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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. I just think it would look weird, creepy, and sort of evil and scary for some fat bearded man to be standing on the street-corner in Urban Australia guffawing, "HAHAHA!!!"
  2. You think I'm making this up? Here's the story.
  3. Not a chance. I could imagine someone commencing a civil action for battery, and who knows what argument they could come up with for damages that would make it worthwhile, but no one would ever be criminally charged for that.
  4. Civil assault, or are you expecting someone to actually be charged criminally?
  5. You have every reason to believe that others can see you, so you're exposing yourself in public. If there happens to be a child there, you are probably also committing a sex-crime, by some description. There was once even a case in which a guy was seen masturbating in his own living room through his window, and he was charged criminally. I believe he was eventually acquitted, but he was still dragged through the system. (He may even have been convicted, actually.)
  6. That actually is a crime. (BTW, Is that where you picked up that habit, too?)
  7. Really? A friend of mine once told them he was a Satanist, thinking that would get rid of them. Instead, he became a project for them and different duos of JWs dropped by every single day after that for a long time.
  8. Good idea. In fact, then anyone looking to save money on Nicorettes could drive back and forth in front of a cop station with a car-load of kids and a cigarette burning. They'll eventually get awarded a coupon ... everybody wins!
  9. I can't see any criminal law broken, but I would think there's potential civil liability if you frighten the child and she suffers any emotional or psychological anguish.
  10. Does that include Casino Rama or even further north, the Key to Bala? Is that "Southern" Ontario?
  11. I, too, have enjoyed him on many occasions (I think at Blue Skies, but probably elsewhere.) Thanks AM. Track added to my collection on my work-computer.
  12. Aaaaaaah! You are actually telling a true story. I won't say his name, but yes, that was a guy from Afterthought. He was a brown-belt in Karate. (He decided he qualified himself as a black-belt in Karate, too, and then declared he was one.) He actually suffered from some real, clinical issues. As a result, he went on a bit of a rampage doing some very bad things around Ottawa for a short period of time. No idea what happened to him. I do hope he got better. It was actually quite sad.
  13. Thank you, moe.ron! That's some good, detailed info. I wonder if that guitarist is in any band out west that I knew of when I was there. I'm assuming the badly recorded tape, is actually a TAPE, but if it ever gets digitized, please think of me? I'd love a copy, and would obviously reciprocate by sending something in return.
  14. 4 feet, eh? Given your height, Traveler, did he reach up and grab onto your ankles until you gave up the tickets? lol
  15. Definitely eat at Baru. Seriously. Have fun! (PT me if you need any specific help with anything.)
  16. I thought of that, too, (Chanukah gift, actually, but same idea) but unfortunately they're releasing the disc in January.
  17. Yes! Carstairs, that was the party, and I am quite certain it was The Rainy Day Prophets. Velvet, well done pulling out that old ticket! Thanks, guys. This question has bugged me on and off over the last 13 years. And peace lizard, this post was never intended for you. I'd be reluctant to try to get you to remember what you ate for breakfast, let alone a party you attended more than a decade ago! So, as a follow up, who was in The Rainy Day Prophets? They were good. One or some of them must still play?
  18. I don't think so. I think the name had two words, and they were all male. I think there were only three of them, but maybe there were four. This show would have been around 1995.
  19. Many years ago, I organized a Halloween party in Gatinau that had about 10 bands playing. Some of you were there. There was a very young band that was added at the last second, and played a 30 minute set, way too early in the evening before almost anyone arrived to see them. I don't remember how I ended up adding them to the show, but they knew someone I knew or something. They were really good, too. I cannot remember for the life of me who these kids were. I suspect they may have morphed into another band or bands since then. So, do any of you older Ottawa Skanks remember who that band was? Were you in that band? For all I know, that band may have become nero. I have no idea. Any ideas?
  20. I voted. I went with Esau. Not a fan of that American state the other name is based on.
  21. William Payment (he goes by "Bill") - also an actual guy.
  22. Here's a link to my friends out west who are going, discussing the show tonight.
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