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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. I would say that currently:

    Jeff Beck is doing the most innovative stuff and most progressive. He also has a real distinct voice on the instrument.

    Jimmy Page was great, but has really fallen off.

    Eric Clapton hasn't had an original idea in at least 20 year and he sounds like he's trying to write Foldgers commercials.

    I would also like to cast my vote for John McGlaughlin (no brainer there) and Peter Green (Original Fleetwood Mac guitarist!)

    My 2 cents!

  2. Toronto does suck, I do my best to turn things around. We've got a great little music community here in the TDOT. Mind you we get so many shows, you can't quite see 'em all...

    The 'jam' scene isn't growing as it should... maybe because the scene is so underground, and doesn't have much representation in the media.

    Mind you The El Mocambo was written up in this issue of RELIX, highlighting the fact that it has become the venue that supports that music the most. Now the Gypsy Co-Op is also on board... the vibe is getting stronger.

    [color:red]I agree Jaydawg...but through your hard work and like minded bands working together we can turn this groove around. One show at a time!

    Me and my wierd little electro-breakbeat-dub-jazz band will do our part! :)


    The George Clinton/Parliament reunion with Bootsy Collins and Bernie Worrell has been cancelled at the Docks!

    Looks like some of the other tour dates in the US are going ahead but Toronto gets the shaft! (but not in the good Richard Rountree, black p.i way either!).

    Refunds at the point of purchase: www.ticketmaster.ca/event/10003B12BF0A85EC?artistid=768058&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=3

    [color:red]Soo. Pissed! So Unfunky!


  4. I caught Roy at what was the JVC Jazz or Urban Jazz or whatever festival years back. Jukejoint opened if I'm not mistaken. He had those big welding goggles on and he played "Ain't no sunshine" which I always attributed to him rather than who is it Fred Beckwith?

    "Ain't No Sunshine" was originally recorded by the great Bill Withers but has been versioned by tonnes of artists.

  5. Hey Y'all [color:red]ROY AYERS the man basically responisble for inventing Acid Jazz in the late 60's and early 70's, is coming to the T-Dot as poart of a new series called Jazz by Genre.

    Don't miss this..I saw him last time and it was so funky I had to take a shower after the show.



  6. I too play this guitar in the blonde finish. I really like it.

    The bridge pick-up is really bright and cuts through the mix well, while the neck pick-up can achieve warm jazz tones.

    The only drawback is that the bigsby tailpiece cuts the sustain a bit.

    Also this guitar was used by Jerry from 1965-early 1968 and even into '69 on occasion.

    The enitre first GD album, Jerry used this guitar. He also used it for much of Anthem of the sun.

    Here..Here to good taste.


  7. They've never had a problem playing Toronto, or Ottawa for that matter. I've seen them 3 times, met them all twice. A great live band with an unfortunate spotty studio recording output.

    I'll decide nearer to the concert if I'll go or not. I've cooled them over the last 3 years.

    Agreed. Their first album is awesome though. Worth seeing live.

  8. Cool. Jamiroquai live is killer. I saw the at the then Warehouse on thier "Travelling without Moving" tour and I was blown away. The really turn it out live.

    I am alittle worried though. I bought thier new album "Dynamite" and I was sooooooooooooooo disappointed. Not really funky or disco at all. More rock than anything else. And not even good rock. Sound like they're trying to be Coldplay or someting. I don't recommend buying it.

    I do think thier live show is still worth seeing.

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