon now. You can do better than that.

    OLP really eats ass. The Hip do to, but they're not even in the same ballpark of offensive as OLP. Genesis may not be your bag, but OLP is WAY crappier.

    Tea Party - yeah, they blow - that's a statement.

    I don't even know the Shaggs, but it sounds like we're entering the right league.

    I'm talkin'...

    Glass Tiger - I'd take them over OLP - at least they smile

    Christina Aguilera - I doubt she can spell how offensive she is - her voice is still in another league than Raine's

    Ratt - Old 80's hair metal and uber-cheezers - way smoother attitude than OLP

  5. Ha ha ha

    I've been inspired by the OLP raggin' on the Live 8 threads.

    Here's the contest. What is the worst band you can think of that you'd still endorse over Our Lady Peace?

    I'll start off with Honeymoon Suite.

    Total douchebags with crap music, but they gave a bit of a shit about the crowd having fun - unlike OLP.

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