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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. # 284 Songs featuring some sort of cool technology in the title. 1. Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator 2. Frank Zappa - Cy Borg 3. Neil Young - Transformer Man 4. Primus - Over The Electric Grapevine 5. Japan - Gentlemen Take Polaroids 6. Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Radio, Radio 7. Don Ross - Robot Monster 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  2. I don't know about him live specifically, but I do think Stevie Wonder's awesome. I just wish it was a better venue he was playing here. Apart from the amazing songs he wrote (even if he had some lame ones too, in fairness) he got famous among not only the black people, but also all the whiteys, at a time that a blind, black man needed a lot of guts to get into the popular music scene. I dig Stevie.
  3. rubberdinghy, The Mosistboyz have quite a few albums now, and it's not all the sounds of grinders and yelling. Some of it is much like Ween (then again Ween was a lot like that during the God Satan era anyway). I think you should give The Moistboyz a good go. It's a bit of an acquired taste, but I love them. (For that matter, Instant Death is awesome too. Ween's bassist's band.)
  4. I've been dropped on my head alot since then.
  5. I'm sure that's true. I don't remember much about that show other than being up in the stands, and some unusual merch being sold, including Neil Young Rolling Papers.
  6. I don't remember that. I must have been there, but no recollection. That makes sense, though. EDIT: Actually, I do remember being at that show. I was in the stands.
  7. My apologies it it sounded like I was poo-pooing Greendale at the ACC. If I'd been here, I would have gone to those too. I just never looked into it, and I presumed that he was doing small venues for the Greendale tour. Maybe Vancouver was just lucky. You know, weirdly enough, the worst sound I ever had for Neil was actually in a little hockey arena, in Duncan, BC; so size isn't everything. A good soundman is worth his (her?) weight in gold.
  8. You saw Greendale at the ACC??? Geez! Thank goodness I was in BC. The Vancouver show was at a little theatre.
  9. I would definitely want to check him out, if not for the venue. The sound can be so crappy at the ACC, I'm just no longer willing to gamble my concert-going-dollar on that place. Tell your boss to give me two tickets, too!
  10. Then, go for it. As long as you aren't the "representative plaintiff" you don't really have anything to lose.
  11. #283 Songs by bands after the original "lead" singer has left the band. 1. Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away 2. AC/DC - Night of the Long Knives 3. Van Halen - Right Now 4. Blood, Sweat And Tears - Spinning Wheel 5. Deep Purple - Burn 6. Black Flag - Slip It In 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  12. RAQ in Nelson Friday September, 28th 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing at Finley's
  13. Hey, are we being guest-listed? I just realized it's not likely you can send us tickets in Toronto by tomorrow. Do we just show up and give our names?
  14. Awesome, thank you! PT on its way...
  15. Songs yo momma would dis[color:red]APprove of: 1. Ween - Spinal Menningitis 2. Rolling Stones - Star Star 3. Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the Name Of 4. Nine Inch Nails-Closer 5. Slow Nerve Action - Chewin'
  16. [color:purple]The Accursed are playing September 29? Even judged by the standard of other '80s hardcore bands, those guys were terrible!
  17. Sounds good to me. Next theme Fischballs?
  18. Wasn't Cortez an explorer? I guess he was also a "mass-murderer", but not really what I had in mind. Then again, it's a Neil song, so I'm pretty flexible. If MarcO's cool with that one, it's fine with me.
  19. I think the action may have only been certified in Saskatchewan at this point, though. It doesn't mean you can't get in on it, but that will be the first hurdle counsel will have to get over in the Ontario courts to move the matter forward. (The fact it was certified in Saskatchewan, though, is a good sign it'll be certified here, too.) You know you're looking at collecting a pittance at the end of the day, though, right? The only big payday will be to the lawfirm running the matter (if successful).
  20. Third show just added! November 29. Go get 'em!
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