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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. I notice people often "bumping" threads. I might be mistaken, but I think it is done to make the thread longer.

    I don't really get that. Why is that done?

    (I am really just curious as I have no idea.)

  2. Hmmmm, I can see there being some danger in getting alligator and escalator mixed up. I mean, I don't recommend walking OR standing on an alligator. I think there are other words in our language, though, that are just crying out for a bad incident to happen. For instance: Do we really need to have both words "flammable" and "inflammable"? (Boy, did I learn what that second word means the hard way.... ::)

  3. If escalators were made exclusively for walking or exclusively for standing, they would not have signs on them that say, quite clearly, "WALK LEFT, STAND RIGHT"--a wonderful compromise for all to enjoy the wonder that is an escalator--whether your individual preference is to walk, or to stand.

    Woo hoo! I knew that I was not alone in thinking people are nuts for getting annoyed at people who walk on escalators. I just had to check to be sure. (I couldn't believe that caller on CBC!)

  4. My girlfriend is a physiotherapist. She has been asked by our local animal shelter to volunteer to come in today and try to do some physiotherapy on one of the stray dogs, who is recovering from a fractured tibia-fibula. She has never done this before, but plans to figure it out as she goes along. I think that it's so cool that she's volunteering to do physio on a dog!

    I'm very proud of her (and more than slightly amused).

  5. I was recently listening to CBC, and someone phoned in to complain about people who walk up escalators, because "escalators are for standing; if you wanna walk, take the stairs". Then, of course, a whole bunch of people called in to complain about people who only stand on escalators, but refuse to move to the right-hand side.

    Now, I'm a pretty lazy guy and perfectly capable of remaining motionless for extended periods of time, but I still agree with the second group, and find people who stand and block escalators to be infringing on other people, and basically a real "pet peeve".

    Anyone agree? Anyone get annoyed by people who walk up escalators, instead?

  6. That was very cool. Perhaps Velvet or Pablo Sanchez can correct me, but her sound reminds me of Don Ross. Is that an accurate statement, or is that an insane thing to say? I mean, when I watch her play, she looks like she has a very different style, but the music sounds quite similar at times. (I am no guitarist, by the way...)

  7. You definitely should. They can be offensive as hell, no doubt, but musically they are amazing. For one thing, now that I am pointing it out, you'll probably find the song "American Made and Duty Free" from "Moistboyz II" was essentially foreshadowing the eventual release of Ween's "12 Golden Country Greats".

    At other times, the Moistboyz tend to remind me of Ween from the GodWeenSatan era. Check em out!

    (I'd love to see the Moistboyz live.)

    And while I'm on the topic, if you have not yet done so, you gotta listen to "new evil vibe" by "instant death", which is Ween's bassist. Awesome.

  8. Alright, we're getting some action on this coast; nice! As I think our eastern friends can see, we have some cool outdoor escapes available out here. (You easterners just have to come by!)

    That being said, I'm heading east for next weekend. I expect that the coolest thing I will be doing this upcoming weekend will be seeing nero; woo hoo! I shall report on the show, my costume, etc, in due course, but I hope this west coast thread continues to grow. Nice to see you guys on board; Dougout and Slippy.

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