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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. The best name I've ever come across for a cat was on a poster for a missing cat... "...answers to the name 'Steve'".
  2. Honestly; no idea. I've never drafted or litigated an entertainment-related contract. Sorry; no help here.
  3. Thanks afro poppa. I had planned to. Unfortunately, I had hoped to hear some good music and possibly laugh at some comedy. Someone recently told me that the D are neither talented musically nor funny. What a drag. I think I'll just skip the show.
  4. So... Anybody else hitting this? 'Lassie' and I have our tickets.
  5. I completely disagree. Sure, we are all aware that the word "nigger" originally referred to an ignorant person. In this case, that is clearly not what Michael Richards referred to. He was obviously referring to black Americans, and in particular seemed to long for the old days when they were property. It seems pretty obvious from the statement: "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass." You can try to pretend it was meant as humour, or you can try to pretend he would have said the same thing to a rude table full of white Protestants. I don't believe for a second that is the case.
  6. Oh ya. I forgot that, when being heckled, it is absolutely appropriate to denigrate the race of those doing the heckling. My mistake.
  7. Eric Clapton Fri 03/23/07 Vancouver, BC General Motors Place
  8. StoneMtn

    Toilet Humor

    Well, as long as we've got a toilet-humour thread, here's an example by one of the world's pre-eminent metal bands; who have somewhat of a twisted sense of humour as you can imagine...
  9. It was me. Sorry 'bout that. (I've been angry lately.)
  10. hahahahaha! I totally forgot I sent that. :blush: Too many years as a flakey westerner, apparently. (I've also been dropped on my head a lot.)
  11. Nice! I'll be coming off a long trial the day before and will be in dire need of recreation, and I've blocked off the 16th for your show. (Maybe I can finally pay you guys for this CD I've been enjoying for months. Also, if I still haven't sent you the disc that I've been meaning to send, I'll bring it to your show.) 'Lassie' and I are moving into a new house a couple weeks before your gig. It's in Thornhill, so not really convenient for a downtown Toronto show, but if you don't mind a 20 minute drive to and from the gig (and a house that is in total disarray due to a recent move) you're welcome to some crash-space for that night, Deeps.
  12. Bump ... just over a week to go ...
  13. I'm essentially a combination of a quarterback, juggler, researcher, and public-speaker.
  14. Yep. The only comparison I can come up with is Mr. Bungle, and that's loose at best. Jackfruit has serious potential, including commercial viability.
  15. As these shows approach, I thought it was about time to bump this post back onto the first page.
  16. Well, you never know. Trials get adjourned all the time. So far, though, not lookin' good.
  17. Hey Phorbesie: As you may remember, I once said I'd have to see about The Orbit Room, depending on my shedule at work. Well, I now know. It's not going to happen. I have a ten-day trial starting on the same day as The Who. (I'll be lucky if I don't actually have to go right from The Who back to my office to get some work done before I sleep a few hours that night.)
  18. Awesome. Thanks MuleMomma. I kept throwing out names to my friend of the bands I thought it could be. I did suggest The Other One. He obviously had no idea. I can't remember if I ever actually saw them, or if I only started with Days of You. I think missed The Other One entirely. Thanks for posting. My curiosity is satisfied.
  19. Wow! You can include me as proud of you for doing that work, as well. Duly impressed, to say the least.
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