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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Wow these guys really did thier homework. they had me fooled to a degree.

    The key to thier success was using fact that are know. The Farakan. Malcolm X connection. The

    Dark Avengers thing. Those things have been mentioned before in black history. So casting them in this light really made it more believable.

    The part that foiled them in my opinion though was the Opera in his bedroom with thugs and a .45. And the private message from her to Chapelle on TV. Too far fetched.

    Had me wondering though.

    Good on 'em.

  2. Holy Shit!

    I stumbled on this site today at work. It's called www.youtube.com

    It is a massive archive of video clips of all types. What is really freaking me out is the degree of rare music footage they have.

    For example they have a video of Django Reinhardt from the late 30's! They have every clips of various performances from Playboy's after dark series (including the Dead, Iron Butterfly, Deep Purple etc.). The have vintage Howlin' Wolf and Son House footage, Beatles live footage. They have a video of Ocar Peterson with Ray Brown, Herb Ellis, Ed Thigpen, Nat Cole and Coleman Hawkins together. What!

    Comedy clips out the ass! And so much more.

    Just log on and do a search for your favorite artist or genre. You will be blown away!


    Merry X-Mas!

  3. I went to the site today and at the end it says that the Chapelle Theory is going to be made into a movie.

    It says it will be released in spring 2006, and is written by Neal Berman (Chapelle show head writer) and wil star Charlie Murphy.

    It doesn't look like a comedy either.

    That is certainly a weird twist. I wonder what Dave thinks about all this?

    Stay tuned.........

  4. I read the whole thing and I think there are a few things to consider.

    1st. Even if this story is far=fetched and heresay, someone felt so strongly about it, that they took the time and effort to create a whole site devoted to it. If it was a total fabrication, I doubt that much time would be invested.

    2. I do agree with booche the whole Oprah sending a private feed to Chapelle's house is quite improbable.

    3. Even if 1/3 of this is true it's scary as hell.

    4. The thing about Malcolm X being assainated by way of Louis Farakan is true. I have several balck muslim friends in the US who totally beleive this and hate Farakan.

    5. This is not the first time I have heard of the "Dark Avengers" or whatever he called them in this article. I have heard my muslim and non-muslim friends in the US speak of this loose knit organization before. They have been know to form with different members to silence whatt hey feel is problematic in the black community. There are those who beleive that Richard Pryor was approached by them as well as Eddie Murphy.

    Also about the comedy central not paying egnough thing. Whatever! They were paying Chapelle 50 million for two years. I tyhink that's certainly egnough.

    I'm not saying this is true but it could be possible.


  5. I agree. But make no mistake I'm fairly bitter, although I'm a recovering bittereralholic, on the wagon so to speak. But it's so is to slip and get bitter again.

    Maybe one day I'll be like thsee people who can be bitter responsible. You know just a social thing and on the weekends.

    Until then I'm on the 12 step.

  6. must comment - while I'm not particularly a fan of the fuzzy boots or the uggs' date=' cheers to those who pick them instead of heels that kill and you have to train yourself to wear in the name of beauty. I haven't jumped on that band wagon yet but I did jump on the band wagon with the other ladies who wear the bowling shoe type shoes and boots...and no I wasn't the first to wear them so I am a follower in that sense I guess.

    - almost everyone including you chameleon has some sort of trendy thing about them they decide to wear or do to themselves because they like it.

    - dreads are in my opinon 'trendy' in some circles are they not? also when you wrap them around in big nubs on the side of your head that's cool and i haven't seen anyone else do that but what if some ladies jumped on board and went on and on about how hideous it looks and when they see you they laugh and wouldn't give you the time of day because of it...I'm just saying! That is not my opinion i'm just speaking hypothetically. (and please don't take offense I don't want that to sound like I'm bashing you I'm just making a point)

    and what if it caught on and everyone around with dreads did the same thing...are they wrong for doing something they think is cool that they saw.

    - do you not get yourself ready in some way before heading out the door...you must buy shirts or shoes or something....everywhere we buy clothes - the style comes from somewhere.

    So I guess another point worth mentioning is you see a girl with these boots and you think you can judge their character based on that....I would hope that the next unsuspecting fool that I meet doesn't judge me or assume to know anything about me based on the shoes I wear....

    I'm sure there are lots of superficial bitches wearing these boots but I'd put any money that there are just as many bang on awesome ladies wearing them as well.

    But I'm sure you didn't mean for this post to come off the way it did - hopefully you just wanted to see what the attraction was and you'll re-think the look the other way policy you've developed...just incase - because you may miss out on a fantastic girl worth spending time with, getting to know or hanging out with.

    I take this and all other bashing type things with a grain of salt because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I jsut wanted to share mine.

    smoothedshredder... ps I think you look hot in a blazer...you are not way off everyone has an opinion for or against something...

    Cowboy - well said

    Alexis I heart you and your letters I hope someday I get a letter.[/quote']

    Thanks. That really sums it up for me. Thorough, kind, and even a backhanded compliment that made my ego tingle :)

    I'm all with you with a your grain of salt mantra, but too much salt is bad for you. And there some shite (actually all shit) that even salt couldn't make palatable.

    Anyways, I usually kind a neutral on things, especailly of the fashion nature. But I'll admit when I look at the boots, they make me smile. And I imagine how hard they are to clean, and I'm glad I don't have a pair to deal with, or I don't have (what is currently my imaginary) girlfriend coming home tracking in all the dirt and salt. And I imagine small animals attacking them on the street, which I saw once and really made me laugh. That's the positives....

    Negatives: Seems really disposable, like you have them for a year and there gone. I'm from the school that clothing should last a long time (especially an item like a winter boot), so if those who are getting these boots, and then just throwing them out in a year because they get so dirty, then I've got a problem with it... too plastic, too disposible... but I really don't know... the more I think about it, the more I suspect this is true, cause I've seen alot of them at one time (more last year), and I haven't really seen them yet this year, but maybe it's early. Too much thinking along the lines of moral fashion logical atomism for no caffinee...

    please excuese me.


    Whoa Whoa...ease up there hoss'....Slow down the train"

    [color:blue]First Off, I apologize to all the Furry Booots, Furry Booted Women, Blazers & Blazerities I have hurt as a part of this here post! :)

    And secondly, It's all jokes with me ont his board. I take nothing too seriously or personally on this post and hope you guys don't either. I'ver met many of you and you all rock.

    And yes you are right you can't judge a book by it's cover, if that was the case I'd porbably freak people out daily with my post- apocalyptic-pierced-knotty side of the head-dread style (since '95 Yo!) Which is pretty much what happens, anyways.

    Livingstoned is also right I'm far too bitter. Perhaps it comes from growing up and living in the city too long and too much dark drum & bass :(


    Peace bitches! (not in the mysoganistic way but the were all bitches Dave Chapelle way):):):):) I'll try to be less of hater and more of a playa'

  7. I think it absolutely hilarious, I always see these girls who think that they are hot shit wearing them and I think they look absolutely hideous.

    its funny because I laugh at them every time I see them and so do most of the people that I hang around with.

    I wonder if they know people laugh at them?

    I totally agree. So many times I'll see some chick who is hot and obviously think she is hot, and the sad part is the boots make her way less hot.

    Really, to me it signals she is a lemming in the world of petty girldom, and it is a warning sign for me to keep on truckin'.

    So fucking trendy! (Hey men are gulity too....dare I say it........BLAZERS!!!)

  8. [color:navy]Ok..checkity check it... I have this pet peeve. It's these furry-dead animal stapped to my feet-alpine sky bunny-living in the antarctic-mocassin-tassel-boots, that every single last woman seems to be wearing in Toronto.

    I don't get it. Is there some type of race to see who's boots can be the furriest and have the most tassels.

    This boot thing is so treandy right now, that everyone is jumpin' on the band wagon. So much so, that now gay dudes are in on the action! God help us.

    So ladies, what's the attraction to this current fuzzy boot trend? It seems all so impractical. I mean they're usually white or light colors and fluffy which means they soak up the slush and salt and look gross instantly. [color:red]What is The attraction?


  9. Capital punishment solves nothing! It only proves you are as wrong and animalistic as the purpotrators of crime.

    It has proven not to deter crime. In states with he death sentence, the murder rate does not drop. (mainly, becuase those who commit murder never think they will get caught. No one ever does a crime if they think they will get caught.)

    I fail to see the point of killing for those who were killed.

    An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind and leaves the system looking very hypocritical.

    Furthermore, if infilcting anguish on a convicted fellon is the want tof the people, then keep him locked up for years. Encarserating the mind is far more painful than a needle and a silent exit.

    The US is fucked! }:(

  10. Today is Smoothedshreddar's (AKA William) B-Day.

    I for one want to wish him a spectacular birthday and many more.

    I also want to personally thank him for all the thankless work he does for the jam scene in Toronto. He works hand in hand with Jaydawg to make the shows you want to see happen!

    You've seen him working the door and promoting around town. We couldn't do it without him.

    [color:red]MAD RESPECT! :)

    Time to raise the roof...

    DSCN1320.JPG P.S. This photo is not William, just some guy raising the roof!

  11. Hey Basher, Can you pricebash some integrity, respect and a few wins for the Raptors franchise. i hear they're so broke from the salary cap and bad trades they can't afford full price.

    On second thought, the Raptors are so hurting maybe basher should get in the paint and bash on defence. :o

  12. I remember this show like it was yesterday. This was about my 3rd ot 4th Phish show and what a show it was.

    I remeber the Julius being awsome and the Sleeping Monkey being a favorite of mine.

    I also remember some really obvious undercover pigs in the lot wearing brand new tye-dye's and fresg outta tha' box Buffalo Bills jackets.

    Ahh those were the days...The days where you beleived you part of something special and musically anything could happen.

    I hope those days come again.

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