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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Welcome to the Board, Captain. (My condolences for the fact that you are now married to Baj. )
  2. Wow! Joni bootlegs don't pop up every day. Thanks!
  3. I'm not quite sure why, but I'm pretty confident that the "C-Word" is now acceptable, as long as you say it with a Scottish accent.
  4. Run With the Kittens play around town quite alot. I haven't seen them yet, but they sound fantastic. On Feb 17, you should check out What the Thunder Said. There are also good jams at the Silver Dollar, and I think it's Wednesday for bluegrass in particular. Of course, Mondays at the Orbit Room for Kevin Breit and the Sisters Euclid is always awesome. You can also catch a seriously debaucherous band called White Cowbell Oklahoma in this city quite often. Fat Cats or Caution Jam will take care of your Grateful Dead / Allmans / classic-jam fix. There's plenty more to do, too. Pat Metheny is coming soon, and many others. That's a start for you anyway.
  5. May 17 in San Fran, May 19 at the Joshua Tree Music Festival in Palm Springs.
  6. http://www.duhaime.org/dictionary/dict-m.aspx
  7. Awesome. I think I'll finally see you guys!
  8. Really? What about the apparent lack of mens rea? I think that could be enough for an acquittal, but what do I know?
  9. The child was inside the vehicle when it was stolen. The intention was to steal the vehicle; not to kidnap the child.
  10. I have a question. You probably heard about a car-theft yesterday in Oakville, during which a thief accidentally took an infant who was within a running mini-van that was warming up in a driveway. Today, the morning deejay on the radio was commenting on this story, and he said that we need a system here "like in Winnipeg, where there is honour among thieves" and he went on to explain that in Winnipeg, thieves will not steal a running car during winter, out of respect for people and the extreme cold of that city. I find that hard to believe. Is it possible that the same group of losers who have no respect for personal property, do have enough "honour" that they would not steal a car warming up during the cold season? Anyone ever live in Winnipeg who can comment? (I don't think Ottawa is anywhere near as cold as the 'Peg, so I don't think Ottawa-comments will help, but if any of you have ever heard of this "honour among thieves" in Ottawa, too, feel free to share...)
  11. Update: Due to illness, the band has cancelled the remaining tourdates, and they're heading home.
  12. I love that band, and I am already disappointed that I'll have to miss the show. (No real thoughts either way on the poster, actually.)
  13. That video was awesome. I would love to bring my cat and dog diving with me.
  14. I may just see you there. Good work, Jay. BTW: What time does High Plains Drifer go on? (That is your band, right? If I come down, I want to be sure to see you play.
  15. I love my John Prine covers. They go perfectly with my Star Wars sheets and pillowcase.
  16. It's just sensible: Never mess with a cornered tiger ... er ... tigger.
  17. Not my area of law; not my jurisdiction. Your guess is as good as mine.
  18. So, it turns out Trey is being indicted on a felony charge. Bad news for him!
  19. I do hope you took the opportunity to introduce the issue with, "Hey co-worker; come waste your time with us."
  20. North America has three countries. I cannot speak to what the US or Mexico would do, but that is exactly why Canada has not done this yet. It would be a clerical nightmare, but it has always been a plan for the future, if they can make such audits happen, as they know there is lots of money out there that is not being duly remitted. Creating a reason to fire someone is not the same as firing someone for no reason.
  21. Nope. That's "Scoobie Doobie Hughie".
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