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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Exactly if she really wants to be your friend then tell her as your friend you need her help in "hooking up" a date with some eligble ladies.

    Chicks love the "let me help out the helpless/in need man thing". So play on that even though I'm sure your are not helpless.

    Put your new plutonic friend to work! :)

  2. Karl Malone was a decent enforcer but the dirtiest bitch ass player I've ever seen.

    As for the Pistons ....now I'm gonna starta fire........I think the Bad Boys era of the Pistons in the late 80's early 90's was the best defensive team to ever take the hardwood.

    Furthermore I think Isiah Thomas is one of the grestest point guard all-time. Hall of fame for sure.

    I think we can both agree Isiah is one of the worst Gms/coaches all-time too. How's that work?



  3. Jeff Ruland, Dave Cowans and Chocolate Thunder come to mind. Laimbeer was a pussy.

    I agree with your Daryl Dawkins call, I mean he was the first man to break a backboard and literally invent the dunk!


    [color:purple]However, I think you need to stop smokin' crack when you post

    'Cause Bill Laimbeer in his prime would eat everyone on this list alive. Seriously, I truly believe without a hint of bullshit, that he could make Shaq think twice, if he was in the paint, and they played in the same era.

    They come no rougher!

  4. Sorry to hear about your luck that's really a shame.

    I do take issue with Holy Fuck putting the New Deal or anyone else in the scene to shame.

    While they are good at what they do, that's a mighty big call and highly debatable. Can't sign off on that one.

    Since 9/11 I think it's bad form to cruise around with replica guns. Leave the fake guns at home.

  5. BF in the MSN world means boyfriend. SHe put it in there to let you know, if it was her best friend she would have clarified that so you wouldn't be confused, thereby letting you know she is single.

    She's taken so sail on sailor...

    Tip: Be sure to take the on-line connections into the face to face real world. Less confusion that way and it makes the whole thing real as opposed to digital fantasy with no consequence.

    Kewep on it Afro Poppa soon you'll be the BF of some SF (single female)

  6. That Zanta guys pisses me off. he needs to get off the crystal and stop harrasing people. I've seen him sacre the shit out of innocent girls yelling: "Hey sweetheart, rarrr rarrr" (while flexing). Often when I see this I tell him to get off the rock and stop being an attention whore. This usually distracts him so the frightened girl can escape.

    One time he is gonna pull his shit on the wrong dudes lady and he'll get regulated!

  7. "I was born in Chicago"- Paul Butterfield Blues band

    "Going to Chicago"- Count Basie

    "Chicago" - Roy Ayers

    "(won't you please come to)Chicago"- CSNY

    "Chicago Bound"- Jimmy Rodgers

    "Back to Chicago" Styx

    "Chicago Stomp"- Pine Top Perkins

  8. I've seen particle many times inthe US and sometimes their shows kick ass and sometimes fall flat.

    Bascially it's the fact that they always try to force in the rock element which often clashes (in my opinion) witht he electronic element laid down by Steve Molitz.

    I though the fact that Charlie Hitchcock left (last guitar player) was good as he often overplayed and killer the groove.

    The other thing is Particle often has trouble releasing their builds, unlike the New Deal. particle can build but often never release into a groove.

    When they're on I love 'em. That being said I'd see them again in heartbeat if they ever played T.O.

    This is probably for the better as they didn't need two guiatrists anyways...

  9. "if there are more bands I don't care about seeing it just means more time to RAGE!!!! "

    what the hell does that even mean.

    whats the matter with you?

    its just frustrating to me, that the biscuits a band that is younger/smaller and has been throwing festivals for less time can bring this line up to the table (and camp bisco draws half as many people)...and moe. has to put together a bunch of filth...now i'm not saying all the acts at moe.down are filth...but the line up as a whole, is filth...any none moe. fan would shit all over this line up..its pathetic.


    The Roots: huge, international hip hop act, that has videos, mainstream appeal, but is still concious hip hop. The Roots sold out 2 nights at The KOOL HAUS in toronto... a venue that is way too big for moe. THIS ACT IS BIGGER THAN THE BISCUITS

    Thievory Corporation: one of the biggest name is Bassafunk/dub electronica. countless albums with huge names, access to the coveted "VERVE VAULT"...once again "INTERNATIONAL ACT" THIS ACT IS BIGGER THAN THE BISCUITS.

    Shpongle - (Simon Posford) Twisted, UK HOLY SHIT...need i say more? THIS ACT IS BIGGER THAN THE BISCUITS.

    Brazilian Girls: once again, up and comming act, one of the biggest surprises at bonnaroo...small act, however NOT A JAMBAND, and not run of the mill...also, INTERNATIONAL. this act will probably be bigger than the biscuits.

    The New Deal: not a jamband, trancends genres, huge and incredible.

    RJD2: one of hip hop's finest. RJD2 is bigger than the biscuits in many respects.

    The Benevento Russo Duo: icing on the cake ...jamband appeal, but at least they are intresting.

    Younger Brother (Hallucinogen, Shpongle/Prometheus) HOLY SHIT.

    this act is bigger than the biscuits.

    and the rest:

    and even the smaller acts are inresting....

    Perpetual Groove - The Juan Mclean - Lotus - Brothers Past - Pnuma Trio - Mike Myers -local 13/XM RADIO - Adam Deitch Project - Benzos - Psylab - Infradig - Future Rock (Performing the music of Aphex Twin) - Orchard Lounge - Elemental Harmonics - Moonbox - Moving Matter - Japhy Ryder

    I will agree with you here Camp Bisco has a waay more engaging line-up for my tastes.

    However, Camp Bisco is an electronic/livetronic festival and that being the focus, that influences who they hire to play.

    Moe Down, is a jam-band festival so one cannot expect them to have that type of programming.

    So if you like the Camp Bisco line-up, why not go there instead? Looks good, and it's in N.Y. State?

  10. You're right, the Isalnd does draw tourist dollars and tax $$$ too.

    But I think we are onthe same page, each side needs to give a little.

    The Dock's needs to tone down thier gino parties on thursdays outdoors and in the Summer maybe any day other than Friday Staurday they need to play the music inside only.

    On the other hand the Island residents need to realize that the weekend is party time for everyone and they cannot expect silence when the lights go out all the time.

    Compromise is the name of the game.

  11. it sucks cus i play beach volley ball there every thursday night.. we always have a beer or four after the games..

    but i see the otherside.. the noise from the place echos extremely loud on the island.. so good for them...

    Man, I don't see the other side at all. I mean look , you may live on the island but you are not in the Muskokas. YOu cannot expect serien quiet when you live the biggest metropolis in Canada.

    I live in the club district near several big nightclubs and if I was to complain on a Friday night that the clubs were too loud after 11pm the police would laugh at me. That's the point I choose to live in the city in the core so, I have to deal. That's cool.

    So do the island residents, seriously how loud can it be. It's not like they're living next to it. If I can sleep right next to super club then they should be able to tolerate weekend club noise across a lake.

    You ain't in cottage country!

    Also the island residents want for "quiet time" after 11pm, will put approx 350 people at the Dock's out of work, and stop a source of revenue for our city. Think of how many concerts and club nights bring in lots of tourist $$$ for the city in taxes, hotels and parking.

    So selfish. Move to Gravenhurst already! }:(

  12. This is the problem with Emery. He's a great pot advocate but a total creeper, sexually. I worked in the Marujuana seed industry for 7yrs and had many personal dealings with him and his associates through my work. Many stories were traded between me and his employees and him, himself. While the dude should not be extradidted to the US, his guilty of being a sleeze.

    He used to have a 13yr old girlfirend and he was kicked out of Thiland for unknown reasons. Look anyone kicked out of Thialand had to be doing something very "Gary Glitteresque", as Thialnd is notorious for it's sex trade.

    Bottom line the dude is a perv and didler but a brave pot activist.

    And he's 48 or somehting and she's 21...holy Bill Wyman batman!

  13. 474.jpg

    So John Salmons backed out of the deal. Why? Wonder what his reasons were?

    Anyone know anything?

    I personally think te word is out all around the NBA that Raptors is a good place to ruin your career, so players like Salmons and Alnzo Morning refuse to play here.

  14. [color:blue]What is going on in the Jays club house these days!?

    I don't know what to believe. I hear that Hillenbrand is the problem, then I hear that the manager fo the Jays tried to start a fight with Hillenbrand and challenged him to a scrap in front of the whole team. What's going on?

    Is Sam Mitchell coaching the Jays now or what?!



  15. Here we go again.

    You're so right, I'm just hatin' again. I never recovered from the JYD debacle.

    But I not offically digress (until someone bring it up again).

    Let's all hope this year Raptor's are for real and not just another rebuild to nothing.

    Go Raptors! (I fuckin' hope!)


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