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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Fanatstic! Now even staunch republicans and the political elite in the US judicary system have ahd egnough.

    Now if we can only get Bush, Cheney, Rove & Rumsfeld locked up in that prison or Abu Girab and held without trial for years and tortured, we'd be making progress.

    However I'll settle for a crimnal inditment or a war crimes tribunal.

    Trime to trim the Bush. It's time politically to go from hairy and scary to shaved and brave!

  2. I think it is very telling that the writer of this article was most upset by missing Death Cab For Cutie. Really sounds like he s looking for Lolapalooza part II and is pissed that all the alt-rock shit was not upfront and center for him.

    Jesus fucking crist, enough with the aimless, lifeless alt-rock AND EMO crap. There is egnough of it everywhere you turn, if Bonnaroo goes any further down that road I will most upset.

    This years lineup while solid was good inspite of the deathcab for cutie type emo rock infection.

    This dude should be happy that Bonnaroo is eclectic egnough to include such diverse acts. At the heart of this festival should be bands that improvise, and carry the torch of american music generes such as blues, country etc.....

    .....Let s hoppe this doesnt deteriorate into Edgefest south.

    Keep your boring rock outta my mind expanding jams! }:(

  3. Don't know about the Ottawa show, but here in the T-Dot you can get Clapton tickets for as low as about $50, which is acceptable.

    Also there are some shows from this EC tour posted on sugarmegs.org, they are absolutely smokin', with Derek Trucks in the band kickin' ass.

    Highly recommended...

  4. I gtot mixed emotions. I though Bonner was an excellent bench player' date=' who always played hard and big and could shoot. And he was a fan favorite, a rarity int he T-dot these days..


    Babcock made the mistake of over-paying Bonner because of his personality and image. He learned nothing from the JYD contract debacle.

    Jaimoe, I have to repectfully disagree with the JYD call you made.

    Trading JYD was the single worst decision the Raptors ever made, second only tot he Vince Carter trade. The JYD was a huge presence on D and in the locker room and gabe the team some much needed spirit and hustle. After he left the Raptors fell apart, especially on D. It is no coinsidence. I still say bring back JYD you could get him cheap...

    Perhaps the best bench player they've ever had....

  5. :(:(:(:( [color:navy]Man, that sucks! I loved his playing, real funky otave feel. He also help wirte some of the funkiest anthems of all time. He will be missed. I saw Kool & the Gang in October at Casino Niagra, and they were at the top of thier game. So glad I made that show now..

    R.I.P. Claydes Charles Smith


  6. I gtot mixed emotions. I though Bonner was an excellent bench player, who always played hard and big and could shoot. And he was a fan favorite, a rarity int he T-dot these days..

    ...however unloading, the underachieving and overpaid Eric Williams was a sage move and T.O. cetainly needs a real center.

    let's hope this is it and not another dud...

  7. I can speak as a player in the CanJam scene that without funding this would be nearly impossible.

    It is so hard to tour this counrty due to size and lack of population to support more shows and hence operating capital. This would be a real hurdle.

    I like the idea, but we need either a large operating/travel grant or a way bigger fan base to make this all viable.

    P.S. That's another reason many Can. bands long to go to the US, it makes more sense fiscally.

  8. Hmmm....

    I have to agree with some of what been said here. The jams with Phil were good, the old songs were decent, but the new songs.....very blah..

    ...I lost interest really quick. I mean the lyrics dont grab me at all. The harmonic progressions are very tired and predictable...I mean lets move beyond triads already! And the groove is very minimal and ballady. I hope the new songs are not like these. having said that the playing was decent.

    One other thing, it seemed like more of a Trey, and the Duo set rather than a jam. I liked the super jams in the past when cats would get up play a tune then new players would sub in etc... Just seemed like another set to me.

    Best part was Phil...

    Man I hope Trey and Mike get some inspiration soon, it s all soo predicatble and bland. Questioning if I should buy tickets tot he Toronto show.

    Hmmmmm..... :crazy:

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