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Posts posted by TomFoolery

  1. I could be reading his message to me the wrong way, but I thought he wanted to swing by and grab an extra for his buddy coming in from out of town...

    I set him up. He didn't tell me about his buddy until after the fact. If you can set him up with an extra - great - if not, no skin off anyone's back but his.

    Pretty stoked for cold pints and happy tunes!

    Bring it on!

  2. Polkaroo,

    As per usual - you crack me up :-)

    I agree whole heartedly with part three, think that part one is true but not necessarily on the mark and am very happy you brought up the issue of same sex parents.

    While I think that you are correct in pointing out that there is an aspect of parenting that can be made better through the availability of male and female influence, it isn't necessarily as simple as that.

    I know a lot of people who've been royally fucked up by their "traditional" male-female parents. I have also had the benefit of knowing two people who are the product of loving same sex couples (one from a lesbian couple - product of divorce - and one from a gay male couple - adoption of sorts).

    They've got issues from the stigma of their family backgrounds but they both know that they have the full support of their parents whenever they need it.

    From my assessment of their personalities and stability in their lives I'd say its better to have loving gay parents than unsupportive "traditional" parents.

    Yes, having a loving male-female influence on your life is probably the most healthy (although, I say this based on nothing more than my intuition - don't know what the psych lit has to say on this). But the world isn't so simple that the options are:

    - male/female parents


    - same sex parents

    There's all sorts of grey area that messes up the debate.

    So, is it ideal - probably not.

    Is anything ideal?

  3. Hey Trev,

    For what its worth... My buddy Bill was supposed to pick up an extra ticket from you last night. He says he is going to swing by today to grab it if its still around.

    I'm kinda pissed at him for even asking me to pass on the message but it doesn't really hurt me to do so. So...

    See ya tomorrow!

  4. Dude,

    I'm with the other person that gives you props for defending your position level-headedly btw.

    However, if I married my pet budgie how would that affect your commitment to your fiance and/or affect the noble goal you're pursuing?

    Unless you're relying on a conceptual definition to give you strength of commitment - it doesn't.

    I'm sorry if it comes as an attack, but anyone who does rely on a conceptual definition to find the strength of their commitment should ask themselves a few questions about what they're doing rather than giving another loving couple a hard time because it doesn't fit with what they'd choose.

  5. I gotta go with the infinite wisdom of BradM here. I think he summed up my philisophical stance on it quite well.

    My grandmother was a bigot. My mother told her I'd not be allowed to visit anymore if she continued to refer to black baseball players as "darkies". I forever respect my mother for that decision.

    I still love my grandmother but I don't find any reason to follow her "tradition" of bigotry. Its based on misguided philosophy - a need to create a community with whom you can fight the outsiders for your collective needs (white people vs. blacks who may eat their food / steal their jobs etc.)

    Discrimination hurts people on both sides. There just isn't any point.

    Same goes with marriages.

  6. Marco - you may not be overly critical or picking on Trey or somehow massaging your hurt feelings over the demise of Phish but a lot of people are. I'm with Esau on this.

    I miss Phish. Its the band that has most completely captured what I love about music - in many ways. I don't expect Trey ever to reunite Phish (even if he were single-handedly able). I'm not even sure I would support that move.

    I would be happy if I knew Trey were really doing what's important and healthy for him. I really get bent up when I see people destroy themselves and their potential. If he's doing well and REALLY enjoying what he's doing (not just doing it for the sake of doing it) - I'm happy for him.

    He and the rest of Phish gave me a lot through their music. He doesn't owe me anything.

  7. Its all relative really.

    I used to roof (its no blast furnace, but there are few hotter summer jobs). It ate ass being on a hot roof like that.

    I now work in an air-conditioned office.

    The heat still gets to me a bit. No more no less - its just what I'm used to doing.

    I'll take an Ottawa summer very happily though. Life here rules in the summer. The kayak opportunities (and any outdoors activities really) are second to none - and I dig that sh!t.

    Besides, you can comfortably walk around at 3am in shorts and a t-shirt! That seals it.

    Winter here bites it. It is unnecessarily cold - to the point where many things are dangerous to do outside. I can't understand why the first people here didn't just keep going south. Can you imagine living here without heat and good insulation?!?

  8. Does anyone know if quartzite is likely to blow up when heated?

    I am building a bbq in my yard. It would be easy to use all the rock across the road, but I don't want to if its just going to burst...

    Info from any rock-heads would be welcome.


  9. Snail,

    If I were you I'd go in and pull the manager out. Make sure its in an area where there are lots of customers and ask for your deposit back - quietly explaining why you think you should get it back. If he still stalls or refuses demand your deposit back a little more loudly and start explaining (loudly) all the poor service you received and how they didn't deliver on their side of the deal.

    Its fair to say, "No refunds on deposits" for something they actually pull through on. But you've been put through plenty of their fuck ups and they didn't come through on what you paid the $100 for.

    I just hate seeing schmucks like that get any money at all.

    Vent vent vent.

  10. From my understanding, they were just left with a really bad taste in their mouth from the get go. Nothing was panning out right (according to what they were expecting) - whether as a result of miscommunication or whatever - and, they made the call to not continue dealing with the people that had failed to meet the promises they perceived to have been given (whether through miscommunication or misrepresentation).

    There's always two sides to the story, but that's my read of where the BP dudes are coming from.

    I can't say I blame them (that's not to say I blame the promoter). If I am going to perform somewhere and am expecting a, b and c and I get there to find e, f and g - I'd probably throw in the towel and head elsewhere too...

    I suspect there was inadequate communication from both sides.

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