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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. I would call Tony Merchant in Saskatchewan, however, the action may only be regarding Rogers subscribes in Saskatchewan so far. (Maybe not, though. The article doesn't say which jurisdiction this action is commenced in, and it could be a federal court action. If not, it's possible that several firms in different jurisdictions might start similar class-actions, and work together, and in such a case this lawyer would still be your best contact.)
  2. Keep going guys. Don't give up. It ain't over 'til it's over. We're all pulling for you!
  3. Actually, it's killing me but I'm skipping Arlo, anwyay, and the last time I saw him in Vancouver I promised myself I'd never miss him again. (I guess that was my sixth time seeing him or so, but it had been a few years.) I love Arlo live more than almost anyone, but Ween is the night before, and being a new parent I have to be selective, and I already had the Ween tickets before I figured it all out. (Besides, Ween has truly held my heart for the last 16 years or so, anyway, so there was no easy way out for me here.) Dalai Lama tix, I think were about 50 bucks. Something like that. I'd have to check at home.
  4. I don't mean to start a rumour, but I heard on the radio today that "we have an annnouncement that a guy who's coming to town to do two concerts is selling tickets to his rehearsals ... coming up in two minutes". Then I pulled into my office and never did find out who. Am I right? Has anyone heard anything? Frankly, it doesn't sound like something he'd do. Neil hated the Internet when it first got popular, because he didn't get to try out songs on a small audience without the whole world hearing, and he used to like to try out a song and shelf it if it didn't do well. I find it odd he'd rehearse in front of people, but I'm hoping... Anyone know anything?
  5. Mule's hiring? What's the job, roadie?
  6. Allison, you are correct. Jon was a reporter in Israel for many years. He is also Jewish, and playing up that end of things has certainly been of benefit to him; at least for marketing purposes.
  7. I'd love to introduce you. Jon's a great guy. He and I used to see punk and hardcore bands together in the mid-80s. Then he got all respectable and stuff. Gotta hate that.
  8. It was a pathetic attempt at humour. Ignore me. (Most people do.)
  9. Cool. Everyone enjoys a good Drag Queen Show.
  10. Oh great. Now my author-friend is going to hear I'm friends with Stoned Phillips. I'll never live that one down... Oh, and in case you're wondering, I am well aware that you don't consider me a *real* published author. Truth be told ... neither do I.
  11. You know, I am quite certain I saw this band open up for someone big in 1984, or so; maybe 1985. I'm pretty sure it was at Massey Hall and was an opener for Tears For Fears. (It might have been U2, though.) Would that be the same band, over twenty years later?
  12. A friend of mine will be doing a reading from his new novel, and signing them and whatever, at his book launch party in Toronto. I'll be there. Hopefully some of you will be too:
  13. You know you brag to all your friends that you are acquainted with a famous author.
  14. phorbesie! Keep the Tuesday tickets. That's the night Lassie and I are going.
  15. Wow, that was an ordeal. Their system wasn't accepting any credit cards for a while. I now have tickets for the second night. Row I, so I think 9th row! Woo hoo! How can I possibly work now. I just declared today "Neil Young Day" at the firm, and told everyone to go home. (They think I'm kidding. Their loss.)
  16. I think we've gotten a bit off track, and since it's my theme I feel some responsibility to see it through; so I believe we left off with... #281. Songs With Serial Killers or Mass-Murderers In the Song-Title (Either Their Real Name, or the Nick-Name They Go By In Their "Trade") 1. Dan Bern - Krautmeyer 2. Judas Priest - The Ripper 3. Kinky Friedman - The Ballad of Charles Whitman 4. Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy, Jr. 5. Link Wray - Jack The Ripper 6. Disgruntled - Free the Unabomber* 7. Screaming Lord Sutch - Hands Of Jack The Ripper 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  17. I also registered a few days ago and received no email. I will try to login later and see how it goes. Not sounding good!
  18. Thanks for that advice, Basher. I wish I could get down to Roy Thomson Hall, but not gonna happen. I will call Massey though. I'll cross my fingers, but that's about as much extra effort I'm willing to make at this point in my life. Good luck to everyone. I hope we all see each other at the show!
  19. Oh, well. I'll take my chances with the normal ticket orders. If it works out, great. If not and I miss these shows, I'll survive. No worries. I've seen him a lot, and I'll see him again.
  20. Is the Friends thing a "Friends" of Massey Hall or Neil's fanclub?
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