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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Wow. This is just so obvious, I'm amazed that no one has yet posted the actual "worst" song ever. I should start by saying that this song is extra-horrible in light of the fact that this band (well, two incarnations earlier) used to be very cool, however, by the time they became:

    Starship and wrote We Built This City (On Rock 'n' Roll) they easily managed to write the worst song ever.

  2. I would write, directly, to the Attorney General c/o the Department of Justice. As well, your local police chief would be a good place to start as well as the mayor of Ottawa. If you hit all of those, you are likely to get some action; especially if you follow up your letter with another letter one week later saying, "Further to my letter dated x date, I am yet to receive a response to my query regarding the status of the investigation into..."

    If you are annoying enough, you'll get an answer. If you find that you get no answer after a couple of letters, it is not a bad idea to forward copies of all the letters you wrote to the Ottawa Citizen, and send a copy of that cover letter to the people who ignored you originally.

    As they say, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Let's be squeaky; people!

    (I would gladly write a letter myself, and probably will do so, but I expect that a letter originating in Whistler will be immediately filed in the "round filing cabinet" next to the recipient's desk.)

    ADDITION BY STONEMTN: As I posted the above, it just occurred to me that I act for Whistler's animal shelter as advisory counsel. Although I doubt a letter from anyone in Whistler will have much impact, I will contact my client (the animal shelter) and arrange for a letter to come from them. That is just the sort of letter that politicians hate to read copies of in the local paper next week.

  3. This story is absolutely disgusting.

    I certainly hope that some of you who live in Ottawa will take the time to write to your local politicians to ensure that the investigation into who did this is properly carried out.

    In my experience these investigations are usually "too costly" to bother with, and it requires local voters to put pressure on local politicians to get this done. If a proper investigation is done, there is then potential for criminal charges to be brought. If, however, no one forces the issue, in all likelihood it will be brushed aside and never addressed.

  4. Today I heard a great "Canadian joke" and thought it worth starting a humour thread devoted to us Canadians. This is the joke I heard, and I encourage you all to contribute anything you find funny (and Canadian) to this thread:

    What is the difference between Canadians and Americans?






    Canadians know the difference.

  5. If you want some good ole Canadian humour; read some Farley Mowat.

    Farley Mowat rocks hard. My favourite Canadian writer.

    The obvious choice by him, of course, is "Never Cry Wolf" and is always an amazing read. The other, less likely, title of his, though, which I very much recommend is "Grey Seas Under". It's a novel about a tugboat based in Newfoundland and its contribution to WWII. Despite its potentially boring sounding theme; AWESOME BOOK!

  6. I am tempted to list 25 of my favourite books. Instead, I'm just going to suggest one that you probably haven't heard of. It's a book of short stories, and it's great.


    He won awards for it, I believe. He is a guy who lived in Israel for a few years as a reporter, and then he wrote these semi-fictional stories. Papernick is interesting himself, because he grew up in Toronto as a young punkrocker, and you can really see that in his book. Seriously; everyone should read it.

  7. Dang StoneMtn, I should have checked with you before the trip... find-out the good places to go... we were in Whistler for a week. Spend alot of time between hiking and the Brewhouse.

    Frankly Paan, I am very offended that you didn't contact me. :: Just kidding, but for any of you Skanktuarians heading this way, you do have an open invitation to hang out with me in Whistler (perhaps a dubious honour, but what can I say?) and everyone is encouraged to PM me before coming out here. (Except Paan, of course, he had his chance and blew it! :P)

  8. I work with people with autism

    Wow. You're awesome, man. I'm very impressed. That's hard work you do and you deserve to be commended. (In case anyone misinterprets this as sarcasm, I mean every word. I am extremely impressed.)

  9. hook it up,, i'll give you weed in exchange for any heady girls you bring along for me

    I appreciate the offer, but OF COURSE, as a lawyer and a member of the Bar, I clearly could never have, and never can in future, try such a substance (unless the current legal prohibitions are removed). ;)

  10. The Sanctuary is now without number_2.

    His positive outlook and reasoned point of view

    Will be missed by me

    But I hope that he will re-

    Consider his withdrawal after a few

    Days or weeks or however much time

    It takes for him to again wish to climb

    Into his computer chair

    And once again share

    The burden of maintaining this rhyme!

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