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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. I will chime in here too. I have seen much Trey bashing and held my tongue..but I have to agree. I have really lost interest.

    I consider my self a huge Phish fan (having spend tonnes of cash and time seeing 75 shows + from 94-2004) and even post Phish I saw something like 25 trey solo shows in 2002 and beyong...most with his "plasma" big band & Oysterhead. Those shows were awesome and got me hyped.

    But then somehting happened. Not sure what, but I really lost interest. The 70 volt parade doesn't light a fire for me. And I saw him with the Duo at Bonnaroo and that was really hollow for me. It really lacked substance and direction. I thought there were some decent jams and all but Trey's ballads are very tough to stomach these days.

    I listened to "Shine" and was hugely let down. Not that it was bad....just really predictable and boring and the production turned my stomach...so compressed and radio polished.

    Mostly the music bores me now. I know where it's going at every turn, before it gets there. The harmony is really garden variety with simple triads used very predicatably. Seems like he's just not trying to push anymore.

    For the record I thought that many of the songs on Round Room suffered fromt this meadering mid-tempo balldry with the exception of "mexican cousin" and others.)

    What is even wierder is that I have also lost interest in listening to Phish these days?!!! I don't really get that, but it seems I have to make a point of diging through my collection for a choice show and force my self to listen. I don't know why that is. I loved Phish. On the other hand I listen to the Grateful Dead every day and am constanlty downloading live Dead and Jerry shows.i still can't get egnough of them.

    Not sure why this is, but I really could take it or leave Trey at this point. But, I'm not going to write the whole thing off, hopefully Trey will eventually write and play music that gets me excited/engaged and interested again. he certainly is amazingly talented. If not he'll always be on of the best guitar players in the world.

    And I agree with Fluffhead77, Trey is dangerously close to veering into Adult Conteporary mode with some of his sensitive tunes these days. There just isn't any groove.

    I hope something changes...I used to really love Phish. :crazy:

  2. Looks good with much experimental stuff. Mucha harder line up with much rock! (Guns 'n' Roses...c'mon die already!)

    Excellent on the Gnarls Barkley, Mars Volta, Sonicyouth, STS9 & Praxis though...

    Big Up...

    Coheed & Cambria..suprising they're like a new not as craxy Sepultura type of band.

  3. this should go in the 'Who fucking cares' thread.

    I think there should be a whole "who fuckin' cares forum". I agree this type of fodder needs it's proper place.

    I table the motion...anyone to carry?


    By the way do you think Avril rents out the ad space on her booty? Seems the Much Music Video Awards are advertising there. I'd like price quotes I think it would be a very effective way of getting a message across. I thought htis type of on skin advertising was reseved for vegas boxers on TV, but Avril is stepping up her promo game huge.

  4. Yeah right now, I've got a camo tank top, army pants and a grizzled three day growth rockin', so I look a little thuggish for the office enviroment. But that's how I do.

    you are also right any celibacy/no pre-martial sex situation that is made so public is pure PR bullshit to win over the mortal majority and sell more magazies and copys of thier album at Walmart where those people shop.

    Here are some obvious no-sex/vitginity bullshit cases:

    1. Brintey "fuckin'" Speers (we all know justin was hittin' it the Mickewy Mouse club, c'mon!)

    2. Avril Levigne (as it appears given Low Rollers inside scoop)

    3. Morissey (for years this pale faced morose whiner bragged on about how he didn't need sex and wasn't having it. Whatever dude maybe the lack of groobe in all Morissey realted music is directly adherant to booty he wasn't gettin'!.)

    4. Brandy (Before she got kncoked up she was all psuedo gosple and "no one gets the prize before marriage.) Now she's had kids and had it all made into a TV reality show. So much better than premartial sex.

    more as I think of them

  5. Here's a pic of Avril when she used to bang buddy.



    ,,,and now dude from Sum41 is hitchin' up to Low Rollers buddy's sloppy seconds....although I've been know to endluge in the occasional sloppy joe so....and I'm gonna stop right there. :o

    Man this is makin' my day. (it don't take much people..)


  6. I knew the chastity thing was pure PR.

    I think we all know there are only 2 things to do in a Northern Ontario town as a teen.

    1. Fuck 2. Get Fucked up.

    I think it is safe to say Avril is doing both.

    P.S. Your buddy is a star! :o strokin' the Lavine all sexy and mean..Grrrrrrrrr.

    Good news is once she's fully morphed into her Gucci/Prada wearing runway diva self, your buddy can crawl out of the woodwork and write a steamy tell all novel of how he used to bang Avril in his Camero (could it really have been any other car ?...well maybe a monte carlo...). I mean c'mon this novel writes itself. Seem like pure poetry. I bet that dude from Sum 41 is wodering what's up now. I think like the military and gays, with Avril's past it's best "don't ask dont' tell"...hahaha

    Hey Davey Boy I think I found a pocture of your buddy and his Camaro/Avril's rollin stabbin' cabin....?


  7. you're marrying avril lavigne, LR?

    well done sir

    What a minute Davey Boy are you implying that Avril is one of those sexy pop tarts that swears she won't have sex until she's married.

    I hope not. Dude I can't handle a Canadian Britney scenario. the so hot yet so untoucable yet so already touched and stokin' the media all the way to the top...Uggggg

    Besides Avril "just cause you give up don't mean you a slut"!. I think it's more the hooters outfit that's fostering that notion.

  8. [color:purple]Agreed BradM, let's compartmentalize the fuck outta this one so every thing is neat and tidy in an aural sense.

    You are also right it is best to establish your pre-concieved notions at home. See at home it's a safe enviroment to make wildly uniformed decisions. if you wait until you're at the venue to decide what you like you may be swayed by the killer jams and amazing musicianship. And if that happens you may find out you really like something y6ou didn't plan on.

    Let's not have that. Chart out on paper what you will allow yourself to like and hate at home so there is no confusion. Then bring your document to the show to remind yourself how you are suppose to feel.

    Or you could show up, get crunked and have your mind blown by all the hard work and awsome music that will be exploded on your unsuspecting cortex! :/:o:D:D:D:D:D


  9. This is a good read to understand the other side of the coin from the band members point of view. I hope it is accurate and not a save face snow job.

    Either way I feel like crying (and that takes a lot). Almost, every Grateful Dead show featured Vince, as I spent my adolesce in the 90's. He was part of the most important muscial experience in my life. Knowing that he cut his own throat is mindblowing. What a way to go. He must have been in such pain.

    Man....how can it get so bad. I mean I've often batteld depression myself and felt hopeless, but it has never gotten to the point of actually attemtping to kill myself.

    So sad....... :(


  10. 06-07-08_jazz.jpg

    Saturday July 8th

    [color:olive]The Chameleon Project w/[color:orange]What The Thunder Said feat. [color:gray][color:gray]Kae Sun

    @ The Jimmy Jazz, 52 Macdonell Street, Guelph, ON


    What: Next Saturday you're in for a very unique action packed groove-a-thon. [color:olive] The Chameleon Project will roll into the Jimmy Jazz in guelph for a special trio performance, with support from Guelph's own [color:orange]What the Thunder Said feat. hip-hop lyricist [color:grey]KaeSun.

    [color:olive]The Chameleon Project known for it's musical morphing and fearless experimentation, continues these trends, by pairing down to a power trio of bass, guitar, drums and an army of electronics. This new trio format is proving to be a wild and exciting ride that allows for maximum musical freedom and expression. A special performance is on tap indeed.

    [color:orange]What the Thunder Said (WTTS) , are Guelph's hometown progressive rock alchemists, who are also pushing the limits by stepping outside their normal repertoire and teaming up with ultra-talented hip-hop MC [color:gray]KaeSun. WTTS will be transforming into a deadly hip-hop unit, in their own distinctive way, in support of KaeSun for this show.

    Then to end off the evening there will be a special no-holds barred, anything goes jam session featuring members of [color:olive]the Chameleon Project, [color:orange]What the Thunder Said and [color:gray]KaeSun.

    Sound will be bent, grooves will be worked, rhymes will be dropped and feat will most certainly move to the wild, exciting, & improvised music that will fill the Jimmy Jazz on Saturday July 8th.

    Come early stay late, please be our guest.....we promise to blow your mind..........and ours.






    [color:red] Oh yeah and there is no cover.............Sexy! whitebarrymain.jpg

  11. yup, your opinion is definitely your opinion. i guess that's the beauty of bonnaroo, everyone goes to a different festival at the same venue.

    more on the diversity of bonnaroo in my review to be posted tomorrow hopefully.


    Agreed AD. And yes diversity is very important in the Bonnaroo dynamic.

    Look forward to your pending review. :)

  12. Keep your boring rock outta my mind expanding jams! }:(

    Keep your closed mind away from my open mind.

    Correction: I will keep my extreamly critical and selective tastes' date=' when it comes to anything rock oriented, out of your very inclusive and expansive tastes.[/b']

    Look, it's cool if you dig those bands or the whole EMO thing. Whatever. My tastes don't have to be everyones that's for sure. Life would be boring that way.

    And my mind isn't closed at all. It's not like I haven't listened to the albums and live shows of the bands I'm am criticizing. I have. I have taken the time to do my homework so I can make a personal and educated comment.

    It's simply my opinion. And my opinion right now is that the music scene in general in innondated with very similar sounding uninspired rock based fodder. My angst towards it is that it is everywhere and to some degree unavoidable. I mean if you are going to a alt/emo/mainstream contemporary rock show, then cool expect to hear it. Fine, makes sense that's cool.

    I simply hold rock to a very high standard as it is very easily abused and done poorly, most of the time.

    What makes me irriated is when I got to say...a club to hear a breaks DJ or something and halfway through the set he starts playing "Queen's of the Stonege" remixes or the like. Or when I go to a festival founded on left of center bands, and improvisation and many of the headliners are straigh up rock that I can hear on CFNY right now.

    I guess I'm just overdosed on really predictable rock as it permiates everything these days...even new jazz.

    If I want middle of the road rock I'll go for that but I don't like it shoved down my throat a t every turn.

    That's what I'm saying. If I didn't have an open mind I wouldn't even consider any of this, nor would I take the time to know the music, the scene or the player involved and how it is influencing every musical genre it seems.

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