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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. I've seen him a few times. He is amazing.
  2. Has anyone heard of "Kingfest"? At the very least, it has Bruce Cockburn this year. Kingfest Website
  3. I agree, Pais. I was surprised at how many busts they reported later on, because it seemed to me more like the Hamilton cops were there as a welcome-wagon rather than as enforcement. I found those shows to be relatively hassle-free.
  4. I remember after those first Hamilton shows a cop being interviewed on the news, talking about the busts they had made. He commented that he'd never actually seen opium in real life before busting the one guy they found with it. I think Dead shows may have been considered "continuing education seminars" for cops.
  5. The tank was standing upright with a blanket wrapped around it and the nozzle sticking out the top. It was "disguised" as long as you didn't actually look at it.
  6. I once saw a tank sitting on the ground, disguised by a guatemalan blanket. The cops were all standing around it saying to the crowd, "Come on, who owns it? Fine, then..." and they opened the valve to let the gas out. At that moment, 3 or 4 deadheads dove on the tank and started sucking on it, one after the other, as the cops kept pulling them off. That was good comedy.
  7. Actually, I still encourage the masses to wash. (I was always a very clean hippy, if I was ever a hippy at all.)
  8. I dealt with cops on horseback using cattle-prods on all the heads in Landover, MD 1990. Essentially, it appears that the police thought things were too quiet during one of the shows. It was Phil's birthday, and the only show I've ever been shut out of. During the show, the cops decided to ride through the crowd in the lot and cattle-prod people, including little hippie-chicks, presumably to start a riot. (If that wasn't their goal, then they managed to accomplish something they hadn't intended.) I saw one guy opening his car door. The police gallopped up to him and said something. He yelled, "But it's my own car! I'm just trying to get into my car." At that point, he was basically surrounded, and I saw the billy-clubs get raised into the air and slammed down over and over. We were running for our lives at that point, and I never did see what happened to that poor fellow. Idiots.
  9. Is it just a single ticket? I need to buy a pair anyway, but I can't buy just one.
  10. I'll probably check out the Toronto show. (I don't think I've been inside Sneaky Dee's since I've been old enough that I was legally allowed to be.)
  11. I am emailing a link to this thread to my Russian friend right now. Hopefully, he'll be around.
  12. I am currently listening to my own "Quick Mix" station on Pandora, but I think I'll participate in this thread with the first five songs that come up; at least the first five that I don't automatically skip, so the first five I approve of... Fite Dem Back ~ Linton Kwesi Johnson Hi Jacking ~ I Roy Come Wit It Mon ~ Nyte Ryders Calling You ~ Xena Atlas Dread a Dread ~ Johnny Clarke
  13. I also think it was a great review, but I agree with Hartamophone. I love nero., but the band is not 'Canada's jamband'. They are known out west, but hardly acknowledged, other than as one of many bands in a larger scene and that scene is not regarded as dependent on nero. at all. I found that the jam-scene out west has been burgeoning over the last few years, rather than waning. Great read, though, Shain. Well done.
  14. I work with "James Morton". He finds if very funny that this is the comment of his that is making its way around the globe as news. (From Israel to the New York Times.) He has also received calls from a 'very senior' member of the Canadian federal government, who is very pleased at James' support for Christmas trees. This is just funny, because James has written about 20 books on law, and a million articles. He also teaches, etc. Somehow, though, this is what makes news. Weird world.
  15. A message from Spudly, about one of my favourite funk-bands in the whole wide world... Here's a little shot I got of Baked Potato from last year's Bonfire Fest:
  16. Mark and Eric; mainly from various shows and Bonfire and stuff. They're also on this board.
  17. No support for Errin'? Other than my little play on words, there, I'd need to hear the band before making suggestions. I agree, though, that I am not a fan of song-names for a band. I would assume that a band called "Sedan Delivery" was a full-on cover band. If you're not, don't use a name like that. If you are; don't expect to go too far as a band, other than playing little gigs to local Neil-fans.
  18. I hope he was wearing more than just those gloves. Can't that guy ever get on film, other than on stage, without being naked?
  19. Definitely catch them whenever you can, Hartomophone. They never disappoint, and the two members I know are good guys. I'd really like to see their other band, too "Redeye". Those names just go together too perfectly.
  20. Here is a beautiful song that was only ever released on a really small print of an LP that existed for part of 1985 or so. To this day, I still remember Soulside as one of the best live acts I've seen; as unpolished and raw as they were. 'You've Heard It Before' by Soulside
  21. Here's a little punk-rock by one of my favourite punk bands (with a very offensive name). If you can handle the whiney voice, you can hear some brilliant, politically-charged lyrics. This'll wake you up this Sunday afternoon... 'Democracy Spawns Bad Taste'
  22. Hey, great Sharon! Check out the lyrics to "Church". Funny stuff, and a great tune.
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