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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Dimafleck is very right. There are more places to play with more willing/open ears to support local bands, in the US and places like N.Y. state.

    Also clubs pay very little in Canada vs clubs in the US. Even for bands that are not large and are in a early to moderate stage of developement. Which makes it hard to keep going financially.

    I think that the whole patriotism mantra in the states even filters down to supproting local bands and homegrown talent.

    Canadians still need to be told by Europe or The US what is of value musically. We have to have talent sold back to us by someone else to really get excited about it.
    Sad. :thumbdown:
  2. I agree with you guys. You gotta play in the US to make it as the real market for improvised music on a large scale is there for sure.

    However witrhout a established US booking agent it's almost impossible to break through. Which poses a second problem. There are only about 2 booking agents in the whole of Canada the understand the jam-band market and they don't readily accept new clients.

    And as for US booking agents they won't even accept unsolicited demos, especially if you're from Canada. Their logic is that, if you're not known in the US, they could just as easily develop and unknown US band and not have to deal with cross-border troubles etc. However to get known in the US you need to play there...but you can't get booked unless you're known etc...

    It's a real chicken and the egg scenario.

  3. Date: 6/26/2005 Location: The Docks - Toronto, Canada


    One Clear Moment, Down On The Farm > Candyman > Down On The Farm, Mercenary Territory, Under The Radar, Fat Man In The Bathtub > Gringo > Get Up Stand Up > Scarlet Begonias (tease)>Dark Star Jam> So, What Jam>Tennessee Jed>Fat Man In The Bathtub, Roll Um Easy, Willin' Don't Bogart That Joint > Night On The Town, Spanish Moon>Skin It Back, Romance Without Finance, Spiders Blues > Dixie Chicken

    E: Feats Don't Fail Me Now

    Great show.......lots a of Q107 listeners..a little reserved.


    But the music. The Feat rule as always.

  4. Jeff Beck has really helped expand the textural language and nuances of the electric guitar.

    A musicians' musician.

    Jeff Beck's last three albums are all very electro/livetronic fusion.

    It seems to me Jeff Beck is still pushing the envelope, ahead of the curve. While his contemporaries like Clapton are wrtiting Folgers commercials basically or at very least retreading old ground.


  5. I would suspect that this band dosen't sound as together, polished or as charged as oither Trey solo project due to the lack of Tony "The Meatman" Markelis on bass and Russ Lawton on drums.

    Those two guys have been Trey's rhythm section since he first went solo (not including surrender tot he air) as atrio with them in '99.

    You can build a strong house on a shaky foundation.

    ...just a thought.

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